Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35807 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #630 on: March 08, 2011, 06:23:49 pm »

               Part 4

When Erin awoke once again, the hallways were filled with fan-girls of all types - Valen, Alistair, Bishop, Fenris, etc. - running around screaming bloody murder. Many had weapons, and those without weapons had robes that signaled their status as spellcasters.
She stumbled out of her bedroom, and DD ran up to her.

The girl was no longer human. Instead, she now had large, black-feathered wings and a tail similar to Valen's, but with a black spade on the tip.
"What-" Erin began, but DD cut her off swiftly.
"One, I'm in my tiefling form, two, we're being attacked by trolls!"
"Trolls, girl, trolls! DA2 is out, and now they're running rampant with spoilers!" DD began to scream, hyperventilating; Erin smacked her across the face.
"Get a hold on yourself, Demon!" the fan-girl cried, shaking her shoulders. DD slapped her back.
"Don' you be slappin' me, girl!" she retorted, suddenly with a ghetto-ish accent in her voice.
"Oh no you di'it!" Erin cried again, not really sure where that came from, and then slapped the now-tiefling.
Who slapped her back.

This slap-war went on for a good solid five minutes until Seer Tanky ran up to them.
"That's rather hypocritical, Seer-"
DD was silenced as Tanky raised her hand it a back-hand motion.
"Nevermind." the tiefling girl said hurriedly, backing away. "We need to find Valen."

"Right here, my ladies." Erin looked over, heart fluttering slightly, as said tiefling man walked up to the three.
"Wonderful, how are the wards holding up, Valen?" Seer Tanky asked quickly.
"They're down."
"Holy ****aki mushrooms!" DD cried, kicking a the ground angrily. "I spent weeks on those wards!"
"I know you did, Demon, and I'm sorry-" Valen cut off as he saw DD was in her tiefling form; his eyes flashed red, and his hands twitched.
"Ay, you attack me, I'm donkey kicking you in the groin, Valen!" DD snapped warningly.
"What's going on?" Erin muttered to the Seer, watching the two tieflings lash their tails and glare.
"DD's tiefling form is her main form, it's part Erinyes. Devil, Baatezu, whatever." Seer Tanky shrugged. "Valen's part Tanar'ri, so whenever DD's in her tiefling form, they want to kill each other. But her tiefling form is her strongest form, so..."
"Brilliant." Erin sighed, rubbing her temples.
"I'm sorry that you're being forced into this, Erin." murmured Tanky, placing a hand comfortingly on the fan-girl's shoulder.

"The Trolls! They have major plot spoilers!" a voice suddenly screamed. Erin turned to see two identical elf girls running up (she wondered briefly if there were any real humans in this place at all).
"What?!" Tanky jumped violently, turning as well. "Meeszy, Tashah, where's Drima?!"
"They got her!" Meeszy said, wheezy.
Next spoke Tashah; "She got a major plot spoiler-"
"-concerning Fenris!" Meeszy finished.
"Oh, no!" Tanky brought her hand to her cheek dramatically.
" But the majority of the girls here are Fen-Girls!" DD input, shocked.
"Shocking." Erin muttered sarcastically.

"You want to be shocked?" DD asked with narrow eyes.
"Go ahead, shock me." Erin replied, sure that the tiefling-shapeshifter-weirdo couldn't do that.
"I once had a threesome with Valen and my friend Drima." DD said nonchalantly.
Many things happened after she said this;
1) Valen's head imploded from sheer embarrassment.
2) Tashah began to gape comically at DD
3) Tanky sighed, waved her hand and fixed Valen quickly.

When Valen's head mishap was corrected, he turned to DD with a face so red it rivaled his hair.
"D-demon that's not what she meant!" he snapped.
"Actually, I'm shocked. Intrigued, and yet disgusted." Erin blinked. "We must talk of this later."
"Yes, preferably at a time when the temple isn't being sieged by trolls." DD dead-panned.
Valen began stuttering, but Demon ignored him, kicked a random boom-box that began playing 'American Idiot' by Green Day.

