Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35800 times)

Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #705 on: March 19, 2011, 09:23:15 pm »

               Fenris can't read? Interesting... but if Valen can't read, how can he write a poem? Well, he can do it verbally, but still... maybe the Seer taught him?

I would hang out with him, scaring all my friends who are unaware of my fangirlism, but the friends that do know would "casually" hint to Valen ("HEY! VALEN! ALEX WANTS T- OW!" comes to mind) that I have a raging fangirl obsession with him, and keep teasing me about it. Constantly.

I think Valen would find me annoying at first (I get annoying when I'm nervous), but we'd be friends fairly quickly. Similar values, same alignment, that sort of thing.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #706 on: March 19, 2011, 09:36:45 pm »

               All my friends are aware of my fangirlism...oh dear.
Well...I'd just keep him in the house! But how...oh, I could wound him accidently-on-purpose and play nurse! But tieflings heal quickly...I would have to irritate the wound to make it heal more slowly...ah, but then he couldn't teach me how to use a sword...crap.
-notices people staring at her- What'd I say? Is it because Pikachu's on my shoulder? I'm just keeping her safe from Valen, he likes to kill Pokemon. -sends death glare at Valen-

Makes me wish my ficlet was real and we all lived in a temple with free, easy access to Valen. Dammit, why did I put a limit on the portal?! Oh wait, cause then we'd all live in Lith My'arthar...that wouldn't end well.

Holy frick on a stick, I need to post up the next part! D: -gets her arse back to writing-


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #707 on: March 19, 2011, 10:15:41 pm »

               The worst thing that could happen would be if my sister came home at the same time... she doesn't know about my obsession, but she would guess very, very quickly. She's like that. And she would tease me endlessly...

As for the pokemon thing, well, all we need to do is use Valen's True Name to release him from his taint, and he won't kill Pokemon!


Oeskathine the Demonwrestler - I free you from your taint! '<3'




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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #708 on: March 19, 2011, 10:34:32 pm »

               YAY! -throws confetti everwhere- We does good things. Random Thought:

Me: -pets Pikachu, then Valen's hair- I can't decide which is more soft and cuddly, Valen or Pikachu.

Valen: -glares at DD-

Me: Sorry, sorry, no offense meant.

...can I still pet your hair?

Valen: No.

Me: Pwease? -gives Valen big puppy eyes and trembling pouty lips-

Valen: I said no.

Me: Damn. -broods-

Valen: Hey, no stealing my thing.

Me: Your thing...hey, you don't own brooding!

Valen: I brood, not you. Never you.

Me: Shut up, ass. We can brood together.

Valen: Fine!

Me: Double fine!

Valen & Me: -broodbroodbrood-

Pikachu: Pika!



                     Modifié par Deliciously-Demonic, 19 mars 2011 - 10:39 .


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #709 on: March 19, 2011, 10:40:34 pm »

               Valen and Pikachu are soft and cuddly in their own unique ways. Let's leave it at that.

Also, careful with the brooding, too much and it will destroy us all.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #710 on: March 19, 2011, 10:54:23 pm »

               DAY TWO
Me: -shakes Valen awake- Oi! Up 'n at 'em, Tall, Pale and Horny!
Valen: Tall, Pale and what.
Me: Horny. In referance to those. -points to Valen's horns- What else?
Valen: Nothing, nothing. What do you want, pest?
Me: I've been degraded to pest now? How demeaning. Anywho, teach me how to use a sword.
Valen: wut?
Me: Are you deaf as well as dumb now, dude? I said, teach me to use a sword.
Valen: I get the feeling I'll regret this, but...fine.
*A few hours later*
Valen: -stalks into house, bruised and annoyed- It's a sword, woman! You weild it, not flail it around like an idiot!
Me: -still in awe that she actually cut Valen with a dulled practice sword- But I like the flailing.
Valen: -smirks- Then why don't we teach you how to use a light flail?
Me: Really?!
Valen: Why not, it's not like you'd do much damage anyways.
Pikachu: Pika!
Valen: Why is that annoying thing always on your shoulder?
Me: -holds Pikachu protectively- Because this is my Pikachu and I luffles my Pikachu. -to Pikachu- Yes I do, yes I do! Who's a good Pikachu? Who da good Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika!
Me: That's right, you's the good Pikachu!
Valen: -facepalms- The Abyss held less torture then this woman.


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #711 on: March 19, 2011, 10:59:19 pm »

               Tall, Pale and Horny... *snicker*

I have to admit, Pikachus are cute. They're so chubby and look so squeezable in a plushie way.

You're getting taught to wield a flail? Sweet. I think I should stick with daggers, personally, due to my terrible Strength score.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #712 on: March 19, 2011, 11:13:49 pm »

               DAY THREE
Me: -laughing manically as she tears the heads off of target dummies with her Light Flail +2-
Valen: She's absolutely...insane.
Pikachu: Pika Pika.
Valen: I agree, giving her a flail was a horrible idea. Should have stuck her with a crossbow. Wait... -looks at Pikachu for a moment- Crap, now I'm insane for talking to the yellow rat. Wonderful.
Me: -still laughing like crazy, bashing things with the flail, drunk with power- Hey Valen, watch this! -does a 360 mid air and mutilates the practice dummy-
Valen: Nice, but watch out for the-
Me: OW!
Valen: ...rebound. -sighs-
*A few minutes later*
Valen: -bandaging her broken arm- And what did you learn from this experiance?
Me: -sunding bored- Always keep your eyes on the flail heads when they rebound.
Valen: Or what happens?
Me: -glares- Rainbows come out your arse and you vomit sparkles.
Valen: Do I detect sarcasm, pest?
Me: Nope, I'm dead serious. Oh look, a unicorn!
All: -stop to watch the unicorn run past-
Pikachu: Pika Pika!
Me: Pika Pika indeed.
*meanwhile, in reality-
Valen: Idiotic girl, smacking herself in the head with her own flail.
Me: -feebly- H-hey look, a u-unic-c-corn!
Valen: -arches an eyebrow- Massive head trauma? Check.
Me: -eyes wide- No, srsly dude, there's totes a unicorn over there.
Pikachu: -disapprovingly- Pika.
Me: Pikachu, who's side are you on?!
Valen: The winning side, my lady. -grins as he forces a healing potion down her throat-



