Although it was well-designed and innovative (I particularly enjoyed the starting challenge of being stripped of ones primo gear), I felt it was anti-climactic. Being able to complete the story with no challenge at the end by simply hoarding enough gold to buy Meph's True Name was a let-down for me, personally. It seems inappropriate somehow that the final combat, as easy as it was, could be entirely avoided BY DESIGN.
I agree totally that the economic balance was way out of whack. There is essentially nothing that cannot be obtained even with a poor Appraisal check. Gold = godliness = predictable & boring.
IMO any content's value should rest on its on own accord and not depend on customizations (like TK's AI, for instance) to provide the balance and challenge that should have been designed by the creators in the first place.
As tedious as the first chapter of SoU is/was for me to play through... overall, it is a better-balanced, more-challenging module than HotU. But, in general, the larger the campaign the more difficult it becomes to retain the balancing and immersive qualities so requires much more design effort. SoU's major flaw was that its scope could have been easily expanded to include some linkage between the two expansions, again, IMO. Just too short.
Modifié par HipMaestro, 29 septembre 2011 - 02:20 .