Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35802 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #690 on: March 17, 2011, 11:04:40 pm »

               I can't find the txt file '<img'> Blah, I'll do a search and keep looking. In the meantime, have a Cania banter. '<img'>

(If not in a romance with Valen, this will trigger on 'rest')
-You and your companions have been walking through the blistering cold drifts of Cania, and it seems the small, fragile ranger, Elizabeth, has taken to the cold most harshly.
-Her lips are a delicate shade of blue, and her teeth are constantly chattering. Her pale skin is covered in goosebumps as she rubs her arms valiantly in ant attempt to warm them up.
-Valen walks up behind her and, after a moment's hesitation, wraps his arms around her gently.
-"S-something wrong, demonspawn?" she murmurs, not unkindly.
-"You looked cold, Elizabeth." the tiefling answers, blushing faintly. "I just wanted you."
-Elizabeth smiles faintly. "Th-thank you, Valen. The cold doesn't bother me as much as last time-"
-"Last time?" Valen echoes.
-"Didn't I tell you?" she says with a raised brow, watching his face curiously. "Well, you know my people are enslaved in the Seventh Hell, yes?"
-"Well, one time my mistress, Elifari, took me to Cania when she" she grimaced as she said the last word.
-"The cold was so painful, I couldn't stand it. I began screaming and crying. Eventually, she knocked me out until we left. I was thrashed, then sent back to my family."
-"I was eleven."
-"That sounds horrible." Valen murmurs, tightening his grip on her protectively. "But this time it's not as bad?"
-Elizabeth turns and gazes into his eyes for a moment, a wide smile brightening her face. "As long as you're here." she murmurs with a faint blush before leaning into Valen's chest, reaching around and entwining his tail in her fingers.
--Aye, lovebirds, let's get going! 1.1
--[Cough] Valen, Elizabeth...? 1.1
--[Say Nothing][END DIALOGUE]
1.1 - Both jump with surprise and turn towards you with red faces. After a moment they tear away from each other and do their best not to look at the other.


Ohohoho, I love these two. >=3



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #691 on: March 18, 2011, 04:04:41 am »

               Apologies for the double post, found the text file for when Elizabeth confronts the PC about Valen.
Note;; must be careful when playing a ****y PC, may accidentally break Valen's romance.

[Elizabeth] - "<FirstName>! I need to talk to you."
--Now's not a good time, Elizabeth. 1.1
--What's on your mind? 2.1

1.1 [Elizabeth] - "This is important. It can't wait."
--Fine, what do you want? 2.1

2.1 [Elizabeth] - The girl narrows her moss green eyes with guarded curiousity. "I noticed you and Valen have grown rather...close."
--Yes, and? 2.2

2.2 [Elizabeth] - "I want to know...are you serious about him, or are you just playing him?"
--Why is it any of your business? 2.3
--And if I'm not serious? 2.4
--Of course I'm serious, I love him! 2.5

2.3 [Elizabeth] - "Because Valen is my friend and I care about him, and don't want to see him hurt by some ricco!"
--What, are you jealous? 3.1
--Then if I'm not serious? 2.4
--Well, I still don't see how it concerns you, but I love him, and I won't hurt him. 2.5

2.4 [Elizabeth] - She growls animalistically at your words. "Then you aren't, are you? You're only using him,!"
--What, are you jealous? 3.1
--I'm not using him, I love him. 2.5

2.5 [Elizabeth] - "And I'm suppose to believe that? You hardly know him, how could you 'love' him?"
--I can't explain it, I 3.4
--What right do you have to question my relationship? Jealous, are we? 3.1

3.1 [Elizabeth] - For a moment she's silent, face red with anger. Then she replies, "I could deny it...but that would be a lie. Fine. I'm jealous. But you wanna know

why, dear 'cyjeun?' I tried for months and months to get Valen to notice me, and then you come along, the Seer's so-called 'messiah,' and you land him in such

little time? Pimmcred! It's ridiculous! Do you know how bad it hurts to see him with you? How badly I want to just...just slap some kuttysh sense into that stupid,

arrogant, utterly blind tiefling?! You're not good enough for him, <FirstName>, saviour or no."
--Resorting to insulting me now, Elizabeth? Tsk tsk. 3.2
--Months? Really? You're pathetic, you know that? 3.2
--I'm...sorry, Elizabeth. I didn't know you felt that way. 3.5
--I love him, Elizabeth, and I don't need your approval. 3.4

3.2 [Elizabeth] - She lets out a cry of rage and moves to slap you across the face.
 --[Dexterity] Move away 4.1
 --[Dexterity] Grab her hand 4.2
 --Allow her to slap you. 4.3

[Success] Elizabeth's hand swipes through nothing, she glares at you hatefully for one last moment before turning and stalking away, eyes brimming with tears.

