Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35803 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #675 on: March 14, 2011, 08:17:25 pm »

               Ich fühle mich dumm!




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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #676 on: March 14, 2011, 08:30:20 pm »

               AWWW YEAH!
Just what I needed!



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #677 on: March 14, 2011, 08:34:12 pm »

               GAH! Double-post! Where's my army of terror cats?!


                     Modifié par Drima, 14 mars 2011 - 08:35 .


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #678 on: March 14, 2011, 09:50:10 pm »

               D-D: I had that as my background up 'till recently. There's a background version on DA somewhere.

Drima: Awww, I love cats. '<img'> They're so cute and soft and cuddly... '<3'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #679 on: March 14, 2011, 09:56:47 pm »

               Unless they scratch and bite...
I love them too!!! I once had 12 cats, OH, the fun... '<3'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #680 on: March 15, 2011, 02:08:47 am »

               Cats are my fave kind of animals...hence the existance of Max. xD Fun Fact: Liz's animal companion was originally a wolf named Hadrani. Max was her cousin's familiar, but then I made Hadrani and Hellhound and switched them so Hadrani was the familiar and Max was the animal companion.

Okay, I've been woking on a contest for our Valen fanclub, but I really need prizes! I'll donate a drawing for first and second place, but we need something for third place and one more for 1st & 2nd. Any suggestions or volunteers?


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #681 on: March 15, 2011, 08:44:22 pm »

               Drima: I would love 12 cats at once! The only problem would be the matter of cat business and rogue cat hairs all over the place... I would never be able to wear black again. It's bad enough that I have a ginger and white cat and dog.

D-D: I'm rather untalented, sorry. ^^; Unless I could donate a weird crackfic as a prize... I can't really offer anything.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #682 on: March 17, 2011, 04:24:42 am »

               I'm feeling nice, so more dialogue.

Elizabeth be a heavy drinker. She also happens to be a very...mean drunk. Nothing physical, just verbal. (I've also redone her a bit, she's not a 'human' technically, but part of a fey-like sub-race called the Uin Baubmac.)

-The young Uin Baubmac girl stumbles slightly as she follows you, her eyes wild and the smell of ale infesting her breath. As testimony to her rather obvious exploits, a half-empty bottle of cheap beer is in her right hand.
-Valen turns to Elizabeth with worry. "You've been drinking again..."
-"How very very nice of you t' notice, tieflin." the girl slurrs heavily, taking another large swing from the bottle.
-"I thought the Seer helped you stop."
-"Shtop? Heh, I ain't never shtopping, tieflin."
-Valen growls and snatches the bottle out of her hands. "You can't fight when you're drunk."
-"Can too, you seen me doit." Elizabeth objects stubbornly. "Now gimmi my booze back, or so help me, I'll-"
-"Stand around and drunkenly shoot idle threats my way?"

(If PC is in romance with Valen)
-Elizabeth's eyes glint suddenly with malicious intent. "Nah, I'll jus' tell <FirstName> why we 'came such good war buds so fas'."
-Valen narrows his eyes, paling slightly, but hands her back the bottle.

(If Valen is not romanced or the PC is male)
-"...Tysh. Caught me." Elizabeth sighs heavily. "Jus' give it back, Valen. Please?"
-Valen watches her with a small frown for a moment, before stretching out his hand and offering her the bottle.

-"You're only harming yourself, Elizabeth." he murmurs as she takes the ale back.
-The girl stares at him sadly for a moment, but in a flash, the sadness becomes anger. "Vilg uvv, Valen. You ain't my maema." she snaps before finishing off the ale and throwing the bottle away carelessly.
'Tysh' means 'Damn,' and 'Vilg uvv' means 'F-off,' in Elizabeth's language. x3



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #683 on: March 17, 2011, 04:37:48 am »

               *Emerge from fighting High Dragon in DAII*
Apology folks, the Seer need to study this lore intensely, absence for a couple of more days.

