Ah, sure. Shaders make that sort of thing a breeze.
'> If you have any specifics, I can put something together and send over a .cgfx file for you to tweak, but here's the code to tint the screen:
float4 tintColor = { 1.1, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0 }; // format is red, green, blue, alpha. We'll multiply them, so things should be >1 to increase, <1 to decrease. 1 is white, 0 is black.
float4 sceneColor = tex2D(thisFrame, texCoord); // sample the backbuffer
sceneColor *= tintColor; // this changes the colors
return sceneColor; // send it back to the screen
In addition to that, here's a quick patch for the GUI:
It appears to be working correctly, if not, let me know. The mistakes were silly typos, but those always take forever to find (I had it saving the list of
selected items, not the list of
checked items, for example). It should save shaders properly, and the regex has been changed to strip the shaders/ subfolder off the names. You may need to open your config file by hand to correct that (it uses the built-in regex
or whatever is in the config), it should be:
(note: just looking at it, it may not be saving the regex properly. I need to test that after lunch, and I'll upload a fixed copy if it isn't. Until then, try this one)