SoU was the first expansion to allow access to the hench inventory but didn't increase the size of the party.
I get the yellow message "You can only have 1 henchman at a time." when I play SoU and try to hire additional.
Perhaps it's Tony's AI that mods it somehow and adds the extra hench (though i have never tried it with that). However, the OP didn't include that in the list of customizations so I assumed it would be an override from some version of the CEP. Easy to test. Just move all the overrides & haks in a temporary folder and see if the option for multiple hench is still there when you start a new game. Vanilla v1.69 won't provide more than one.
There is also that Mischa Waymeet fix floating around (I think on the Vault) but IIRC it does not change the max henchmen .
Modifié par HipMaestro, 17 août 2011 - 10:48 .