Author Topic: The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)  (Read 35775 times)


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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #1005 on: May 26, 2011, 06:33:07 am »

               Well I'll try and be a bit faster this time, but no promsies! '<img'> Neeshka is very demanding as it is.

More seriously though I hope it won't be so long betwen updates. More earthquakes Christchurch can well do without.



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« Reply #1006 on: May 26, 2011, 06:57:19 am »

               Darn them red-headed tieflings ;P

...or is Neeshka's hair brown? I can never remember.

I suppose I have no right to demand updates when I have yet to update any of my fics. xD

You're getting earthquakes? Aw crap. D8 I'm getting tornados where I live. And lots of rain. Makes getting online a right pain. P:<


                     Modifié par Deliciously-Demonic, 26 mai 2011 - 03:04 .



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« Reply #1007 on: May 26, 2011, 09:29:27 am »

               I discride Neeshka's hair as reddish brown '<img'> Depending on the lighting.

Yeah we've had two major quakes, one back in Spetember last year and the other Febuary this year. Feb's quake was nasty. It's going to be years beofre Christchurch recovers. Though its nothing compired to what's going on in Japan. We don't have nuclear reactors to worry about.


Legacy_Aldatariel Calentaur

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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #1008 on: May 26, 2011, 04:04:11 pm »

               I never realized that one of your stories actually was about HotU and Valen, OfficerDonNZ. Sorry for that. What does your nickname mean, by the way? Are you are soldier? Even an officer at the army? Don't worry, I don't hate brave warriors. I only hate war. (I'd wish I still had my fic about about a young warrior joining the Vietnam War ...)



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #1009 on: May 26, 2011, 05:42:33 pm »

               It dosen't really mean anything. If you remember the sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun, there was a portly policeman named Officer Don.... '<img'> A friend of mind said I looked a little like him and the name kind of stuck '<img'>



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #1010 on: May 26, 2011, 09:50:28 pm »

               I've found something that you all might like to look at. This was written by David Gaider, many years ago on the now defunt Ladies of Neverwinter board. He worte it in respose to a disscution on what would have Valen's reaction been to a female PC having their armour nicked by the mimic. I saved it at the time because I thought it might come in handy for my Valen fic '<img'>

Valen: "Err... my lady?" The tiefling seems a bit flustered, his eyes directed skyward. "Is it not a bit dangerous to... be so bare. Of armor, I mean."

----- PC: "I'm in no danger, Valen."

Valen: "I am certain that you are well able to protect yourself, of course." He gulps and looks in another direction. "That is not what I meant..."

----- PC: "Well, what do you mean, then?"

Valen: "I, ah... I simply mean you may attract unwanted attention. This is a land of devils, after all."

A---- PC: "Oh? Who says a little attention is unwanted?"
B---- PC: "You think devils are interested in my underwear?"
C---- PC: "As opposed to unwanted attention from fiends?"

A -- Valen: Valen suddenly loses his composure, staring at you with open shock. "My lady!" he says scandalously. Then, realizing he is looking at you, suddenly stammers and turns away.

B -- Valen: Valen squirms openly, trying to formulate a response to your question. Still not looking at you he mutters, "You are a beautiful woman, my lady, without doubt. You... would garner notice wherever you went."

C -- Valen: Valen's eyes go wide and he stares at you openly. "I... I did not mean... that is... my lady, how could you think...!" Suddenly realizing he is looking at you, his eyes go wider as he turns away.

Valen: He clears his throat, looking abashed. "I simply... I would not want any attentions directed your way to be... inappropriate."

----- PC: "Valen... are you defending my honor?"

----- (Interjection) Nathyrra: Raising an eyebrow, the drow chuckles with amusement. "Actually, I think he is defending your cleavage."

----- (Interjection) Deekin: "Wait! Wait!" The kobold writes furiously in a small notebook, a tongue idly sticking out of one side of his mouth. "You slows down! Deekin not writes so fast!"

----- (Interjection) Evil Aribeth: The ghost groans audibly and turns around, sticking her finger in her pale throat and making slight gagging noises.

----- (Interjection) Good Aribeth: The ghost grins at Valen affably and arches an eyebrow at him. "Yes, that's a good question, Valen. Are you defending her honor?"

Valen: His pale eyes suddenly turn and fixate on you, his bashfulness melting away to be replaced by a sudden intensity and earnestness. "Always, my lady," he says in a breathless tone, his eyes unmoving, "if you'll allow me."

Valen: His gaze lingering only a moment longer, a blush slowly crawls up his cheeks. Finally he turns away once more, his stance resolute, leaving you to return to the business of the odd mimic.



