Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35787 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #855 on: April 25, 2011, 12:48:19 pm »

               Darl, I want The Ranger's Tale update on FFN, pretty please.

*Start suffering from D-D withdraw.*



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #856 on: April 25, 2011, 04:20:29 pm »

               I've been trying to write it, but I think I'll have to start this next chapter over. My muse is beng finicky again. I should probaby blackout from video games for a bit...but Valen! Fenris! Alistair! D: I can't abandon my boys!

-facedesk- I fail my willsaves every time...and I fail them harder then Merill fails her Cunning checks.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #857 on: April 25, 2011, 10:48:54 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

I've been trying to write it, but I think I'll have to start this next chapter over. My muse is beng finicky again. I should probaby blackout from video games for a bit...but Valen! Fenris! Alistair! D: I can't abandon my boys!

-facedesk- I fail my willsaves every time...and I fail them harder then Merill fails her Cunning checks.

You will need to run a schedule like I am. Monday night game night, Tuesday night writing night, etc.




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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #858 on: April 26, 2011, 10:48:09 am »

               Angst, teh delicious angaaaaaast. (Not necassarilly canon...)

He left me. He had left me. Just like they all did. They always leave me.
Valen ran past Rikardo and Deekin's table, a distraught look on his face, and sobs could be heard from the room he'd just left.
Why, mommy? Why do they always leave me?
Rikardo would know those sobs anywhere. He quickly ran to the room to see Elizabeth bawling like a child on the side of the bed.
What's wrong with me, mommy? Why doesn't he love me like he said he did? Am I a monster, mommy? Is that why?
"Gods, Elizabeth, what happened?" Rikardo asked softly, embracing his old friend comfortingly.
"Valen," she managed between sobs. "Left. He just...left!" she cried harder, becoming incoherant. The aasimar snarled to himself, then jumped up to pursue the tiefling.
Why mommy? Why do they do this? Why am I a monster? Why am I unlovable to them?
Rikardo halted Valen by brutally smashing his fist into the taller man's face.
"What the Hells, tiefling?!" Rik growled. "You swore to me you wouldn't hurt her! You swore you would protect her!"
"That's what I'm doing..." Valen said quietly.
"No, it's not! You're abandoning her! You know something, tiefling? Every man she's ever been with has run out on her just like this!" he laughed hollowly. "I guess it's true what they say...the more things change, the more they stay the same. Don't bother coming back, Valen. You try, and I will kick your *ss three ways from Sunday. Got that?" the aasimar made a rude gesture at him, and retreated back to comfort Elizabeth.
Why did my tiefling leave me, mommy? I never got to tell him our good news...and now Brother's scared him off for good. I'm scared, mommy. I want my tiefling back.

Er...D-D's having bad moodswings that induce odd, au angst? Not really INaH canon, but...yeah. It could easily happen. Then Liz magically snaps out of her depression, tracks Valen down and hauls his arse back, lol.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #859 on: April 26, 2011, 10:53:37 am »

               Woah....Nice DD!

Angst Muffins for all! *hands around delicious Angst Muffins*



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #860 on: April 26, 2011, 01:04:04 pm »

               -munches on muffins- Yes, angst is delicious!


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #861 on: April 26, 2011, 06:58:08 pm »

               Angst is delicious. There is a reason why I love it, even if it does make me cry. That's why my current story has a truckload of it.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #862 on: April 26, 2011, 07:13:57 pm »

               I live for Angst. It's a drug to me. Maybe because I write it best next to fluff. '<img'>
I've come up with a schedule like Tanky suggested, and hopefully my muse will cooperate. xD

Oh. My. Gods.
I just came up with an awesome idea;
DA2, but in...modern-like times. No guns or anything (since I hate guns. >_>) only the weapons they have in-game, but...MODERN.
I can do it to NWN, too.
-adds this to list of things to write about-


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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« Reply #863 on: April 26, 2011, 07:52:42 pm »

               ^ You're lucky - you're a mine of ideas, whereas it seems to take me forever to get mine. ^^;



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« Reply #864 on: April 26, 2011, 08:03:41 pm »

               I consider it Cursed by Awesome. It's great I get a lot of ideas...not so great when I'm trying to stick to a certain story. :/


Legacy_Aldatariel Calentaur

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #865 on: April 26, 2011, 08:17:28 pm »

               How right you are, DD!

It's hard to stick to one project (could be a mod, story or poem) when you get inspired all the time *and* are moody ...

Maybe I shouldn't have cheated on Valen ... just to get back on topic.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #866 on: April 26, 2011, 08:57:55 pm »

               Plot bunnies hopping all over the place >.>

-pulls out bow- Valen, dear, would you like rabbit for dinner? >3



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #867 on: April 27, 2011, 02:42:21 am »

               I was thinking about the fact that I named Elizabeth's shortswords Pride and Desire, and Rikardo's dagger Envy, after the three Deadly Sins I consider the most evil, and I came up with a legend that ties into them.

Legend tells that Ynac, Uin Baubmac deity of war, demons and justice, forged seven weapons for his favored paladins. However, his holy warriors were corrupted by the power, and turned to blackguards of Ynac's most hated rival, Yhtanc, god of vengeance, devils and hate. The fallen paladins raged war on those of good, and against them rose six rebels, who eventually slew the blackguards and returned their cursed weapons, named after the Seven Deadly Sins, to the Gods. In hopes that those worthy of weilding them without malice and evil in their hearts would one day find the weapons, Ynac scattered them across the planes, knowing that fate would one day bring them to their masters, and their masters together, praying that they would use them for good.
The weapons are;
A Greatsword called Wrath, weilded by Benton (Rikardo's brother), a war-axe called Greed, weilded by a tiefling named Drigo, a longsword called Sloth, weilded by Drigo's twin sister, a tiefling named Drima, the dagger, Envy, weilded by Rikardo, a heavy flail called Gluttony weilded by a Uin Baubmacian girl named Auddrie, and the twin shortswords Pride and Desire, weilded by the one and only Elizabeth.

Legend and fate decree that these six do-gooders who mastered these godly weapons shall one day all meet, and prove to Ynac if they will use their powers for Good...or for Evil.

So, whatcha guys think? Craptastic, or did D-D have an Utter Stroke of Brilliance? '<img'>



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« Reply #868 on: April 27, 2011, 04:52:59 am »

               D-D is just very bored, that's all. '<img'>

Drima. Sloth. :I
...You have no idea how right you are. xDDDDDDDDD



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #869 on: April 27, 2011, 06:36:11 am »

               I'm gonna go with stroke of brilliance DD - That's a really cool codex entry!