[Failure] You fail to move fast enough and the girl's hand smacks against your cheek with a resounding smack. "As I said. He doesn't deserve you, pedlr!" she

hisses before stalking away, eyes brimming with tears. [END DIALOGUE]

[Success] She lets out a hiss as you stop her hand mid-slap. She glares at you hatefully for one last moment before pulling her hand away, turning, and stalking

away, eyes brimming with tears. [END DIALOGUE]
[Failure] You fail to move fast enough and the girl's hand smacks against your cheek with a resounding smack. "As I said. He doesn't deserve you, pedlr!" she

hisses before stalking away, eyes brimming with tears. [END DIALOGUE]

4.3 [Elizabeth] - The girl's hand smacks against your cheek harsher then you anticipated, letting out a resounding smack. "As I said. He doesn't deserve you,

pedlr!" she hisses before stalking away, eyes brimming with tears. [END DIALOGUE]

3.5 [Elizabeth] - "Well, now you do." she spits venomously.
--He's mine, and I love him, so leave us alone, Elizabeth. 3.4
--You want him? Fine. Have him. 5.1
--Stop being such a jealous ****. I love him, and nothing with change that. 3.4
--And what are you going to do, little girl? Tell Valen that I don't care for him? 5.1

3.4 [Elizabeth] - "I h-hope you two are very happy together then." she manages as her eyes fill with tears. "Pid ev oui rind res," she adds in her own language.

"E'mm gemm oui." You aren't sure what she said, but it had the sound of a death threat. [END DIALOGUE]

5.1 [Elizabeth] - "I don't want to break his heart." she murmurs, not looking at you. "The fool's obviously in love with you. But he deserves someone who loves and

respects him, two things you quite obviously do not do. He'll hate us both." she adds softly. "I can live with that. His hate towards me won't last quite as long as

the malice he'll show towards you. Hells hath no fear like a tiefling's love scorn'd." For a fleeting moment, she smiles, but it turns quickly back into a sad frown,

and she turns away, towards said tiefling. [END DIALOGUE] (sets Valen romance variable back to 0)



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #692 on: March 18, 2011, 03:39:59 pm »

               ^ Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow That HURT!

Both dialogues are awesome. First makes my heart melt and the second sent chill across my back, love-way and use-way.
I. So. Want. That. Mod.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #693 on: March 18, 2011, 04:15:03 pm »

               I'm working on henchman Liz so muh I've neglected her stories. D: I'm having problems getting her to show up in the Public House, though. Damn glitchy toolset...


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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« Reply #694 on: March 18, 2011, 04:17:46 pm »

               Poor Liz. :C Belle would probably get slapped as a result of that conversation (her dexterity score sucks) as she's also rather fiery. Come to think of it, those two probably wouldn't get along, especially if Liz knew of Belle's old reputation, which is a shame, as if Valen wasn't there, then Belle and her probably would get along.



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« Reply #695 on: March 18, 2011, 05:33:17 pm »

               Liz did read Shadows of Undrentide...mayhaps Deekin makes innocently blunt mentions in it? xD Of course she is suspicious, distrustful (I think she's even more distrustful then Valen. she never apologizes to your PC for her fact she never even says she trusts you, not once) and assumes the worst of people. She trusts the Seer, Imloth, Nathyrra and Valen because, over time, they've given her reason to trust them. She trusts Deekin easily enough once she spends a bit of time with him. The PC, however, she never trusts.

[PC] - Why are you still so suspicious? Haven't I given you reason to trust me?
[Elizabeth] - I suppose that you could become trustworthy over time. But...I can never anticipate what you will do, and that puts me on edge. If I cannot anticipate your moves, then I cannot trust you to do the right thing.
[PC] - Can't you take my word for it?
[Elizabeth] - No. If I don't trust you, how can I believe that?

Basically she's taken pride in her judge of character, and the fact that she can't figure out your PC wounds that pride and makes her mildly dislike you. Not to mention Valen *might* have alienated her against you pre-HotU. x3



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #696 on: March 19, 2011, 04:22:22 pm »

               A while back I got my bro to play NNW. He's completed the OC and SoU, and is currently stuck in Undermountain. I was explaning Valen to him, and his romance, and so he replied, "Liz, that's a bit hypocritical of you. You bash Twilight, but you still like this guy? He's got 'EDWARD RIP-OFF' written all over him."

My inner PTF was appalled, and screaming at me to smack my bro over the head, but then I sat and thought...if you look at it one way, he's right.

Both are 'monsters' who have to fight to keep their urges to kill and maim under control. Both are angsty, broody, ridiculously strong and fast, and many girls find it nigh impossible not to fall for them. They also attempt to leave the one they love to save her.
However; The simularities end there.

