Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35789 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #870 on: April 27, 2011, 07:31:08 am »

               Whew, I was worried for a bit. '<img'>

Funny you should say that, Drima, considering their weapons bond with them according to which one they fall prey to easiest (Benton is easily bent by cruel words and insults, Rikardo envies many things (i.e, Valen and Elizabeth's relationship, his brother, humans in general), and Elizabeth is very prideful and noble, but is easily swayed by lust (You'd thing it'd be Rikardo falling prey to the latter, but nope, it's Liz.)
And you're not the only one making a cameo, either. In a tavern in Sigil, there's a bard named Alexy who sings of love between a Dracolich named Vickie and Bob the Gelenotious Cube, two mercanaries named Tashah and Tank who are drunkenly singing along, and a sorceress who insists on being called D-D talking to herself in the corner while scribbling away on some parchment.
And Rikardo has to hire all four of them to help him. '<img'>
All. FOUR.
-cackles evilly and begins muttering to self about the precious tiefling who she must keeps-

Liz: Hello, gentleman.
Look at your girl.
Now back to me.
Back at your girl.
Now back to me.
Sadly, she isn't me.
But if she stopped acting like a wimp and Took a Level in Bad@ss she could smell like me.
Look down.
Back up.
Where are you?
You're in the Underdark,
with the girl your girl could smell like.
What's in your hand?
Back at me.
I just placed a bag of rothe droppings there.
Look again.
The droppings are now chocolate!
Anything is possible when your woman smells like a bad@ss and not like the Chick.
I'm on a tiefling.*
Da doo doo de doo doo da de doo~

-had too much sugar. Doesn't care-

*That was meant to inflict dirty thoughts, girls. You're not the only one thinking it. Hehe... >)


                     Modifié par Deliciously-Demonic, 27 avril 2011 - 06:46 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #871 on: April 27, 2011, 08:36:18 am »

               *Having hysterics* LOL, Can't. Breathe!

You crack me up DD.

On a Tiefling......Mmmmmmmm.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #872 on: April 27, 2011, 12:42:35 pm »

               . . . (my head fell off because of too much laughter xD)


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #873 on: April 27, 2011, 07:12:00 pm »

               Drima: *hands you your head*

D-D: On a Tiefling? ...I'm glad it was intentionally dirty, or I'd feel like a pervert right now. ^^;

Also, yay for my strange crack pairing! VickyxSquorg OTP. *goes off to find an awesome tiefling/elf*


                     Modifié par Meeszy Alexy, 27 avril 2011 - 06:15 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #874 on: April 27, 2011, 08:39:22 pm »

               Rikardo tried to do a OT3 with Valen and Elizabeth.
It didn't end well.
For him, anyhow.

"Hey, I'm looking fo some mercanaries." Rikardo said to the bartender. "They call themselves the PTFs."
Everything grew veeeey quiet, and suddenly a hand was on his shoulder. The bard from earlier, who had been singing the weird ballad about the Dracolich and something called Bobby Squorg, was gripping it tightly.
"You're looking for the PTFs?" she asked carefully.
"Yeah, someone said they could help me."
"We might be able to. What do you want?"
"I need to beak into the Fighting Arena on Dis to save a friend of mine."
"Hehe, break into the Arena? Why not, we haven't done anything mad in a while. Come with me, I'll get the others."
And so he followed the bard as she grabbed the two drunks who'd been singing along to her crazy song, and the sorceress in the corner who'd been talking to herself.
"I'm Alexy," the bard said. "These two are Tank and Tash, and the nutter there is called D-D."
"I'm not a nutter!" the sorceress objected fiercely. "I'm only half-mad!"
"Half-mad, nutter, tomato, tomahto." Alexy waved her hand dismissivley.
"Girls, this lovely man wants our help breaking into the Arena on Dis."
"A Baatezu fighting arena? Are you all barking mad?" D-D cried.
"You're the one who talks to herself." Tank mumbled.
"That's low, Tank. See if I ever cure your hangovers again."
"D-D, you need to boost Tash and Tank or we can't do this job."
"Fine!" the sorceress muttered some words and the two drunks miraclulously sobered.
"Can you teach me that?" Rikardo asked.
"No. I never give out spells I create." D-D said simply. "People'll just think I'm even more insane. Which I'm not! The only insane this I've ever done is stay with this group of wackjobs."
"You're the mad one, not us." Alexy objected.
"You wrote a balled about love between a Dracolich and a cube made of jello! Tank thinks she can see the future! Tash frequently hears voices in her head!"
" talk to yourself!" the bard snapped.
"Can we just go?"




