There is no way to resist or gain an immunity to dual-damage weapons like morningstar (pierce-bludgeon), halberds/scythes (pierce-slash)... at least not within the vanilla resources. For example, pierce-bludgeon is not a combo of pierce AND bludgeon but rather a distinct damage type, pierce-bludgeon all on its own. This is one reason a scythe is such a devastating weapon in vanilla games... no way to protect against it except via damage reduction.
If you are protected from only one damage type, most creature weapons (re: troll, bears, etc.) will include both claw & bite (IIRC, claw is pierce and bite is slash) so you will probably only escape one of them. If the damage type you are unprotected against happens to crit, then you will notice it a lot more.
Bottom line is: keep checking your combat log to see what is being resisted or ignored and you will get a clue as to the true weaponry of the attacker whether it is an equippable weapon or creature type one. (IIRC, I think slam is bludgeon, BTW).
You should also check with your server admin to find out if the default damage resistance/damage immunity properties have been modified substantially to the point where the vanilla rules no longer apply.
Modifié par HipMaestro, 06 janvier 2012 - 11:37 .