Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35817 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #495 on: February 28, 2011, 06:00:06 am »

               Stop teasing and give me the next chapter, D-D. I've suffered enough teasing from the other thread today.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #496 on: February 28, 2011, 06:58:09 am »

               Alright, alright! -throws hands up in defeat- It's so fun to tease you guys, though! Now I know why Aimo and Pseudo love to torture us in the Fenris thread so much! >=3
I'll go finish up the next chapter, sheesh. Pushy, you fan-girls. >_> /is only half serious



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #497 on: March 01, 2011, 04:21:38 am »

               Derp. Many apologies for teh double post, I needed to get this out.
I've decided to re-write part of A Ranger's Tale. Skipping Elizabeth's first three days in Lith My'arthar never sat well with me, and I felt I missed a chance to add more to the story and Elizabeth as a character. At this point, her and Valen's relationship lacks enough depth for them to...ahem, 'do it' when I want them to (with the Illithids(sp?)). So I'm going to save the story as it is, then remake that part.

And now, because I'm an evil tease, I give you this:
Elizabeth is staring listlessly into the fireplace, apparently off guard. Valen walks up behind her and puts his arms around her waist.
E: Good morning, Valen. -grins slyly- Have a nice rest? I mean, when you finally went to sleep, of course.
V: I slept just fine. How about you, my dear? -sees Elizabeth make a face- What?
E: Don't call me 'my dear.'
V: Why?
E: That's what my father...that's what my father called my mother when he was cross with her.
V: Well, what should I call you, then?
E: Lizzy, of course. Or 'love.' 'Deadly Sex Goddess' works too.
V: And what should I call you when I'm cross with you, my love? Mrs. Shadowbreath?
E: No. Call me Mrs. Shadowbreath when you are utterly, blissfully happy.
V: Very well. How did you sleep last night, Mrs. Shadowbreath?
E: -grins- Quite fine, Mr. Shadowbreath. -kisses him on the cheek- Thank you for your concern.

Dohohohoho, just got done watching Pride and Prejudice, can you tell? >8d Obviously, after they get married in teh sequel. And yes that's a referance to Zevran. -does a jig then runs back to the Gutter in hyper speed to avoid the rotten veggies she senses being thrown her way-



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #498 on: March 01, 2011, 06:04:33 am »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

Derp. Many apologies for teh double post, I needed to get this out.
I've decided to re-write part of A Ranger's Tale. Skipping Elizabeth's first three days in Lith My'arthar never sat well with me, and I felt I missed a chance to add more to the story and Elizabeth as a character. At this point, her and Valen's relationship lacks enough depth for them to...ahem, 'do it' when I want them to (with the Illithids(sp?)). So I'm going to save the story as it is, then remake that part.

And now, because I'm an evil tease, I give you this:
Elizabeth is staring listlessly into the fireplace, apparently off guard. Valen walks up behind her and puts his arms around her waist.
E: Good morning, Valen. -grins slyly- Have a nice rest? I mean, when you finally went to sleep, of course.
V: I slept just fine. How about you, my dear? -sees Elizabeth make a face- What?
E: Don't call me 'my dear.'
V: Why?
E: That's what my father...that's what my father called my mother when he was cross with her.
V: Well, what should I call you, then?
E: Lizzy, of course. Or 'love.' 'Deadly Sex Goddess' works too.
V: And what should I call you when I'm cross with you, my love? Mrs. Shadowbreath?
E: No. Call me Mrs. Shadowbreath when you are utterly, blissfully happy.
V: Very well. How did you sleep last night, Mrs. Shadowbreath?
E: -grins- Quite fine, Mr. Shadowbreath. -kisses him on the cheek- Thank you for your concern.

Dohohohoho, just got done watching Pride and Prejudice, can you tell? >8d Obviously, after they get married in teh sequel. And yes that's a referance to Zevran. -does a jig then runs back to the Gutter in hyper speed to avoid the rotten veggies she senses being thrown her way-




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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #499 on: March 01, 2011, 06:13:28 am »


I will be in my gutter street house, call me if you finish.



