Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35799 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #750 on: March 26, 2011, 07:12:47 pm »

               You's is very welcome, Drima. '<img'>

The feminist part of me hates how little respect the princess gets. '-_-' I seriously want to kick some of the people who talk to me because of what they say. I accidentally clicked on a Commoner once and he said something along the lines of 'get lost, wh0re!' I just stood there for a second, shocked, just thinking...really?! WTF did I do to you?
I also hate the clothing sometimes. It's illogical for armor that small to give that much protection. Though the thongs? Hilarious. -snicker-
I suppose it's even creepier for me because I made my princess Raven 15. o_o


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #751 on: March 26, 2011, 08:03:41 pm »

               Oh god, I know exactly what you mean, D-D. It almost made me quit the game because it annoyed me so much.

The clothing annoys me too, but it is funny as hell seeing her go out in pretty much just a chainmail bikini. I keep expecting her to get splattered.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #752 on: March 26, 2011, 08:43:50 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

You's is very welcome, Drima. '<img'>

The feminist part of me hates how little respect the princess gets. '-_-' I seriously want to kick some of the people who talk to me because of what they say. I accidentally clicked on a Commoner once and he said something along the lines of 'get lost, wh0re!' I just stood there for a second, shocked, just thinking...really?! WTF did I do to you?
I also hate the clothing sometimes. It's illogical for armor that small to give that much protection. Though the thongs? Hilarious. -snicker-
I suppose it's even creepier for me because I made my princess Raven 15. o_o

I actually think Valine intended for the main character to be around 16-17, so 15 really isn't too far off. 'Image


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #753 on: March 26, 2011, 08:53:29 pm »

               ^ And my Lawful Good Girl just turned 18 in my game, so... sweet, I'm not far off.

Also, because this thread is about Valen... well, I was raking about in my DA favourites, and found this: http://ceruleanvii.d...on-II-150800449

The resemblance to this demon and Valen is rather spooky. '<img'>



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #754 on: March 26, 2011, 10:08:15 pm »

               VALEN! '<img'> -freaks out-

is it wrong that I suddenly want Valen in ADWR? Can you imagine the awesomeness? THE AWESOMENESS.

Of course he'd probably end up being annoying like all the other good characters in ADWR...but the AWESOMENESS!!!!!1!!!eleven!!


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #755 on: March 26, 2011, 10:37:56 pm »

               Not at all! I want him in ADWR too! He's an excellent example of a good-aligned character that is actually fun to be with and is not Stupid Good. Even better if he was romancible in that game... if you know what I mean. ;D

And then there's the interactions in that game, especially with Anden and Vico! I really want to know what Valen would say to those two... somehow, I don't see him getting along with either. Anden would get on his nerves, and he'd have no respect for Vico, especially if Vico was acting all jerky to the Princess. Because Valen's a gentleman that can smash people's faces in. '<3'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #756 on: March 27, 2011, 03:25:43 am »

               Ooh, I have ideas for a fic where Valen is in ADWR! ':lol:' Basically he's out looking for the Hero of Waterdeep at the request of the Seer, but gets trapped in the city when the Dhorn take over. He interacts with the Princess in nearly every Lesson, and then offers to help protect her when he accidentally learns she's royalty.

':wub:' Oh I can see it now...Valen trying his hardest not to stare at the Princess' ass when she's wearing that skimpy armor...Vico groping the Princess and Valen smashing his face in for it...Valen telling Anden that's generally a nice kid, but he's an idiot (in a more eloquent way, of course)...maybe Pia confusing him for a bard because of his formality, and him saying he once knew a bard when he traveled in the Underdark and that the bard published two books, then pausing and telling Pia that she reminds him of Deekin (obviously saying she annoys him). I also suppose he'd defend the Princess' honor if more Commoners call her a wh0re. '-_-' Even if it’s...uh...completely true.

