are just getting the Epic Character Builders guild up and running. the group forums are a bit limited in admin rights (can't create sub forums among other things) but we are hoping that will be resolved soon. Until then we hope to get all the old members over and most importantly....
The Original Leadership of the guild as well as officers will stay as close to the same as it was before as possible. The Original leadership did an amazing job and I see no reason to even attempt to take that away from them. This is their baby. I'm sure there will be some changes in leadership since when ever you move to a new site or forum some people get lost in the shuffle or decide they are going to retire from nwn but that is my goal anyway.
ALL NWN players welcome!
Once the forum issues is worked out we will post up various links to builds and we have backed up all the old character builds (Thank you Anuis!) Once we figure out the forum limitations we will try to get those back up.
For now the previous search engine does still work. as it seems bioware hasn't taken down the guilds yet. So that may go down as soon as bioware decides. Until then Keep on building! Keep on Playing and ENJOY!