Edward is a creepy stalker who wants to drink your blood and proclaims that when you die he's killing himself.
Valen is an arrogant, stubborn part-demon who's secretly a bit of a romantic and, though distrustful of you at first, eventually becomes a good friend (or lover, if you choose).
They may both have their inner 'demons' (literal in Valen's case), but they handle it in different ways. Edward hides it, Valen fights it.

Though, I don't suggest giving birth to children sired by either. Valen...horns and tail, people. As if giving birth didn't hurt enough. Edward...well, Breaking Dawn holds testimate to why you never get knocked up by a vampire. Mkay? Mkay.

I've read all the books in the Twilight Saga, and at one point I was a Twi-hard (strictly Team Jacob though, I'd prefer a warm, soft werewolf woobie to a statue-like stalker vampire who's freezing cold. Even if he does sparkle.)

My brother, after hearing my rant, proclaimed that Valen must be "Jacob and Edward's secret love child."
Damn those elven year olds and their flawless logic, ruining how I view things.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #697 on: March 19, 2011, 05:02:36 pm »

               I want to strangle your little brother. He's ruining my Valen-fantasy with disgusting ridiculousness of EWard (cwatididthar?) Cullen.



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« Reply #698 on: March 19, 2011, 05:47:41 pm »

               -shoves Nicolas forward- Go on, have your way with him. I've loaned him out to Matron Mothers before for a few extra coin (cha he wishes), a small strangulation won't harm him.


Elizabeth has her own annoying little brother, Helumyc, who's a tiefling. I can't decide what breed of Baatezu should be his father, but I did decide he'd have batwings and horns. Regardless, I forsee a violent morn should Liz take Valen to meet the folks. Poor Helumyc has little to no control over his taint. But the smell of Baatezu doesn't get him in a homicidal rage, so...whatever?

Oh, that reminds me, I figured that since I'm giving the Uin Baubmac exotic names, Elizabeth needs one too, so her real name is Amewypadr, but no one can pronounce it right so she just goes by Elizabeth.

Anywho, I think starting up weekly Valen Prompts might get this thread more action. '^_^' I'd be willing to take care of posting new prompts and filing and all that.


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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« Reply #699 on: March 19, 2011, 06:18:42 pm »

               "My brother, after hearing my rant, proclaimed that Valen must be "Jacob and Edward's secret love child."
Damn those eleven year olds and their flawless logic, ruining how I view things."

Er, he looks nothing like them. Just putting that out there.

Meanwhile, here's a ramble about why Valen is nothing like Eddikinz. Show it to your brother if you like.

Valen, while mistrusting at first, still treats the PC as a person, as a fellow adult. Edward treats Bella-Sue like a child. If he'd actually read the books properly (the movies don't count. ever.), then he would notice how condescending and paternal he acts around Bella, ordering her like a authoritarian father. Bella, being the weird statue pervert with an electra complex, loves it.
When Valen goes too far, you get options to tell him to back off and stop acting annoying. "So what?" I hear you say. "Bella says that to Edward at one point."

But there is a major difference.

Valen actually listens to what you say and actually backs off at one point ("I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make accusations..." comes to mind). Edward doesn't change for anyone, because he's a blood-sucking statue not only physically, but mentally as well. Valen is even willing to learn surfacer ways (see the "deity talk" for this), but Edward has the annoying belief that he is Always Right.

Speaking of Valen being actually willing to learn and adapt, he's like this with others as well. If the PC is willing enough to listen to what he says and to respect his opinions (again, Deity Talk for an example... actually, there's quite a few instances where I can think of it), even if they differ dramatically, then he's willing to trust them. There is no trust in Bella and Edward's relationship. When Bella was going to go into her truck and drive to Jacob's, Edward ripped her truck's engine out so she couldn't see him. (No, SERIOUSLY. It's in Eclipse.) And respect? Hells no! Again, Edward treats Bella like a child.

Finally, during the actual relationships, the topic of sex comes up. Valen, being practical, says that he'd rather wait 'till you're out of Cania. Edward, being afraid of breaking Bella (pfft, more like afraid that Bella will see his tiny dick - don't believe me? Check the subtext. It's everywhere.) constantly rejects Bella's advances - even just a kiss! (Twilight, I think.) When Bella's all "let's have sex already" (like most normal teenagers) Edward's all "Marriage first lol". Even though Bella's parents split, which has given her a darker view on marriage. (Which is why she said no to it in the first place! Again, Eclipse has a few pages for proof.)

And now there's one more point I'd like to talk about before this gets way too long - Valen and Edward's attitudes to their lover's death.

