MrZork wrote...
LOL, yes, quite often that's about right. Not always, of course, but these are mobs in SP modules! These modules are not typically built with power builders in mind and, particularly in the epics where the OP is looking at EMA, their mobs aren't going to really touch a decently-built and well equipped sword+board fighter one-on-one unless they get somewhat lucky.
Where did I mention power builders at all? All I've considered is wearing full plate, wearing the standard items that give AC, and taking Armor Skin. Haven't even factored in stuff like Tumble, Expertise, Dodge, RDD/PM AC bonus, etc. Just what a fighter built with the recommend button would have.
That said, I would generally agree -- many enemies in the poorly balanced modules like the ones we're discussing have absolutely atrocious AB. In fact, their AB is often so low that the EMA doesn't matter because the mobs barely hit the mage in the first place and are also incredibly weak in general! I mean, you're basically saying "I want to spend an epic feat to make it so incredibly weak and meaningless enemies hit me 5% of the time instead of 15% of the time." These enemies are such a non-issue that they're not even worth considering.
MrZork wrote...
So, basically, even a mage is at a point where EMA makes a difference.
The question is not whether it makes a difference at all, it's whether it makes enough of a difference. Imagine if there was an epic feat which made all physical hits that dealt 5 damage or less deal 2 less damage (so 1 or 2 is reduced to 0, 3 to 1, 4 to 2, 5 to 3, and 6 and above deal normal damage). Is this feat worth taking if you have good alternatives?
Hell no, because the only things hitting you for 5 damage or less in epic levels are enemies that are completely irrelevant in the first place.
MrZork wrote...
Really?!? You are joking, right? It is a total stretch to interpret my note about getting an edge with some extra ranged damage on a pulled mob as if I had said the PC "would do MASSIVE AWESOME DAMAGE". Not even close. I am sorry, but you are too smart to need that sort of internet strawman hyperbole.
How are you defining "soften up" then? My point is that if it takes 30 seconds to melee a mob to death, then shooting at it for 2 rounds as it approaches will deal a whopping 3-4% of its HP (since you deal about 3.33% HP per second and you save about 1 second of melee combat per my earlier numbers).
To me, "softening something up" means WAY more than "doing 3-4% damage and saving 1 second of melee combat."
MrZork wrote...
BTW, I am curious if your melee types bother with magical arrows? I mean, if it's only an extra d6 per hit and they are hardly hitting anyway, there's no reason to pay more than 1 gp for a stack of mundane ammo, right?
Depends if gold is relevant. If gold is tight then no, I wouldn't spend (relatively speaking) tons of money on magic arrows when that gold would be better invested into healing back any extra damage I might take (I'm better off spending 100 gold to heal 30 extra damage I take over the course of 5 fights than spending 500 gold on arrows to avoid that damage).
If I have plenty of gold, why not?
Of course, in most modules I don't even bother using magical arrows on Arcane Archers unless I'm truly overflowing with gold.
MrZork wrote...
I certainly agree that the advantage of the chosen specialized form of attack increases as the levels go up. I would be surprised to see 20% at level 10 or so. At least, I am pretty sure that most of my STR toons are into the epics before their ranged attacks are only hitting 20% as often as their melee attacks. You threw out a hard number (and then used it for a further calculation) so I was curious how you got it. I am an engineer myself and I generally enjoy the analytical perspective that you add to these discussions.
Technically, on that 20%, I did a calculation at 40 which resulted in the bow hitting 7.7% of the time and I just tripled that number to be safe.
But let's look at a calculation for level 12. Let's assume fighter hits 75% of the time on the highest attack (which I've heard is a general standard from many people) and we started with a standard 17/13/14/14/8/8 spread. We'll also assume we have +6 strength from items. This means our Str modifier is 8 and our Dex modifier is 1. We also have a weapon focus in melee so our total AB gap is 8.
Melee attack is therefore 75/50/25 = 1.5 HPR. Ranged is 35/10/5 = 0.5 HPR. So that's hitting 33.3% as much.
If we look at a hasted level 16 who now has +9 strength from items we have an STR modifier of 10 and Dex of 1 plus that weapon focus which means an AB gap of 10.
Melee attack is therefore 75/50/25/5/75 = 2.3 HPR and ranged is 25/5/5/5/25 = 0.65 HPR which is 28% as much. If we drop the Haste we get 75/50/25/5 = 1.55 HPR versus 25/5/5/5 = 0.4 HPR which is 25.8% as much.
Once we hit epic levels and see Epic Weapon Focus, Great Strs, and further stat boosts come into play this gap widens even more.
But let's assume we're on a level 20 max server with Haste. Strength should wind up at 12 modifier (22 base plus 12 from gear) while dex is still at 1. Weapon focus means gap of 12. Melee is 75/50/25/5/75 = 2.3 versus ranged of 15/5/5/5/15 = 0.45 which is 19.6% as much. If we even lower relative AC by 4 to try to make it more likely for ranged attacks to hit we get 95/70/45/20/95 = 3.25 melee versus 35/10/5/5/35 = 27.7% as much. Let's even say we add 3 dex modifier from gear -- now ranged is 50/25/5/5/50 = 1.35 HPR which is 41.5% as much. So our best case scenario if we can add 3 dex modifier (instead of needing to use all of our gear to max strength and possibly constitution) and the enemy has relatively low AC and we have Haste has the ranged weapon hitting about 40% as much.
And, like I said, this gets dramatically worse with more levels because instead of just having the +1 Str increase every 4 levels you also get +1 Str every 3 levels from Great Str and you get an extra +2 AB from Epic Weapon Focus.
MrZork wrote...
That's your call. And, once again, let me be clear that I am making no claim that damage is so substantial that battles turn on it; it's typically an issue of how many HP a toon will have lost at the end of taking down a pile of mobs or how much of his DR remains
Here's the thing, though -- you're either obsessing over something that doesn't matter or you'd be better off moving faster.
The obsessing part is if you're in single player modules with a finite amount of resources -- because I have never seen a single player module where resources are actually tight enough that you seriously need to be concerned about saving a healing potion every fight or three (again, once you get past the first few levels at least). You're effectively just wasting time and focused on conserving resources that don't NEED to be conserved. Even the most consumable focused and most difficult combat campaign I've played, which would be Swordflight (note that a module needs to be both relatively difficult AND focused on limited consumables to meet this criteria), still had plenty of resources for healing if needed and you didn't need to conserve every least healing potion.
And on a PW, you're better off saving time per combat because you'll make more anyway. In our 2 rounds case you wind up saving 11 seconds each time you just charge and meet the mob versus shooting from range. That means you basically save a minute every 5 combats. If we assume you're making like 100 gold per minute then having to spend an extra 50g per minute on healing potions is still a net 50 gold per minute gain for you. Time IS money, remember?