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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #875 on: April 27, 2011, 09:50:40 pm »

Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

"You wrote a balled about love between a Dracolich and a cube made of jello! Tank thinks she can see the future! Tash frequently hears voices in her head!"
" talk to yourself!" the bard snapped.

Really, madness is fun D-D! I know from experience! ':wizard:'

Edit: Oh! Top of the page! 8D
I lack new Valen pics D8
Oh, look, SHIRTLESSNESS YUM! '<img'>


                     Modifié par Drima, 27 avril 2011 - 08:59 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #876 on: April 27, 2011, 11:23:53 pm »


After owning BG2 for around a month and only playing it half-way through (I uninstalled to play DA2) I realized something.
I never installed the Valen BG2 mod. D:
I had wanted to play through without mods first...but then I got DA2 and I was out of memory poo

Help me decide, people, should I uninstall DA2 and play BG2 with the Valen mod, or just wait until my mother buys our gaming computer like she promised she would?


Legacy_Aldatariel Calentaur

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #877 on: April 28, 2011, 12:34:25 am »

               I have been playing HotU about three dozen times or so. I also have been playing ADwR (part 1 only) more often than it would do anything good to me.

The following lines are nothing more than the result if ... well, yes, if an old Valen fangirl is playing ADwR way too often (due to the rules of this forum, there will be no adult scenes at all, sorry for that, ;-))

Valen looks at me, his huge blue eyes wearing the same expression as always.

"Aren't we supposed to be at the same side?," I spit out, turning my head away.

"If it weren't for the Seer ..." Petting his heavy flail, Valen salutes, mocking me. I know well enough that he hates me. Yes, if it weren't for the Seer, he probably would kill me.

"I have told you more than once that I don't like your attitude, tiefling.So leave me be or I'll ..."

Valen just looks at me, I can't get rid of the feeling that he's staring.

"Stop this! And now tell me how to find our way in this place called the Underdark. It's not  my fault after all, I just wanted to help the people of Waterdeep, when ... wait. That's none of your business. Stick your most private part where the sun never shines ..." I don't mention the one hundred thousand gold, of course.

Valen shots an angry glare at me. "If it weren't for the Seer ..."

I groan. Oh no, not again! Stupid tiefling! Unfortunately, I need him, he's so good at fighting. He's very strong, too.

"Why, in the Nine Hells are you here anyway,Aislynn? I never believed in the Seer's visions. You, however, make me doubt them even more."

"If you had grown up as the daughter of a rich noble in Arabel, you wouldn't ask. So boring ..."

"So we are lost. I should have known that. The Valsharess ..."

"Don't say that, handsome."

Valen, taken aback, seems to have lost his ability to speak. Luckily so.

"Yes, you are handsome. Your red hair, your horns, your tail ... so cute. If you had some manners, I even ... never mind."

Valen just stands there, eyes wide open. So this is how I meet my end. I'm not entirely sure if it was worth it, but ... yes, it was. There's something about this guy I just can't ignore any longer.

As I have given up writing months ago it's about time to stop.

Aislynn was my first PnP character ever, twenty years ago or so, a chaotic neutral thief with a strength of 6.
After that, I always played chaotic good characters. Rangers or rogues are my favorites. Well, my ugly dwarven priestess was neutral good as far as I remember ... maybe it's about time to play HotU once more as Orlanda? She's a lawful evil sorceress. Last time I even managed to keep her alignment, I just wasn't able to be mean to Valen. Stupid tiefling!



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« Reply #878 on: April 28, 2011, 01:07:14 am »

               That's awesome, A.C! At one point I wanted to write an ADwR A.U with Valen in it, but...the idea kinda died. xD

I do plan to write a post-HotU story where the Hero of Waterdeep, Marrick Pendragon, takes his new best friend, Valen, and his lover, Nathyrra, to meet his family...that's when they find out he's a prince. Did I mention he has a little sister, the beloved Princess Anja?
I also plan to write about Meriana Sweetberry and how she corrupts Valen after taking over Cania with Mephistopheles as her lackey, hurrhurr.
Yes their last name is Pendragon. I watch too much Merlin. xD


Legacy_Aldatariel Calentaur

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« Reply #879 on: April 28, 2011, 01:55:55 am »

               Feel free to use everything I ever post here for one of your fics. As I already said, I more or less have given up writing fanfiction. That poem about Sand I'm working on ... was a request, I just failed my saving throw against persuade. The stuff I'm uploading at is some old crap, nothing more.

