ShaDoOoW, if you are any good at typing faster than you can click, drag, or whatever, try using typed code to accomplish many of the things you want to do. You can supply immediate action code to the gmax console.
Find and open the listener window. It is in the lower left corner by default, or you can F11 to it.
In the pinkish section, or topmost panel shown, you can type something like:
You can also select multiple objects and parent them all to the same object with:
$selection.parent = $NameOfTheParentObject
Unparent them with:
$selection.parent = none
You can also use wildcards. For instance, if I have 3 skin objects, with name prefix skin_ and I want them to be parented to a jig object, I would do something like this:
$skin*.parent = $jig
I make a lot of script for my own objects, especially ones I intend to reuse, reattach to other objects, or ones I may need to shift textures on later. Especially those which stay the same shape, have their vertices in the same order, or are otherwise applying the same texture I may change later.
This code also works when parenting to objects not shown because they have been filtered out or hidden. Say for instance you hide all the bones that go with a skin you are working on, you can still parent skin parts to certain bones if you know their names, and avoid having to hide and show groups to drag at them.
Modifié par MerricksDad, 03 août 2013 - 01:27 .