Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35792 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #840 on: April 21, 2011, 02:19:48 am »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

I...ah...have no access to the DA2 forums. xD No idea where my registration code is, either. I tend to lose things like that. Easily. If it wasn't attached, I'd lose my ass...among other things.

Writing three more Valen flirts. '<img'>

'ImageBut But, BUT!!!! HOW WILL WE SURVIVE WITHOUT OUR DD??????????? 'Image*Sob*

I dunno about PC but the reg code is on the box for 360.

Woot! More Valen!

*Snicker* Genderbending...Always good for smut and LOL's.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #841 on: April 21, 2011, 03:54:00 am »

               Well, I'm looking for it. -shrugs; wonders if she qualifies to become a deity-

Gender-bending is a past-time of mine; when I'm not writing, gaming or trolling, I'm drawing random characters as the opposite gender.
I've decided to sum up Rik and Nathyrra's relationship in this one dialogue:
Rikardo: B*tch.
Nathyrra: Man-wh*re.
Rikardo: Woman-wh*re.
Nathyrra: That makes no sense.
Rikardo: Your...face...makes no sense!
Nathyrra: Wha?
Rkardo: heard me! B*tch!
Nathyrra: Man-wh*re!

It's a vicious cycle. Occasionally they'll have their fluffy moments. But for the most part, they're like children. Mostly because Rikardo has no idea how to handle his feelings for Nathyrra because all his relationships with woman (save for Liz) have been purely sexual. And his lack of knowledge in that department irritates Nathyrra, making her rather b*tchy.
Playing DA2 again after beating HotU...again...and my Sarcastic/Charming Rikardo Hawke (No coincedence, I swear! -is lying-) is awesomesauce to play...especially his romance with Merill (high five, D-D romanced someone other then Fenris!) And I've been inspired!
-Walking to Zovak'mur-
Slavers: I'll bet them mindflyer's'd pay lots for these here...specially the pretty little lass there. Such nice skin.
Rikardo: Trust me, you don't want us as slaves. Deekin talks far too much, Elizabeth and Valen are broody, Nathyrra is a pain in the arse... -slits lead slaver's throat with dagger- oh, and I do that.

And another!

-runs up to guards in Drearing's Deep-
Rik: Quick! There's a fire on the other side of the temple! It needs to be put out, soon!
Guard 1: A fire?
Rik: Yes! Don't you hear the screaming? Are you deaf, man?!
Guard 2: I don't hear anything...
Guard 1: A fire could endanger the temple! We've got to check it out!
Liz: But there's not really a fire, is there?
Rik: -sighs- No, Elizabeth. It's a trick.
Liz: Oh. Well, that's very clever then.

Liz failed. (she's got extremely low WIS...but high CHA, STR and CON to make up for it. xD)
-goes back to DA2-



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #842 on: April 21, 2011, 06:54:50 am »

               xDDDDD The last one was from DA2, yes? I hated Merrill for being such a ****** xD
Rik and Nat have LOUD relationship xDDDD



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #843 on: April 21, 2011, 07:18:22 am »


Tashash wrote...

DD! Why is this not in the Fenris thread? Tanky was a bad bad woman and made NWN X DAII a prompt!

Anyway - I LOL'd, long and hard. Love you crazy.

Am I now? ':devil:'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #844 on: April 21, 2011, 07:48:22 am »