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« Reply #500 on: March 01, 2011, 06:39:15 am »

               You get a street house?! Sheet, I only have a small condo! D:< I got ripped off!

er.... On topic. Yes. Valen. Sexy. Tiefling. Has horns. And a Tail. Red hair. Is broody.
(truthfully, I was sold on Valen once I knew he was a broody red-head. I have this thing for broody red-heads; blame Tybalt Capp from Sims 2. He's my first pixel love~ '<3')

Oh! In between writing A.R.T, keeping up with the Fenris thread and learning how to draw Valen, I'm attempting to make a module set after HotU that either has Valen in it, or the (romancable! '<img'>) daughter of Valen and a female PC (with Valen making a cameo), as a henchman.
But I no know how to cooooode! ;-; (That had a very half-orcish feel to it, did it not? x3) Would anyone here like to help me? -polymorphs into a puppy and looks around pleadingly with large, chocolate brown eyes-



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« Reply #501 on: March 01, 2011, 07:02:30 am »

               I think you can use the tool set to do that, but I am no expert on that thing. As the matter of fact, sometimes I think the computer hate me.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #502 on: March 01, 2011, 07:08:16 am »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

But I no know how to cooooode! ;-; (That had a very half-orcish feel to it, did it not? x3) Would anyone here like to help me?

Try Lilac's Soul Script Generator (I believe that's how it's called), the most useful tool ever '<img'>
I used it for building my own post HotU mod and it really helped '<img'>
Anyway, if you ever need some help, just let me know, I'll see what I can do '<img'>


Legacy_Aldatariel Calentaur

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« Reply #503 on: March 01, 2011, 11:17:53 am »

               I know how to do some basic scripting, I am working on my own mod, though. There's also my chaotic RL: I will never know if I have the time to continue a project. So sorry, but I won't subscribe to anything.

By the way, Cylis still has loads of material for a post-HotU mod (including the possibility to continue the Valen romance, even though that's not all. The mod was meant to be a story on its own which will lead the PC through the planes). She just doesn't have the time to lead it anymore and doesn't want to do the dialog writing and scripting. She still is willing to build areas and give ideas for quests, though. So if there's anyone willing to take over (warning: Cylis is a skilled area creator, drawer and a perfectionist, so you should be really good at writing dialog and / or scripting), just let me know, I will contact her.

As for the dead Flirtpack project: if there's anyone out there who is willing to lead it (I can't do that, I am not a native speaker, my scripting skills are just a little bit beyond the basics, RL keeps me from doing what I want to do far too often): why don't you just ask Mynfel to revive it?

As I said already, I can't do much. I would be willing to do some basic scripting for the flirtpack, though. I also could offer to try to write Durnan for Cylis' mod as well as any dialogs PC/small children or PC/animals.

Now let me go back to my own stuff ... or into bed. I am still suffering from that bad flu so excuse me if I am talking nonsense.



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« Reply #504 on: March 02, 2011, 02:15:55 am »

               Hmm...I've contimplated taking over the Flirtpack. Maybe I'll ask mynfel to do that once I finish my module. ^^ there are a lot of good flirts there already, but I do have some ideas.
-goes back to finish her one-shot Valen angstfic-


Legacy_Maera Imrov

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« Reply #505 on: March 02, 2011, 04:03:22 am »


tankgirly wrote...

Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

*I write my chapters out of order alot. 8D I'm just derpy awesome like that.

I usually write my story in order. It's how my brain function. Therefore I am in awe how people could to it the other way around. Hehe. '^_^'

I skip around if I get a really good plotbunny for the 'really good part' and am bored at the moment of writing the lead up. Sometimes means I have to tweak what I've skipped ahead to later on, once I have written the lead up, but at least it gets the bunny out of my brain.



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« Reply #506 on: March 02, 2011, 08:14:49 pm »

               My bunny hops all over the place. The last time I have that moment I had to pause my MotB and write a Dragon Age ficcie. Now they are threaten to write a FR Dark Elf XD



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« Reply #507 on: March 03, 2011, 02:51:17 am »

               I think my plotbunny does cocaine. >_> The way it hops from one fandom to the other, one idea to another...this is SPARTA! insanity!

On another subject, I am busy making a new henchman for HotU. Betcha can't guess who it is! -whistles innocently-

And we need new art in here. >_> -wishes she could draw Valen correctly-



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« Reply #508 on: March 03, 2011, 04:25:42 am »

               @D-D Stephen requested an Merrill fanart so I will have to do that first.

Plus I am trying to squeeze some time on my Levyn comic so it's  a bit of handful at the moment.

Perhaps we can search around to see if there are any more nice Valen art.

Such as this one by Louvette:



Legacy_Madame Rose Crimsynn

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #509 on: March 03, 2011, 04:39:29 am »


Deliciously-Demonic wrote...

I think my plotbunny does cocaine. >_> The way it hops from one fandom to the other, one idea to another...this is SPARTA! insanity!

On another subject, I am busy making a new henchman for HotU. Betcha can't guess who it is! -whistles innocently-

And we need new art in here. >_> -wishes she could draw Valen correctly-

My plotbunny does worse things. You probably don't even want to know what it does exactly. It doesn't jump fandom trains too fast, but ideas... someone help me...