"LET'S KILL THESE TROLLS!" DD screamed, fist-pumping. Everyone in earshot, save for Valen and Erin, began whooping enthusiastically.

And so began the Epic Battle of Fan-Girls and Trolls.


Legacy_Meeszy Alexy

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #631 on: March 08, 2011, 07:03:19 pm »

               *grin* Poor Valen. And yay, I have an internet twin!



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #632 on: March 08, 2011, 07:36:19 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

Part 3

DD banged on the door. "Ay, Valen! Get your arse out here, there's a new girl who wants to meet you!"
No answer.
"Calm down, Demon, I'm coming!"
Erin nearly fainted when she heard that voice. THAT VOICE!
door swung open, and standing in the doorway was a six foot tall,
muscular man with long red hair, wearing a white t-shirt and a plaid
jacket, faded blue jeans, and thin glasses.
He looked...normal!

you're still wearing your glasses." DD said, mono-tone. "And hasn't
Tanky told you not to wear your ball cap when you're inside the temple?"
"Huh?" the tiefling blinked as DD deftly removed the the hat and the reading glasses.
"There, better." the girl smiled. "Anywho, this is Erin, she's new here and she wanted to meet you.
"Oh." the tiefling smiled briefly at Erin. "How are you this evening, my lady?"
Erin then proceeded to faint.

DD giggled at the unconscious fan-girl.
"Gets 'em everytime, eh Valen?"

The tiefling sighed at his friend's disregard for the fact that Erin was beginning to bleed. "Demon."
the ADHD Demonic blinked at the tiefling for a moment before looking
down at the slowly growing puddly of blood. "Oh. Well, pick her up and
let's get her back to Tanky." Valen nodded and easily slung the
unconscious Erin over his shoulder.

The two began to walk back to
the Common Room in a companionable silence, until a red-headed elf ran
up to them. No, not the Seer; this girl was taller, plumper, her hair
was pulled back into a loose bun and she was carrying a plate of
chocolate cake.
"Hey, Drima." Elizabeth and Valen said in unison.
"H-hey guys, where's the cake eating closet?" Drima asked, eyes wild, and repeatedly looking behind her.
" passed it. It's about three hallways down the way you came."
"GAH!" was all Drima could say as suddenly four more girls ran down the hallway;
"DRIMA GIVE US THE CAKE!" an elf with dark skin and hair, named Dirtsa, cried.
"Yeah, its not fair-"
"-that you get to-"
"-eat it all."
two were Meeszy Alexy and Tashah, two elves who looked the exact same
and (despite not being related in the slightest) acted like identical
The third, Eridhan, one of the only humans in this entire
joint, knocked an arrow enchanted with Hold Person and loosed it
expertly; it hit Drima in the shoulder, forcing her to freeze in place.

"HAHAHA! OUR CAKE NOW, BIATCH!" Tashah screamed loudly as she and Meeszy caught up to Drima, Dirtsa on their heels.
"We might want to run, my lady." Valen muttered out the side of his mouth to DD, who nodded in agreement.
two did a small tap dance before slipping into another hall-way;
last thing they say was Meeszy beginning to sing her ballad of the
Dracolich and the Gelatinous Cube as punishment to Drima for stealing
the cake.

"Seer Tanky," DD saluted as they entered the Common Room. "Lady Erin swooned and bashed her head open.
With a sigh, Tanky replied, "I knew we should have replaced the marble with some groovy carpeting."
"With all do respect, Seer Tanky," DD said nervously. "Your idea of 'groovy' is actually un-groovy to many of the girls here."
the price I pay for being the only one with a sense of style," Tanky
said with a long sigh. "I mean, honestly;" she waved a hand towards her
own robes, then towards DD's black leather armor.
"Ay, that hurts." DD winced very visibly. "My armor is very in style!"
the Underdark, maybe." Tanky said briskly. "But no matter, we need to
heal Erin." she snapped her fingers Erin's boo-boo was made all better.
"Kay, shimmy her up the stairs and put her to bed, kiddos, I've got a
"With Imloth?" DD put her hands on her hips and glared at her Seer, who nodded bashfully. "Again?"
"He's a very nice man, for a male." Tanky objected, bristling slightly.
"That makes about as much sense as why this story is being written."

Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

Part 4

When Erin awoke once again, the hallways were filled with fan-girls of all types - Valen, Alistair, Bishop, Fenris, etc. - running around screaming bloody murder. Many had weapons, and those without weapons had robes that signaled their status as spellcasters.
She stumbled out of her bedroom, and DD ran up to her.

The girl was no longer human. Instead, she now had large, black-feathered wings and a tail similar to Valen's, but with a black spade on the tip.
"What-" Erin began, but DD cut her off swiftly.
"One, I'm in my tiefling form, two, we're being attacked by trolls!"
"Trolls, girl, trolls! DA2 is out, and now they're running rampant with spoilers!" DD began to scream, hyperventilating; Erin smacked her across the face.
"Get a hold on yourself, Demon!" the fan-girl cried, shaking her shoulders. DD slapped her back.
"Don' you be slappin' me, girl!" she retorted, suddenly with a ghetto-ish accent in her voice.
"Oh no you di'it!" Erin cried again, not really sure where that came from, and then slapped the now-tiefling.
Who slapped her back.

This slap-war went on for a good solid five minutes until Seer Tanky ran up to them.
"That's rather hypocritical, Seer-"
DD was silenced as Tanky raised her hand it a back-hand motion.
"Nevermind." the tiefling girl said hurriedly, backing away. "We need to find Valen."

"Right here, my ladies." Erin looked over, heart fluttering slightly, as said tiefling man walked up to the three.
"Wonderful, how are the wards holding up, Valen?" Seer Tanky asked quickly.
"They're down."
"Holy ****aki mushrooms!" DD cried, kicking a the ground angrily. "I spent weeks on those wards!"
"I know you did, Demon, and I'm sorry-" Valen cut off as he saw DD was in her tiefling form; his eyes flashed red, and his hands twitched.
"Ay, you attack me, I'm donkey kicking you in the groin, Valen!" DD snapped warningly.
"What's going on?" Erin muttered to the Seer, watching the two tieflings lash their tails and glare.
"DD's tiefling form is her main form, it's part Erinyes. Devil, Baatezu, whatever." Seer Tanky shrugged. "Valen's part Tanar'ri, so whenever DD's in her tiefling form, they want to kill each other. But her tiefling form is her strongest form, so..."
"Brilliant." Erin sighed, rubbing her temples.
"I'm sorry that you're being forced into this, Erin." murmured Tanky, placing a hand comfortingly on the fan-girl's shoulder.

"The Trolls! They have major plot spoilers!" a voice suddenly screamed. Erin turned to see two identical elf girls running up (she wondered briefly if there were any real humans in this place at all).
"What?!" Tanky jumped violently, turning as well. "Meeszy, Tashah, where's Drima?!"
"They got her!" Meeszy said, wheezy.
Next spoke Tashah; "She got a major plot spoiler-"
"-concerning Fenris!" Meeszy finished.
"Oh, no!" Tanky brought her hand to her cheek dramatically.
" But the majority of the girls here are Fen-Girls!" DD input, shocked.
"Shocking." Erin muttered sarcastically.

"You want to be shocked?" DD asked with narrow eyes.
"Go ahead, shock me." Erin replied, sure that the tiefling-shapeshifter-weirdo couldn't do that.
"I once had a threesome with Valen and my friend Drima." DD said nonchalantly.
Many things happened after she said this;
1) Valen's head imploded from sheer embarrassment.
2) Tashah began to gape comically at DD
3) Tanky sighed, waved her hand and fixed Valen quickly.

