Here's the bat modified per your suggestion:
set mask="%1*.nss"
CD C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN\\MODULES\\TEMP0
..\\..\\NWNScriptCompiler -1ceglo -n C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN -r . %mask%
CD ..\\..
Here's the output:
C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN>compile fky_
NWNScriptCompiler - built Jun 19 2011 20:13:40
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Skywing.
Portions copyright (C) 2003-2003, Edward T. Smith.
Portions copyright (C) 2003, The Open Knights Consortium.
Loading base game resources...
WARNING: Failed to open .key archive 'C:\\NeverwinterNights\\NWN//xp1patch.key': e
xception 'Failed to open KEY file.'.
Compiling: fky_1heart_hell.NSS
Compiling: fky_1heart_hellb.NSS
Compiling: fky_1heart_wall.NSS
Compiling: fky_3endcmb_arti.NSS
And here's the error it gave at that point, when it went kablooey:
NWScript compiler, disassembler, and analyzer utility for NWN and NWN2 has stopped working
A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.
I'm guessing I'll need to wait for you to add the automatic discovery before using the -1, but I'm posting anyway in case this helps with troubleshooting.