Author Topic: Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)  (Read 815 times)


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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« on: April 07, 2013, 11:45:29 am »

               I post here more in hope than expectation, but is anyone aware of any NWN1 roleplay based Persistent Worlds (either live or in development) that implement a level cap in single figures, for example, the E6 system? A system where characters would attain new feats and potentially new skill points and ability points on gaining XP after level 6, rather than new levels.

I have searched here and elsewhere and am aware that there may be one in NWN2, and that there was Wake PW in NWN1 (which somehow I went through life not stumbling upon, much to my annoyance). I am also aware that attempting to implement such as a system as described here with NWN1 could be a royal pain the backside.

Anyway, just to flag up incase any creative types are reading, I am aware of an at least basic level of interest in server settings of this type among a portion of the NWN roleplay community. If no such place exists, it is a niche/USP that is worth considering addressing for two main reasons.

i)    A significant proportion of roleplay players appear to strongly favour their playing experiences at lower levels (e.g. lower than 8-10).
ii)    As the NWN player base inevitably continues it’s gradual erosion, E6 (or similar) is a system that creates the potential for 100% of the characters on your server to be able to interact with each other via all facets of the game (including adventuring) 100% of the time.

In most of my haunts yawning gaps in level range isolate characters into little "level based" islands where one island can’t have meaningful and sustained interaction with another, even when a genuine will to do so exists on both sides. I’m confident that this is likely to be an increasing challenge for RP servers in the months ahead despite thoughtful initiatives like "New Character Weeks" or "low level nights" that attempt to make servers more accessible for new characters and players.


                     Modifié par Fergoose, 07 avril 2013 - 11:02 .


Legacy_Doctor Turtle

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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 11:55:57 pm »

               Also interested in this.



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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 02:03:12 pm »

               "And my axe."

For some reason many look for things like this, yet none finds them. I will keep an eye out, good seeing you are alive still, Fergie. Let me know if you ever intend on continuing some OCs.


                     Modifié par Soleares, 09 avril 2013 - 01:07 .



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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 10:17:34 am »

               I myself much prefer low level roleplay, but anything as radical as that would be impossible to implement on a large server as ours (there's simply too many conflicting interests, something like that has to be decided from the beginning). Until a good low level server comes up though, I'd really encourage you to try out one of our Play-A-New-Character events we run roughly two times a year - even if only for two weeks, during that time, it's all low levels since everyone basically makes new characters.



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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 04:01:49 pm »

               I'm in the middle of building something low-level (top level 8-10), HCR-infused and  RP-focused.

If enough people and help turns up this could become a PW (hopefully side-stepping most problems that derailed many similar PWs before).

For the time being we're just having a bit of fun. Do PM me if you are interested, however.



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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 05:37:12 pm »

               Thanks for your replies guys. At least there remains a flicker of hope.

Soleares wrote...

Let me know if you ever intend on continuing some OCs.

I always intend Soleares, I’m full of intentions! Sadly my complete inability to host a module has now been compounded by an appallingly unstable internet connection. Woohoo!

Zarathustra217 wrote...

I myself much prefer low level roleplay, but anything as radical as that would be impossible to implement on a large server as ours (there's simply too many conflicting interests, something like that has to be decided from the beginning). Until a good low level server comes up though, I'd really encourage you to try out one of our Play-A-New-Character events we run roughly two times a year - even if only for two weeks, during that time, it's all low levels since everyone basically makes new characters.

If ever a server suited being geared towards lower levels it’s Ravenloft. It was an absolute pleasure to play there many moons ago and be fearful, afraid and downtrodden. I’d recommend your Play-a-new-character event to anyone, but once that week or two is over it’s my perception that the default server population is no longer low level and vulnerable (I don't mean any offence in stating this). The prey has become hunter. As you allude to, this can be a one way street as nobody wants to give up levels and kit.

The one thing I have considered in a bigger, more populated server with multiple hubs (like your own) is seeing if it’s possible to base yourself in one of the lesser used hubs and play in a style to which you gain more enjoyment. For example, try to band together some lower levels in a place mages and those with flaming swords are unlikely to tread. If I can think of a way of doing that without coming across as an elitist and divisive bell-end (always a challenge at the best of times) I may give that experiment a go.

Unfortunately, in my experience all secondary hubs on servers are more dangerous for low levels than the primary hub where the high levels will insist on frequenting ad-infinitum. If someone could come up with a way to apply a swift IC broom to the backside of the player base to move onto another hub when they reach a certain level so the initial one remains largely geared towards lower levels that’d be dandy (e.g. traders at the initial hub aren't wealthy enough to buy valuable loot etc). But whether anyone would want to do that to their server is another matter.

KlatchainCoffee wrote...

I'm in the middle of building something low-level (top level 8-10), HCR-infused and RP-focused.

If enough people and help turns up this could become a PW (hopefully side-stepping most problems that derailed many similar PWs before).

For the time being we're just having a bit of fun. Do PM me if you are interested, however.

This sounds promising, but I regret I just don’t get any kicks from building and have the creative powers of a walnut. Hopefully someone reading this will be of more use to you. I would however be nauseatingly grateful should your project grow wings and come to pass. If it gets near beta and you need any playtesting etc I’d be happy to assist I’m sure. Good luck!


                     Modifié par Fergoose, 16 avril 2013 - 04:43 .



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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2013, 12:48:15 am »

               Oh no, we want players and testers too.

You see, while a PW is more or less in the works, we're not waiting around for that moment when it may or may not happen and are also building/running a bunch of gritty story-focused campaigns in the meantime. Fingers crossed should have something completed to run around May (I will make a bigger 'noise' when it's a bit more ready).



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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 02:48:05 pm »

               Hey there, I've just posted on the revival of an RP driven PW which is being revived (Vives).

Although there is no Level Cap per se, the World is RP focuses and not designed for single-player video/powergaming.  For example there are hefty respawn/raise penalties which often serves to deter this sort of gaming.

The world has a vibrant history with several factions and plenty of low-level areas for the discerning player.

I believe despite the cap this is likely to be right up your street.

We are hosting a DMd game tonight (around 7pm GMT) if you are interested.  It would be great to see you there.

By all means PM here (or preferably on the Vives forum) if you have any questions.

Hope to RP with you soon.




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Seeking RP PW with low level cap (e.g. E6 system)
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2013, 05:09:58 pm »

               Thanks for the information. I dipped my toe into Vives a scarily long time ago, but it coincided with a lapse in my play of NWN. I have positive memories of what I saw so, although I'd be struggling to download haks, draw up a character concept and be ready for tonight, I'll certainly sniff around the forum and all being well, show my face sometime.


                     Modifié par Fergoose, 17 avril 2013 - 04:10 .