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #713 on: March 20, 2011, 12:21:01 am »

               Apologies for the double post (I seem to do a lot of those. O_o)
Just gonna leave this here...

[Nathyrra] - My first time, I was...oh, sixty, sixty five. It was with a male named Dairrade. It was...odd. Not unpleasant, yet not quite...
[Elizabeth] - Satisfying? Believe me, I know the feeling. My first, I was thirteen. Me and my best friend, Zufyh, we did it together. It was bloody awful!
[Nathyrra] - It usually is, the first time, but it gets better, eventually.
[Elizabeth] - Of course it does! Why, just the other day, Valen and I-
[PC] - What are you two talking about?
[Nathyrra] - Our first times getting drunk.
[Elizabeth] - *She gives you a smirk* Why, what did you think we were talking about, <Mi'lord/Mi'lady>?
--Your first sexual encounters, from they way you were talking.
--Nothing, nothing. [END DIALOGUE]
(Males only)--What did I *not* think? Wanton harpies...
[Elizabeth] - *the girl giggles* <FirstName>! And here I was thinking drow were the perverted ones! Though, that is a nice topic for a subject change! So, Sunshine, what was your first time in bed like?
[Nathyrra] - It involved chains, a whip, and 'Rothe' as a safeword.
[Elizabeth] - Mh, similar to my own...though we had a white-hot poker, too. And the safeword was 'Pie.' Never did figure that one out...

-skips out to read Dragon's Teeth again-


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #714 on: March 20, 2011, 10:57:58 am »

               I wonder how Nathyrra and Elizabeth would react to a PC who's a virgin? *smirk*



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #715 on: March 20, 2011, 02:33:46 pm »

               ^ THAT is a good question >D



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #716 on: March 20, 2011, 03:58:05 pm »

               *The PC has just informed them that he/she is a virgin*
Elizabeth: You've never...? ...Never?!
Nathyrra: Are you...serious?
Elizabeth: Gods, I think <he/she> is serious, Sunshine!
Nathyrra: We must rectify this. Quick, to the nearest brothel!
Elizabeth: Indeed! C'mon, hero kid!
*They grab the PC and begin to drag him/her*

Yeah, it'd go something like that. Elizabeth has nicknames for everyone (she's like, the more attractive, female, non-dwarf version of Varric. xD). Nathyrra is 'Sunshine' (Liz fancies herself ironic), Valen is 'Tall, pale and broody' and 'Horns,' the PC is 'hero kid' and Deekin is 'Short, scaly and annoying' or just 'Bard-boy.' Deekin and Valen get two cause she likes them the most. -snicker-


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #717 on: March 20, 2011, 07:20:18 pm »

               Belle wouldn't have that conversation, but my most recent PC, Xelara the Sorceress/Red Dragon Disciple, would. She's rather shy and awkward, despite her Charisma score.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #718 on: March 20, 2011, 08:45:43 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

*The PC has just informed them that he/she is a virgin*
Elizabeth: You've never...? ...Never?!
Nathyrra: Are you...serious?
Elizabeth: Gods, I think <he/she> is serious, Sunshine!
Nathyrra: We must rectify this. Quick, to the nearest brothel!
Elizabeth: Indeed! C'mon, hero kid!
*They grab the PC and begin to drag him/her*

Yeah, it'd go something like that. Elizabeth has nicknames for everyone (she's like, the more attractive, female, non-dwarf version of Varric. xD). Nathyrra is 'Sunshine' (Liz fancies herself ironic), Valen is 'Tall, pale and broody' and 'Horns,' the PC is 'hero kid' and Deekin is 'Short, scaly and annoying' or just 'Bard-boy.' Deekin and Valen get two cause she likes them the most. -snicker-

XDDDDDD This has so much WIN I'm dieing.
... What happened to "Tall, pale and horny"? 8D



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #719 on: March 20, 2011, 08:57:20 pm »


Drima wrote...

Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

*The PC has just informed them that he/she is a virgin*
Elizabeth: You've never...? ...Never?!
Nathyrra: Are you...serious?
Elizabeth: Gods, I think  is serious, Sunshine!
Nathyrra: We must rectify this. Quick, to the nearest brothel!
Elizabeth: Indeed! C'mon, hero kid!
*They grab the PC and begin to drag him/her*

Yeah, it'd go something like that. Elizabeth has nicknames for everyone (she's like, the more attractive, female, non-dwarf version of Varric. xD). Nathyrra is 'Sunshine' (Liz fancies herself ironic), Valen is 'Tall, pale and broody' and 'Horns,' the PC is 'hero kid' and Deekin is 'Short, scaly and annoying' or just 'Bard-boy.' Deekin and Valen get two cause she likes them the most. -snicker-

XDDDDDD This has so much WIN I'm dieing.
... What happened to "Tall, pale and horny"? 8D

It became two nicknames. '<img'>