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #1011 on: May 26, 2011, 10:05:50 pm »

               -pokes the thread-
More teasing from D-D. '<img'>

"Va...len?" Elizabeth breathed, clutching the wound in her stomach.
"I'm right here," he said with gritted teeth, pulling her closer as he made his way back to the camp.
"Va...len...I'm...afraid to...die." she murmured, mossy green eyes watching his face intently.
"I won't let that happen!" the tiefling told her defiantly, but there was no denying the severity of her wounds. "You'll be safe, my lady, I swear it."
"I...know...Valen." she inhaled loudly, a small smile playing across her soft features. "I'm...with you...aren't I?" she reached up with a bloody hand and touched his cheek fondly, before sighing and closing her eyes. "So...tired..."
"My lady, you must stay awake!"
"So very...very tired," Elizabeth yawned.
"Stay awake!" Valen demanded. "Open your eyes!"
"...just resting, Va...Valen." she murmured, nearly incoherent. "So...sleepy..."
The hand touching his cheek seized for a moment, then fell limp and slid down, catching itself on the collar of his armor.
" lady?" Valen skidded to a halt, watching slack features with worry. "My lady? ...Elizabeth?" He shook her slightly, but it did nothing but make her hand fall back to her chest. ", Elizabeth, wake up!"
She didn't move a muscle; she was beyond sleep now, and unable to hear his pleas.
It was all his fault...




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« Reply #1012 on: May 26, 2011, 10:26:34 pm »

               You're an evil, evil woman D-D. But you knew that already, right? '<img'>



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« Reply #1013 on: May 26, 2011, 10:48:41 pm »

               But of course! I'm 'a very wicked woman.' But, 'in a good way!' >8D

My name is 'Deliciously Demonic' for a reason!



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The Valen Shadowbreath thread :)
« Reply #1014 on: May 27, 2011, 01:12:55 am »

               Here's the opening for the next chappy of my Valen fic

Serena sat near the bow of the boat staring out over the dark river deep in thought it was only Valen's heavy footsteps that made her look up. "How do the drow feel about your leadership?" she asked suddenly.

The weapon master looked mildly surprised. "I am not sure. Those who follow the Seer accepted me readily enough for her sake, but the others... they despise any creature who is not drow, themselves. I am no exception."

The priestess nodded "That's true enough. I'm surprised they would agree to listen to you."

"They didn't listen to me at first." A slight smile played across Valen's face. "But I have a way of convincing even drow that my orders bear listening to. Strangely enough, I do not think my leadership would have been possible were it not for my demonic heritage." Valen stopped short and looked at Serena warily. "You... know what a tiefling is?" he asked cautiously.

The human cleric grinned "Someone with a handsome set of horns?" she asked her green eyes sparkling.

The weapon master smiled bashfully as a gauntleted hand rose up to touch one of the goat-like horns on his head in a quick and self-conscious manner. "You jest, of course, my lady..."

Serena shook her head. "Not at all, you're quite handsome."

Valen's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. "Th-thank you, my lady. You are... too kind." He said clearing his throat abruptly. "But... do you know what I am, truly?"

Serena nodded "Yes, I know what a tiefling is. And at least you don't call me Raven." she added with a shudder.

Valen nodded, looking troubled. "And... my demon's blood does not bother you?" he asked perplexed

"No. Should it?" Serena replied seriously "Given what you've learned about my blood I should be the one asking you if you're bothered."



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« Reply #1015 on: May 27, 2011, 01:25:30 am »

               -does a dance-
Yayz! How...zazzy. '<img'>

I can't wait till it's posted!



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« Reply #1016 on: May 28, 2011, 10:45:31 pm »

               -violently kicks the thread-

Wake up dagnabbit!

Maybe shirtless, sleeping Valen will attract the others...

-sits and waits for the fangirls to come-



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« Reply #1017 on: May 28, 2011, 11:25:16 pm »

               I might have scared them all away, D-D. :innocent: I mean a guy who posts in a fangirl thread is rare enough but a guy who posts in a fangirl thread and is actually writing a fic with a female lead who's paired with the subject of said fangirl thread, now that pretty much unheard of. '<img'>



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« Reply #1018 on: May 29, 2011, 01:04:47 am »


Would that mean I'm not a real fangirl because I don't care, or that I'm a better fangirl then the others?

I don't actually consider this a 'fangirl' thread. Sure, the majority is made a fangirls, but it's just a fanthread to me, and men are as welcome as women.

JUST DON'T LEAVE. I don't wanna be alone. D:



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« Reply #1019 on: May 29, 2011, 01:09:15 am »

               Don't worry, D-D. I won't leave you lonely. (Gods how corny did that sound?) '<img'> It's the weekend so maybe everyone's away doing whatever they do on the weekend?