I'm just glad that Valen has forgiven me.

(Yeah, Tony Blake and Caron. Love them. Not to mention Tarno Gordan (mine!) )



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« Reply #880 on: April 28, 2011, 02:51:03 am »

               I love Tony, too. '<img'>

Er...that angsty snippet I posted that I said isn't canon?
Here's the official version, heavily inspired by the Valen Mod on P&T.

"...people will always hate me because of my blood, and...Eizabeth, I..." Valen sighed, watching her with distress. "I believe it best if we parted ways."
Her eyes widened, and she took a step back, staring with disbelief.
"What? No!! You can't..."
"If I stay, you will only get hurt, perhaps even killed. I love you too much to let that happen."
Her eyes narrowed. "You need to stop being so hung up about your demonic blood! You're a tiefling; get over it. Protect me from your stupid self-lothing if you want to protect me, Valen!"
He glared coldy at her. "I cannot simply 'Get over it,' my lady. My heritage will always be a problem." his gaze turned sad, and he looked away. "I thought you were the woman I could turn to."
"And I believed you were the man that would stay by my side till his last breath." she said softly. "It appears that we were both wrong."
"Elizabeth, I cannot stay by your side if all it will do is draw danger to you. More danger." he amended hastily.
Her eyes watery, she suddenly moved forward, grabbing him by the horns and kissing him.
"Please don't leave me," she whispered, voice cracking. "Not you too. Please. We can go somewhere, somewhere where no one can find us, no one can bother us. Please."
He felt his heart grow heavier. Elizabeth never begged; she was far too proud for that. But here she was, nearly sobbing, pleading for him to stay.
"Elizabeth..." he took her hands in his, her small, scarred hands, worn from years of fighting with blade and bow. "I would love nothing more, but-"
"Then lets do that!" she said earnestly, reaching up and kissing him again. Valen quickly gave into her affections, passionately returning her kiss. His tail snaked up her leg and squeezed her thigh.
"I will do anything for you, Elizabeth."
"They stay for me, mi amor. Stay with me." she begged, tears beginning to fall.

"Please, mi amor"



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« Reply #881 on: April 28, 2011, 05:12:03 am »

               D-D: Look what you did! I started crying D< That piece is lovely though.
 To answer your question, that depends. If you completed DA2, you can uninstall it and eventually install it again if BG with mods wouldn't be so much fun.

Aldatariel: Nice! It's good to see a HotU character that isn't nice, but so badass ':lol:' I didn't knew you were a writer!

The thought that this thread has so many writers (or lurking artists, who knows) gave me an idea. What about Valen Theme Challenge? A week long time to do, three themes to choose from, free-form?



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« Reply #882 on: April 28, 2011, 06:33:20 am »

               Like the Fenris Prompt challenge? I could host it via the Valen Fanclub on dA! I've actually considered that a while back (I think I suggested it at one point, too), but it'd be great to do it! '<img'> maybe start it on Friday or Saturday?

Random thought; if we show our undying Fanaticism for you think BioWare might consider a remake? Just a thought...

Now, D-D needs her beauty sleep. Hopefully, she'll have new art to flaunt by Saturday. '<img'> goodnight you perverted tiefling fanciers, you queens of insanity.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #883 on: April 28, 2011, 09:31:35 am »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

"You wrote a balled about love between a Dracolich and a cube made of jello! Tank thinks she can see the future! Tash frequently hears voices in her head!"
" talk to yourself!" the bard snapped.
"Can we just go?"

Damn Straight!

One of my fave crazy quotes is "You're just jealous because the voices talk to ME!"

Though a lot of the time the voices are plot bunnies (sometimes allied with Desire Demons) right now they want a DAII crack-fic....

Can you hear them?'Image



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« Reply #884 on: April 28, 2011, 01:22:23 pm »

               Tash, no they are talking just to you. I have my own, telling me to do things while I should be studying xD

D-D, Yes, doing a challenge at dA may be a good idea! But I think the timeline should be from Sunday 00.00 to Sunday 00.00 next week and themes should be released in Saturday. I even have few to choose from 8D
Voices in the head

Seriously, people, you were a great inspiration to these three xD