When Valen's head mishap was corrected, he turned to DD with a face so red it rivaled his hair.
"D-demon that's not what she meant!" he snapped.
"Actually, I'm shocked. Intrigued, and yet disgusted." Erin blinked. "We must talk of this later."
"Yes, preferably at a time when the temple isn't being sieged by trolls." DD dead-panned.
Valen began stuttering, but Demon ignored him, kicked a random boom-box that began playing 'American Idiot' by Green Day.

"LET'S KILL THESE TROLLS!" DD screamed, fist-pumping. Everyone in earshot, save for Valen and Erin, began whooping enthusiastically.

And so began the Epic Battle of Fan-Girls and Trolls.

-is being slowly brain-deaded by troll-spoilers and starts to speak in lolcat-

D-D, I so very much love you! You are ridiculously awesome! You know it!
You just become the First Great Prophetess Of Valen Thread! A thread-god! Wait and feel power of our worship falling over you! <><><>

PS. Bits in bold cracked me up so much I cried laughing. Bits in italiced bold killed me with their awesomeness.':wizard:'


                     Modifié par Drima, 08 mars 2011 - 07:40 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #633 on: March 08, 2011, 07:37:53 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...
Many things happened after she said this;
1) Valen's head imploded from sheer embarrassment.
2) Tashah began to gape comically at DD
3) Tanky sighed, waved her hand and fixed Valen quickly.


And so began the Epic Battle of Fan-Girls and Trolls.

That line cracked me up. The mental ':lol:':lol:.

I do kind of like the whole epic fan-girl vs. troll line, they should make a game about that '<img'>.

Also, yay I'm starring in a fanfic. '^_^'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #634 on: March 08, 2011, 07:38:31 pm »

               Doublepost.. dang it. ':pinched:'


                     Modifié par dirtsa90, 08 mars 2011 - 07:40 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #635 on: March 08, 2011, 07:50:26 pm »

               Those trolls are now being locked in the cage, without the DAII key we cant' get in, they can't get out. Simple.

(srsly, I can't get back to any of those threads until I got my game. dang.)



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #636 on: March 08, 2011, 08:30:41 pm »

               NEW CODEX ENTRY:

Trolls are the cousins of Haters and Darkspawn. They eat brains, as they are zombie-fied Fanatics. Known occasionally as Haters to the uneducated, those who have access to the DA2 forums know many spoilers, therefor we know they must not be telling lies and our brains rot quicker.

-has too much time on her hands-

I'm making the finale suitably epic, and hoepfully it will be just as rib-crackingly LOL-worthy as the other parts. Drama, magic, adventure, and a dash of romance topped with an open, happy (?) ending.

In the meantime, not to sound bratty, but I would appreciate a bit of feedback on my NWN story I'm not a Hero. It's linked in the second image of my siggy. I'd paste the link here, but my phone doesn't support copy&paste and my computer is...inaccessesible atm.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #637 on: March 08, 2011, 08:31:38 pm »


I know how you feel. I decided to black-out the entire DA2 forum yesterday to avoid spoilers..and I tell you, it's painful. ':crying:'

Especially missing the Fen-thread.

At least this little sanctuary still stands. '^_^'


                     Modifié par dirtsa90, 08 mars 2011 - 08:32 .



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #638 on: March 08, 2011, 11:09:20 pm »

               DA2 related mini-rant since I can't post in the DA2 forums.

I tried to not do it.
I found videos of Fenris/Lord!Hawke romance.
And watched them.
Ooooohhh gooooods I am just freaking out right now!!!

I need that shiny elfling! He and my Hawkette must make pretty half-breed babies together! ;-;
-clutches self to Valen whilst sobbing dramatically-
I have to wait till my b-day in July since it was either Fenris or Valen (we ran out of enough memory space on our laptop), and I have to wait till then to get the PS3 I want. u_u -prays that her uncle bought DA2-



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #639 on: March 09, 2011, 12:42:53 am »

               Split into itty-bitty parts to annoy you and make things difficult.
Part 5.1

Erin was given a LogicSword ™ and an Anti-Spoiler bracer, then thrown into the fray. She had killed three trolls so far, and felt pretty damn good. Until, that is, she got shot in the arm with a SpoilerArrow. Visions of gameplay that she didn't want to know yet flew through her mind. She screamed in pure fanrage as her mind worked against her...until someone ripped the arrow out painfully.