Valen: If possible, will storm the Nine Hells to get the PC back. If not, then he'd probably get over it in time like a normal person. (He got over his last girlfriend in time, after all...)
Edward: On upon hearing of Bella's death by Cliff, (if only...) he runs off to Italy to sparkle in public, so the Volturi would notice and kill him for exposing himself to sunlight. (Though most people would think he was a weirdo covered in glitter, but whatever.)

Spot the difference.

As for the whole "Edward/Jacob love child thing", if that was true, where did the horns and tail come from? The whole "I am a part-demon thing"? If that was really the case, Valen would be half-wolfy, half-vampire *shudder*, and would be a completely different character. He'd be a hell of a lot more arrogant, and would probably actually act like Edward towards the PC all the time! (I'm referring to the "treating Bella like his daughter" thing) Sure, Valen's arrogant, but for entirely different reasons. You could even argue that Valen's arrogance is a way of hiding his inner soft person in front of the cold Maeviir drow. If he acts more like a jerk, then the Drow, who admire this as part of their culture, would listen to him more, as opposed to the way they'd act if Valen was more open about who he really is.

If arrogance is the way he hides his true self, then it only makes sense that he acts that way towards the PC as well - after all, he doesn't know what the PC's like. She's just some random surfacer. It could also be his way to try to show to her that just because the Seer chose her over him doesn't mean that she's better than him. So, in a way, it's how Valen tries to prove himself. Edward is arrogant because he actually believes he's superior to humans. (The Midnight Sun draft in particular showed this.) Big difference.

This brought to you by the resident Anti-Twilighter. I liked the books once, but oddly enough, I wasn't a fan of Edward or Jacob. (Maybe because I never saw Bella as my self-insert?) I've noticed though that the Jacob fans tend to be more sensible, even if SMeyer ruined him in Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. >:C (Yes, I'm still mad at her for that.)

I may write more later, if I'm up to it. But here's the basic facts.


                     Modifié par Meeszy Alexy, 19 mars 2011 - 06:50 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #700 on: March 19, 2011, 07:05:38 pm »

               Thank you for shutting my brother up, Meeszy. He was going on about how I'm a hypocrite and I must be secretly in love with Edward and shiz. Then I read him you post. All he could do was meep and go back to watching Superman Returns. -bows before the giant wall of text- I don't think he even notices when he's being stupid and illogical. But I bet he'll be Valen's BFF in chapters 2&3. If I know my brother half as well as I think I do, he'll be raving about how Valen's a total BAMF by the time he finishes one island. xD


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #701 on: March 19, 2011, 07:49:01 pm »

               And the moral of the story is: Don't mess with a Rabid Anti-Twilighter and a Rabid Valen fan. You will get a long wall of text explaining why you are wrong and why Valen is friggin' awesome. Even if I wasn't a Valen fangirl (i.e. if I was a straight guy), I'd still like him, as Valen and I have similar morals. Such as "Freedom's worth fighting for" and "Killing is a good option when a priest claims that you have been touched (I don't like that word) by Talona and that you must go through a trial to get the cure." (Why yes, I do hate that avariel priest!) Also, "Trust nobody unless they've proven their trust to you."


                     Modifié par Meeszy Alexy, 19 mars 2011 - 07:50 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #702 on: March 19, 2011, 08:10:13 pm »

               *Reemerged from the Gallows after slaying Orsino/Harvester*

D-D, your brother didn't get the fact right. First, Valen don't sucked blood. Second, he didnt' have a whole family with him (though that will be fun), Finally, most importantly, he doesn't glow in the dark.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #703 on: March 19, 2011, 08:17:16 pm »

               I can agree with you there. Most of the time my weird-ass morals clash with thse of others, yet mesh with Valen's pretty well. And I don't care what my moral alignment is, I always killing that stupid priest because he poisoned me! You don't poison Demonic and live! xD

But let us change the subject before we get into a debate, shall we?

If you could spend a week with Valen doing whatever you want, what would you do?

Me, I would spend that week making him teach me how to fight, and just hanging out and talking. There is so much that I want to know about him that is never answered in-game. Like, is Shadowbreath his real surname? What was his mother's name? Did he have any friends before he came to the Underdark? Where did he get Devil's Bane, and why is it named such? Oh,so many questions, so little time...

I would also slip him some special brownies. A high Valen is something I would like to see.

EDIT --- Tanky you might have your facts a bit wrong. Eddie-boy sparkles in the sunlight, he doesn't glow in the dark. And my bro never said Valen sucked blood. '<img'> I used that as a reason why Vay-Vay and EWard are different. (oh now I did it, lolz)


                     Modifié par Deliciously-Demonic, 19 mars 2011 - 08:23 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #704 on: March 19, 2011, 08:23:47 pm »

               I assumed, like Fenris, Valen would never had a chanced to learn how to read.

Teach him how to read.