Imagine Valen helping the Princess and calling her 'my lady' making her all paranoid and go 'oh crap he knows?!' And of course the more sl*tty princesses can offer him a 'special favor' as thanks for him helping her. >=3
Someone needs to make a Valen Mod for ADWR as soon as possible. A mod for a mod; isn’t that something... 
EDIT because DD can't spell. ':wizard:'


                     Modifié par Deliciously-Demonic, 27 mars 2011 - 05:04 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #757 on: March 27, 2011, 05:52:17 am »

               Eek, putting Valen and Vico together is just asking for a fight. An epic fight that I would pay to see, of course. '<img'>


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #758 on: March 27, 2011, 01:05:41 pm »

               Valen would be so much fun in ADWR, but I'd be useless at writing him in. I write him better as the deadpan snarker and cranky tiefling, not as the romantic.

Also, I want to see Valen's reaction to the Princess offering him a "special favour". His head may or may not explode.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #759 on: March 27, 2011, 04:51:28 pm »

               -adds a Valen ADWR mod to her list of things to do-

He'd probably have grown more use to that kind of talk (He *did* live among drow. xD) but he'd probably blush a bit and mumble something about how that's 'inappropriate.' I'll bet Vico would taunt him about it if it ever came up, too. xD

How would a romance progress, though?


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #760 on: March 27, 2011, 07:29:52 pm »

               It'd be difficult, but it depends on where he starts, really. He'll have the convos from HotU - about Grimash't and Sigil and so on - but there will have to be additional ones about what happened in HotU, and why he's in Betancuria/wherever, as well as the usual ADWR flirt stuff. He'll have to have plenty of henchie interaction as well though, and lots of flirts to be more like a ADWR henchie.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #761 on: March 28, 2011, 04:32:05 am »

               New dialogue. '<img'>
[PC] - You idly notice the long scar that decorates Elizabeth's face. The scar is jagged, and reaches from the bridge of her nose to the left side of her jaw.
[PC] - How did you get that scar on your face?
[PC] - Say nothing [END DIALOGUE]
[Liz] - The girl stiffens and eyes you warily. "Heh, such a tale is not one little ones should hear whilst traveling the Underdark, .
[PC] - I would like to hear it. 1.1
[PC] - You're hiding something. Spit it out. 1.1
[PC] - If you're sure... 2.1
2.1 - [Liz] - Elizabeth smiles grimly. "Quite." Then she turns away without another word. [END DIALOGUE]
1.1 - [Liz] - "If you honestly want to know...I grew up a Baatezu slave. We lived in a Slave Alienage, cut off from our masters and allowed into the main city only to work."
[Liz] - "Living conditions were horrible., four generations of my family lived in one house, and we were extremely poor. One day my sister, my cousin, and myself...we stayed out too late, and we were caught by a gang. They dragged us to an alleyway, stole everything we had; our clothes, our gold, our weapons..." her green eyes darken suddenly, and she turns away. "...our...our maidenhood."
[PC] - You were raped?
[Liz] - She nods slowly, her eyes filled with grief, but a moment later she growls lowly and glares at you. "Such things aren't exactly uncommon, , especially not in a ghetto filled with abused slaves who are more often then not...desperate."
[Liz] - "I got this scar because I fought back, and because I tried to protect my family." she gives you a twisted, bitter grin. "They left us naked and alone in the gutter, bleeding, be perfectly honest, I was more pissed off about the scar then the rape. Answers your question, though, yes?"

Liz is a rather...dark...character. Put plainly, she's violent, hot-headed, has a twisted sense of humor and an interest in sadism, yet she's loyal, brave, and sometimes just a big woobie. But hugging her is not advised, unless you like broken limbs (or you're Valen). ':lol:'

I'm currently writing a dialogue with the PC asking Nathyrra about Liz and Valen (only triggered if Valen and Liz have been in your party together).

