@Chameleon Skin: I'll make an "old" DoF shader and get that up. Everything I can find still suggests that the code is correct. I'm wondering if it's related to settings. As for the XML, I'm using .Net's built-in XML writing classes.
@chico: Yes, that's the known bug that I am trying to fix. It's not entirely fixed yet, though.
As for the normal-map sample: I have a sample for making skyboxes, which shares a lot of code with normal maps. You simply use a different shader.
The normal-map shader is not yet perfect, but does work in most cases. For Chronepsis, it is "multi.cgfx" for basic normal mapping or "normal_glow_alpha.cgfx" for normal map, glow map and transparency.
The sample here:
with the material file modified will work perfectly. That package will give you an idea of how the system works.
For any more detailed questions, I can answer them here.