Nope, not stopped yet. I've been busy and haven't had much time to put into this, but I spent the last few hours tackling the two most obnoxious bugs and think I might have them fixed. Need to tweak some XML-related stuff (TinyXML is being a pain building at the moment), but those issues should mostly be taken care of.
I've also upgraded my dev system to Visual Studio 2010, so I may upgrade NWShader to use the Visual C++ 2010 runtimes. However, those require XP SP3 or better (which everyone
should have, but I know a few people refuse to progress
'>) so I'll probably be building the releases under VC 2008 for a while. The static analysis built into VS2010 is awful nice though, it's pinpointed a half-dozen memory leaks and a few other possible issues that I never would have caught. I ran CppCheck and am looking into setting up regular PreFast (or whatever it is) analysis to make sure the code-base is of the highest possible quality.
Anyway, uploading some updated code to the SVN right now. I'll be doing more on my end in the next few days, then see about releasing an update.
My next goals are shiny water and/or scriptable GUI. Both are definitely possible, but I haven't gotten either to look good yet.
Water will be simple material shaders with high and low quality version available. I'm looking into simple shiny water (specular), with normal-mapped waves (possibly animated) and varying opacity (fresnel and depth fog). Eventually I'd love to add reflection, refraction, shore foam, caustics and dynamic waves, but that'll be a huge undertaking.
GUI will probably be MyGUI (if I can make it work here), which is a fully scriptable, full-featured XML-based GUI toolset. It does need input hooks, so I'll have to take care of that first (have code around here somewhere to handle it). I'll be tying it tightly to the script system and enable both server-to-client commands and client-to-server replies, thanks to some help from Skywing. It'll probably have a basic system for response checking (for example, when the user clicks a button, it'll just send "|nwshader gui click buttonName" to the server as a chat message). It'll be scriptable and dynamic, though, as much as I can make it.
Edit: And I may have missed any posts on the official NWS forums. They had died down a bit and I somehow stopped getting email updates, so I forgot to check them. Been keeping up a goodly chat/email discussion on this though. I got the code back out after Zebranky started sending me patches (guessing it was a hint).
I'll try to check back there and reply to anything I missed.
Also, I've received a fully translated copy of the manual (in Italian) thanks to dark_ansem, so I'll be packaging the next release with complete manual and GUI texts in Italian. If I can find anyone(s) to translate the manual and texts to Spanish, French and German, that would be wonderful. If not, Google will have to do.<><>
Modifié par pkpeachykeen, 07 septembre 2010 - 01:19 .