NWN DM wrote...
Yeah, if you bought it 2nd hand, the keys have probably been long since registered.
Luckily, for just $10 you can get keys from Good Old Games.
Well it took about half a week to get this paypall-something going, then to get Good Old Games install program be convinced I truly did not care it's files were lacking integrity, it did actually work. There are valid CD-keys, and so far a working game. So thanks a lot for that, it helped.
Lightfoot8 wrote...
If you regestered your old game the CD-Keys should still be on the old site.
Edit My Account
There was a problem with the order they game the CD-Keys in some packages. Try swapping the CD-keys for SOU and HOTU.
if you still have access to your old system and can salavage the cdkey.ini file from the system. It contains your CD-Keys. You can open it with a normal text editor. Just right click it and select "Open With..."
I am rather sure I never registered my old CD-keys, and while I'm trying to get to remember my old passwords, I simply haven't a clue just yet so that'll be a while. As for the link, I had already found and tried it, but it only leads to a "this account is due for deletion or already deleted" message. Which I think is due to the fact that those forums are either going to be deleted or neglected. Either of the two, it's not much use to me. I know where to salvage my older CD-keys. But my computer is not in a state to actually allow me to get them. I have not ever attempted to swap the expansion pack CD-keys, but if something else occurs I will try that as well.
End of story, I've got a new game with keys that work, a few kids in a store I need to shout at for costing , and an older account I need to find the right password for. Or it has indeed been deleted for some reason and I shall need to make a new one.
So thank you all for the help, it was most useful. Mr. Bundy is grateful too. In fact he is so happy he can hardly keep it to himself.