               D-D has an evil idea

Elizabeth opened the door slowly, Valen following closely. Liz rushed to the bedside; Rikardo was a mess. His feathery silver hair hadn't been brushed in a while, he wore dirty clothes, and he seemed paler then usual; which was definitely saying something. He smelled as if he hadn't bathed in a while, too.
"Rik?" Elizabeth murmured soothingly, placing a hand gently on the aasimar's shoulder.
"What do you want?" he snapped, pale white eyes full of anger.
"We heard about what happened." Liz tightened her grip ever so slightly, he breath hitching. "I never thought she'd do something like that."
"Well...she did. And she's gone. I never have to see that b*tch again." Rik laughed, but it was empty; when he did so, Liz caught the smell of rum on his breath.
"We're here for you, Rik. Nathyrra may be gone, but we're here."
"Why should I care?"
Liz sighed; she knew too well the symptoms of heartbreak. "We're your friend, Rikardo."
"That's what you think? Please." the man snorted, pupil-less eyes turning to the rum bottle on his bedside table. "All you are to me are henchmen."
"Rik, you know you don't mean that."
"You're so naive, Terry." Liz flinched at the use of her surname. "I've never cared about you. All those little 'speeches' I gave you? Those dumb pep-talks. Morale. Our mission would fail if you idiots had no moral. So I pretended to give a damn, and guess what; it worked."
"Rik, you know you don't mean that-"
"Stop assuming you know me, Terry. Now pike off, you stupid wh*re."
"You will *not* speak to her like that, celestial!" Valen snarled, glaring at the man.
"F*ck you, demonspawn." Rik sneered. "Get the hells out of my room before I force you out."
Liz shakily stood to her feet, tears staining her cheek.
"You called me sister..." she murmured.
"I said get out, wh*re." he growled. Liz sobbed and ran from the room; Valen narrowed his eyes.
"If you *dare* treat Elizabeth like that again, I'll kill you, Rikardo." and then he left the room.

Liz simply cried, unbelievably hurt.



Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #845 on: April 21, 2011, 04:36:53 pm »

               Rikardo, what happened? :C Is this a Heroic BSOD or something? Please say it is.



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« Reply #846 on: April 21, 2011, 07:38:04 pm »

               Indeed, indeed, he is suffering from the BSOD. :/ He's upset because of what Nathyrra did (free to make your own assumptions, dearies, cause I'm not telling) and therefore is putting up a Jerk*ss Facade. He wants his friends to hate him before he does what he's planning on doing (again, free to make assumptions; I'm not telling.) '<img'>
Valen will set him straight, don't worry; they're total bros, though they'd never admit it.



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« Reply #847 on: April 23, 2011, 05:40:53 am »

               FINALLY new Valen art!':wizard:'

by DarkMoonRabbit

':lol:' Not what I would do if I had Valen alone with me, but... '<img'>


                     Modifié par Drima, 23 avril 2011 - 06:23 .


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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« Reply #848 on: April 23, 2011, 08:42:44 pm »

               ^ Awww. I would personally just pet him.



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« Reply #849 on: April 23, 2011, 09:11:03 pm »

               Pet him. That is a good phrase. ':devil:'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #850 on: April 23, 2011, 10:45:47 pm »

               Naughty Drima (D-D fully agrees)!

I'm curious, how many people have evil playthroughs? I have three, Aedan Gartho (Neutral Evil half-elf who turned Lawful Good thanks to Valen and Nathyrra's positive influence), Serene Charmane (Lawful Evil tiefling who Valen helped turn Chaotic Good through the influence of love. xD) and Mariana Sweetberry (Chaotic Evil human barbarian who took over Cania, fell in love with and corrupted Valen (she turned him to teh Dark Side) and enslaved Aribeth, Nathyrra and Mephistopheles. Deekin followed his Boss willingly, though he never agreed with her cruelty).
I blame Valen for the fact that two of my evil characters turned good. Mariana only stayed evil because I told myself she turned Valen into a Chaotic Evil character. It's like the Love Makes You Evil trope...but not quite. -rolls eyes-



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #851 on: April 24, 2011, 07:25:57 am »

               I once tried to have a Neutral Evil character, but she turned into disgustingly Lawful Good-y two shoes ._. Now I just try to keep my charas in Chaotic Neutral.
Heh, if I counted all of my characters and described them in here I don't think anyone would read that wall of text xD I can populate the whole new reality with them xDDDD


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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« Reply #852 on: April 24, 2011, 09:36:55 am »

               I have one evil-aligned character - Rhaine Steel. She was originally Neutral Evil, but she turned Chaotic because I always end up playing Chaotic-aligned characters somehow. She didn't romance Valen - in fact, they both hated each other - and Valen betrayed her willingly for the greater good. Only Deekin remained loyal to her, but Rhaine had a soft spot for Deekin. (I just couldn't be mean to Deekin. Being mean to Valen crushed my heart enough without kicking Deekin. It's like kicking a puppy...)