Also, a Valen flirt. ':devil:'

[Valen] - The two of you have been walking through Cania side by side, and you haven't really been paying attention until you realize his tail is wrapped loosely around your wrist.
 --[Grasp the spaded end and rub it with your thumb] 1.1
 --[Snicker] Valen? [Slip your hand away from his tail] 1.2

1.1 [Valen] - You hear him let out a low moan as you slowly massage his tail; a moment later, however, he slips it out of your grasp, his face a deep red. "M-my lady, you really shouldn't..." He straightens up a bit, shifting his weight.
  --Aw, why not? 1.2
  --[Snicker] You seemed to enjoy it. 1.2
  --[Dexterity] [Reach for his tail again] 1.3
1.2 [Valen] "I...uhm..." He stutteres some more, still blushing, as if he doesn't have an answer.
  --[Dexterity] [Reach for his tail again] 1.3
  --Oh, don't beat yourself up over it, love. [Kiss his cheek] 1.4

[Success] - You manage to grasp Valen's tail once more, and you wrap it around your wrist again, tugging it gently to pull Valen closer to you. 1.5
[Failure] - His tail deftly flicks away from you, and you tumble into the snow. Valen laughs gently at you as you struggle to get up. "Would you like some help, <FirstName>?" He asks, trying to hide his grin. Without waiting for an answer, he helps you to your feet. 1.5

1.4 [Valen] - Your lips brush his cheek gently, and when you pull away, he smiles at you. 1.5

1.5 [Valen] - Valen cups your chin with one hand and tilts it upwards before pressing his lips against yours carefully. He holds you as if you're made of glass, and is obviously being overly careful.
  --Valen, I'm not a china doll. [Pout] 2.1
  --[Deepen the kiss] 2.2
  --[Pull away and smile] 2.3

2.1 [Valen] - He chuckles and holds you close. "I know, my love," he murmurs gently before releasing you. "We should continue, though." Valen adds with a hint of regret. [END DIALOGUE]
2.2 [Valen] - For a moment, he returns your kiss hungrily, and his grip on your arm tightens. Then he remembers himself, and pulls away reluctantly. "I love you, <FirstName>," he breathes quietly before kissing you once more on your lips. "We should move onwards." Valen adds with a hint of regret. [END DIALOGUE]
2.3 [Valen] - He smiles at you, and presses a hand to your cheek. "Whatever would I do without you, my love?" he says quietly, more to himself then to you. "However...we should move on." [END DIALOGUE]


                     Modifié par Deliciously-Demonic, 28 mars 2011 - 07:18 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #762 on: March 28, 2011, 08:42:56 pm »

               Valen flirt ending=D'AWWWWWWW~<3 -melts-="">


                     Modifié par Drima, 28 mars 2011 - 07:43 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #763 on: March 28, 2011, 09:21:20 pm »

               '<img'> Glad you like it, Drima.
Now, uh...random Elizabeth one-liners?
The vial fills, the blood does spill, and even still, the lass is a pill!
Ugh, my hair! It's so...tangled! I need to brush it when we stop...
The Underdark has always confused me. So many twists, so many turns. The air, it makes my throat burn...hey, that ryhmes!
How, I wonder, did the Valsharess bind an archdevil into servitude? And I also wonder, which one...
Has anyone ever noticed how heavy the air is here? It's...uncomfortable.
Blegh, I stepped in something! It smells...bad. Do I want to know what it is? ...probably not.
I wish I had a tail. It would help my balance quiet a bit, I presume.
I remember something my father once said. 'Shadows are your friend, your brother; they are a part of you, and are your greatest weapon in any battle.' I suppose it's a good thing the Underdark is so...shadow-y, then.
Is it odd if I say I prefer the Underdark to the surface? ...yes? Fine, then.
We are walking. In circles.

And when you click on her, she says 'Yeah? Something you need?' in reference to another certain ranger. :3
Hehehe, I love writing her one-liners. They're so...random.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #764 on: March 31, 2011, 02:31:16 pm »

               Three days without VALEN?! THIS CAN'T BE!!! ':wizard:'

by. Neptune Blue

Seriously people, there need to be more Valen-artists...':crying:'