*Suddenly wondered if Valen speaks Demonic.*



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #684 on: March 17, 2011, 05:45:44 am »

               High dragons make me want to rip my hair out. ;-; And to think, I wanted to be a Dragon Rider when I was little..., who'm I kidding, I *still* want to be a Dragon Rider.

Also; If Valen speaks Infernal? Maybe he'd know a little, he *was* in the Blood Wars, he might have picked up a few phrases.

And hey, whatcha guys think about Liz confronting the PC in Cania after Valen's Confession, like asking if she's serious or just messing around with him. Cause she's totally in love with Valen; poor thing's heart gets broken if your PC romances Valen. (and if you don't romance Valen, and they both live at the end, they eventually get the epilouge, of course) She'd definitely ask (and have some nasty words for a PC who's just using him. And the PC can call her out and ask her if she's jealous, too.) I'll post the dialogue up here if you want, but I'm hesitant since, though it concerns Valen, he's not actually in it, and this is the Valen Thread, so...-shrug- Your call.


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #685 on: March 17, 2011, 04:20:43 pm »

               ^ I'm curious. My HotU PC, Belle, is usually the using and flirty type, but she doesn't use Valen because... let's face it, he's awesome. And if Elizabeth somehow knew what Belle was like, well... she'd have every right to confront Belle. However, Belle really does love Valen, so... oh, the drama!



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #686 on: March 17, 2011, 08:27:57 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

High dragons make me want to rip my hair out. ;-; And to think, I wanted to be a Dragon Rider when I was little..., who'm I kidding, I *still* want to be a Dragon Rider.

Also; If Valen speaks Infernal? Maybe he'd know a little, he *was* in the Blood Wars, he might have picked up a few phrases.

And hey, whatcha guys think about Liz confronting the PC in Cania after Valen's Confession, like asking if she's serious or just messing around with him. Cause she's totally in love with Valen; poor thing's heart gets broken if your PC romances Valen. (and if you don't romance Valen, and they both live at the end, they eventually get the epilouge, of course) She'd definitely ask (and have some nasty words for a PC who's just using him. And the PC can call her out and ask her if she's jealous, too.) I'll post the dialogue up here if you want, but I'm hesitant since, though it concerns Valen, he's not actually in it, and this is the Valen Thread, so...-shrug- Your call.

Of course Valen speaks infernal! It's not just that he was in Blood Wars. Being a slave of a demon for most of his life is one, but living in Sigil counts too. Sigil is the bigest crossroads between Planes, every kind of language mix there. I'm pretty sure he knows some Celestial and other Planar languages as well. Search for Sigil in D&Dwikia, you'll see what I mean.

Everything about Valen should be good for the thread, we had so many off-topics already that this one shouldn't be a problem.
Are you making a real Liz mod for NWN or just playing around with toolset? I could use another companion (I would miss Deekin so much, but I played HotU so many times with these two that a little change would make me some good 8'D)



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #687 on: March 17, 2011, 09:24:20 pm »

               Yep, I'm really making her a henchman. :3 You find her in the tavern/Public House being harassed by some male drow (the situation is hilarious; even more so if Valen's in your party.) Originally was going to make her romancable, but I couldn't figure out how; you can use her true name to bind her to you as your lover...but that ending is horribly depressing. ;-; Her and Deekin are adorable together too, she calls him her favorite bard, he calls her pretty ranger lady and they sing the Doom Song together! xD though her banters with Valen are my favorite...and very numerous. She also teaches both how to speak her language...I got carried away...yeah... xD I'll post the Liz/PC confrontation in a bit.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #688 on: March 17, 2011, 09:37:43 pm »

               -is eager- ME WANTS IT SO BAD!


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #689 on: March 17, 2011, 09:39:25 pm »

               ^ Thanks to you, I've just had a strange scene in my head where Valen's arguing with the Sleeping Man, and Valen says something in Celestial that gets the Sleeping Man mad. Then again, maybe it's because I've got the "If that doesn't work, let _me_ have a go at him" line stuck in my head... (You know, if you cut the Sleeping Man instead of using the trumpet or the amulet)