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #853 on: April 24, 2011, 03:24:10 pm »

               Heh, my list of NWN characters is currently my highest list (excluding my pen-and-paper D&D and my RPG sites). And I write character studies for most of them. Plus biographies. I could make a Deliciously-Demonic wiki. xD

I think playing an evil protaganist is refreshing. For once, the Hero/Heroine isn't interested in the Greater Good; they're selfish, cruel, and sometimes possibly worse the the Big Bad himself. I can complete Chapter One of HotU as an evil character...but not the last two. Blame Valen. Stupid sexy tiefling...
I suppose Valen would wonder why he loves Meriana when he hates everything about her and everything she stands for. Possibly, he would ask her why she's evil. Maybe even try to redeem her, 'show her the err of her ways.' Love Redeems, right? Well, not in my fantasy, kiddos. Sorry. He falls quickly prey to Mer's charismatic corruption and is soon no longer the Valen we know and love.

And I'm babbling, aren't I. xD Damn Easter Sunday. Plus I woke up to Ke$ha's Tic Tok.
Wake up in the morning, feelin' extra sh!tty.
What, that's not how it goes?'s how I hear it. -rolls eyes- At least it wasn't Brittany Spears. -radio station suddenly turns to Brittany Spears- Goddammit, I need to stop Tempting Fate.
And maybe stop reading TVTropes so much...
I'm going to shut up now before I say something really stupid.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #854 on: April 25, 2011, 05:09:17 am »

               I'm bored, so...
How Rikardo and Elizabeth met
He was watching the fire, when a sudden shriek rang out; from a woman, and a young one. Quickly, the sorcerer and the bard ran to the origin of the scream.

A scrawny, short little thing, who looked no older then 15, in mismatched leathers, with two badly-balanced shortswords, but a very impressive (and likely stolen, he thought) shortbow strapped to her. She parried an incoming axe-head, swung at her from...
Rik groaned. Orcs. Twelve of them. How he loathed the creatures. But he had to help, or the girl would die.

He flung a fireball at random, taking out two of the orcs and incapacitating a third. Deekin quickly dispatched it with a bolt to the head, leaving nine.

The girl caught Rik's eye, and gave him a thankful nod; then she suddenly let loose a whirlwind attack, slitting two throats and opening a gash in two chests. The orcs surrounding her fell, leaving five, which were killed with another fireball, a few bolts, and a spring attack from the girl.

When they were dead, the girl grinned at them.
"You really shouldn't drop your weapons," she said, tightening her grip on the hilts of her blades.
"We just helped you! Would you really attack us?" Rik protested.
"No. But there are others who would." she sniffed a bit, before standing up. "My name is Amewypadr." she said. "But since no one on this backwater plane can pronounce it to save their life, call me Elizabeth."
Rikardo smirked, leering at her. She wasn't bad, with a slight figure, chocolate brown hair, large moss green eyes and a lot of curves.
"I'm looking for a man named Rikardo. Know where I can find him?"
"Why?" he asked warily.
"To send word from his brother, and to join him."
"You came from Neverwinter?"
His eyes widened; she had escaped the quarantine. This girl screamed 'bad-*ss mofo' He liked it.

(I haven't played SoU past Deekin, so be gentle, please.)
Rik's bro is Benton, Hero of Neverwinter, and he is bad-*ss redefined. But he's an Off-Screen Bad-*ss for the most part.