"Like, OW!" she snapped, glaring at the person...until she saw who it was.
David. Fricking. Gaider.
"Had to happen." he said simply, shrugging. He was armed with a giant pen, she noticed as he turned away. Three other devs were there; Chris Priestly, Mike Laidlaw, and one other she couldn't recognize. Laidlaw chopped off the head of one troll, screaming 'WE MUST REMOVE THE SHUFFLE!!!!1!!ELEVEN!!', and Priestly smashed one with a giant Banhammer, laughing manically as he did so.

With the help of the devs, the trolls were quickly eliminated, but just as they arrived, they left, Gaider's final message ringing through their minds;
'Remember, girls: Spay and neuter your LIs!'
It would forever stay in their memory.






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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #640 on: March 09, 2011, 05:02:46 am »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

Split into itty-bitty parts to annoy you and make things difficult.

-snip of awesome
'Remember, girls: Spay and neuter your LIs!'




-revives, gives the biggest pie she could ever bake, dies again-



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #641 on: March 09, 2011, 06:47:32 am »

               Can't...stop...laughing...can't breath...OMFG!!!!!!
"HAHAHA! OUR CAKE NOW, BIATCH!" Tashah screamed loudly as she and Meeszy caught up to Drima, Dirtsa on their heels.
Damn straight! 'Image
And you had a threesome with Valen and didn't tell/invite me?! 'Image
Pie, pie, must give DD pie!  'Image *Apple pie, cherry pie, blueberry pie, strawberry pie, lemon-meringue pie, pecan and chocolate pies rain down on DD*



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #642 on: March 09, 2011, 04:49:02 pm »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

Split into itty-bitty parts to annoy you and make things difficult.
Part 5.1

Erin was given a LogicSword ™ and an Anti-Spoiler bracer, then thrown into the fray. She had killed three trolls so far, and felt pretty damn good. Until, that is, she got shot in the arm with a SpoilerArrow. Visions of gameplay that she didn't want to know yet flew through her mind. She screamed in pure fanrage as her mind worked against her...until someone ripped the arrow out painfully.

"Like, OW!" she snapped, glaring at the person...until she saw who it was.
David. Fricking. Gaider.
"Had to happen." he said simply, shrugging. He was armed with a giant pen, she noticed as he turned away. Three other devs were there; Chris Priestly, Mike Laidlaw, and one other she couldn't recognize. Laidlaw chopped off the head of one troll, screaming 'WE MUST REMOVE THE SHUFFLE!!!!1!!ELEVEN!!', and Priestly smashed one with a giant Banhammer, laughing manically as he did so.

With the help of the devs, the trolls were quickly eliminated, but just as they arrived, they left, Gaider's final message ringing through their minds;
'Remember, girls: Spay and neuter your LIs!'
It would forever stay in their memory.




Oh dear that was pure awesome!! '<img'> *Hands over virtual apple-hazelnut pie* (Hope you're not allergic to nuts. '^_^')

Sadly I've been mortally wounded by a SpoilerArrow (I suck at fighting)... I hope I can be saved in time... ':unsure:'



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #643 on: March 09, 2011, 09:06:20 pm »

               I am immune to the spoilers (been feast on them for weeks).

*cast healing spells on dirtsa.*


Legacy_Madame Rose Crimsynn

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #644 on: March 09, 2011, 09:58:46 pm »

               *Comes in during a break from DA2 with very large cup of coffee* Heya, guys! Whatcha been up--?

*Glances at what was posted* O_O ... Oh. My. God. I missed insanity. O_O