MagicalMaster.. I can completely understand your confusion if you didn't read the dialogue when the NPC's were talking and instead just clicked through to the end like you might be used to on other servers, trust me... I've done this before, but if you had taken the time read the all dialogue you would have read this:
Dr. Mugner "Splendid, you'll need to go to the town of Rasmar across the lake, it would be best to take the ferry there, once there, speak to Carri Heraldson in the Guardians Hall, she'll have all you'll need."
in your journal you would have read:
"He continues to explain the fastest way to get to Rasmar would be by ferry, crossing over the lake."
I'm not saying the blame is completely yours, i'm sure I could have mentioned it had a cost of 200 gold or that the mayor of the town had more information or even that there is a gate tax based on your level on a sign before you leave town, but in a quest based server that it is, my thoughts are that it should go without saying that you need to read all dialogue and possibly take notes. In some cases taking notes will be the only way you can finish a quest unless you have a good memory. These quests are given without an update until you find the location or item the quest giver had mentioned. In short, it is imperative that you read all the dialogue for quests given on the server.
Almost all quest information can be found on the forums:
this includes quest walk throughs for all jobs and quests in town,
class changes,
Maps!!!!, (seamless)
and sooner than later, a list of all spell changes and skill checks.
I would welcome you or anyone else to come and let me show you just how easy it is to get started in Lands of Larinia.
Please feel free to message me here or on the server forums (registration required for messages) with a time and I'll meet you there.
I'm on PST (-8 GMT) available most times through out the day.
If nothing else, I thank you for giving my server a try and maybe one day you'll give it another go.
P.S. Shadooow, the pre-epic bad guys haven't changed since last time you played and I DO appreciate the endorsement.