Author Topic: End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James  (Read 452 times)


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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« on: July 31, 2012, 08:15:01 am »

               *The young King Lionheart sat next to his mother playing with a ball in a cup as his mother looked impatiently toward the doors. The guards stood tense as they awaited word from the scouts of Icicle Town. Rumors had begun to appear that Dragunov Soldiers had been seen North of the small village and that skirmishes had already broken out.*

The scouts have returned your highness and they've brought a prisoner with them. *A Guard spoke to the King.*

*The young King looked to his mother, the Queen, for strength then signaled the Guard to bring in the prisoner. The sound of chains filled the great hall as a group of the King's Guard escorted in a man dressed in simple clothes shackled in irons. They shoved the man down in front of the King.*

Highness. This was the man who fought against the Dragunov. According to the townsfolk he rallied a group of them to fight against the Dragunov but they were slaughtered. Once we arrived the townsfolk said that they saw this man again and alive walking away from the old Axis Portal. *Said one of the King's Elite.*

*The King looked down at the man in shackles.* Your name peasant?

My name is Gerard of Clan Seero...I don't know how IARGH! *Gerard's words are cut short as the Elite smacks him.*

*The young King chuckled.* Answer only what I ask Gerard. Now. How is it that you're still walking this Kingdom after you were slaughtered by the Dragunov.

*Gerard looked up.* It's rather simple actually...I'm an Axis Walker. The first in generations. I cannot die.

*The Queen stepped forward staying the hand of the Elite about to strike Gerard again.* Truly? An Axis Walker has returned? How is it possible?

*The King looked angered.* Mother step back from the prisoner. Now! He speaks nothing but ancient myth and will be punished for his lies. Guards. Take him to the gallows and have an example be made of him for what happens when you fail the King.

*The Guards quickly scooped up Gerard and dragged him away.*

*At the gallows Gerard stood in the rain as few looked on. An executioner stretched a noose around his neck and stood near a lever waiting to drop him. A Guard stood next to him and listed his crimes.* Gerard Seero has been found guilty of the crimes of desertion, treason and speaking falsely to the King. He will be hung by his neck until dead on this day. Do you have any last words?

Death is but a doorway. I'll be back. *Gerard spoke coldly.*

*The Guard nodded to the Executioner who then pulled the lever dropping Gerard. There was a blood curdling snap as Gerard swung back and forth struggling and then fell limp. His body hung till his feet stop twitching and his body was placed into the ground.*

*A few days later in Icicle Town Big Lou, the tavern owner, is dusting fallen snow off his sign when the old Axis Portal lights up the early morning. In a flash a man appears who begins walking towards Lou.*

What day is it? *The man said sternly.*

3 days after the solstice. Are you alright? *Said Lou trying to block his eyes.*

I'm just fine. *Gerard responded walking toward the local armory with a look of determination in his eyes.*

The Kingdom of James has returned to its home at NWN1. We are currently looking for a new gaming group so feel free to pop on and check us out. Our server can be found under PW Story named the Kingdom of James. If you have any connection issues or just want to get in touch with the current team you can find us at Neverwinter Nights: Kingdom of James on Facebook. Thanks! Can't wait to play with you!



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 03:33:52 pm »

               *Most of the town of Icicle sits frozen as the forces of the North pour snow down upon it as if angered by its presence. What few people walk the roads hurry inside leaving only a couple of town guards walking alone in the cold to watch the borders. Inside the tavern, music plays and drinks are poured as weary workers and travelers step out of the snow to warm themselves. Big Lou, bartender and owner, watches the patrons carefully. He gives them all what they need to drink but remains tight lipped about local gossip.*

I don't suppose you're looking for someone to do a bit of work around here are you Lou? *Asked a man standing across the bar from Lou. His face was scarred and he was draped in a black cloak.*

No...I ain't got...*Lou stopped short when he looked at the man.* Wait a minute...I know you. You're that're supposed to be dead and buried. How...?

Listen. I'm not here to talk about that. All you need to know is that I'm back and I need to get some gold in my pocket fast. Now can you help me? *The man in black asked with much more force as if frustrated.*

Yea...sure pal. *Lou pointed away at a nearby waitress who was complaining earlier that some big humanoid rats were in the basement. He watched the man in black go over to her and agree to do the work.*

*A young female halfling made her way in front of Lou and got his attention quickly.* Who was that? Why'd you give him a job? I would've handled it for you like that big guy! *The halfling said smiling.*

You don't understand little one. That man who just went down into the basement is an Axis Walker and he's one of the only people who can make a real difference in the Kingdom these days. That's why I helped him. *Lou began to clean a glass.*

*The halfling looked suddenly nervous.* An Axis Walker you say? They're supposed to be immortal. That guy looked like he was halfway dead already.

He basically is. They can die like anyone else...same pain...but instead of us going to either the Hells or Heaven they go to the Axis. It's supposed to be some magical place where they can go to just about anywhere. *Lou walked away to serve a customer.*

*The halfling female was a rogue named Tiay and she was immediately intrigued with the idea of killing the Axis Walker to take the rewards from his new job. She also wanted to prove to Lou that he was nothing but a man and nothing more. She snuck down into the basement following the trail of dead wererats until she found the scarred man in a back room. He was busy looting the wererat's leader's head and had no idea she was there. The man appeared to have been injured in the fight leaving a few pools of blood on the floor. She took the chance to drive a dagger into his back. The man let out a wail and swung a morningstar around in an attempt to hit the rogue or force her back. Tiay refused to give up and after taking a few strikes to the ribs she managed to put down the scarred man in a heap of guts.*

Nothing to it Lou. *Tiay said proudly to the bartender as she returned upstairs, cleaning the blood off and handing the wererat's leader's head to the waitress. She gave the halfling a bit of gold in exchange and Tiay immediately brought it over to the bar.* Now how about a round?

*Lou looked shocked and leaned forward.* You didn't kill him did you?

*She laughed.* Of course I did. Any job he could do I can steal the rewards from. Now what about those drinks?

*Lou frowned and then saw a flash come from outside the tavern doors over where the old portal used to reside. He shook his head and took out a fresh glass, pouring a fresh ale for the halfling female and one for himself. He raised the glass in front of her as a cold blast of air came from the door coming open.* To you long life Tiay.

*The halfling smiled and clinked glasses with Lou.* Yes yes...and no more stories about magical immortals. Cheers! *Tiay leaned back to down the beverage only to realize she was standing in someone's shadow.

*The scarred man drew his morningstar and drove it down onto the halfling's head. She slammed her face against the bar and fell to the floor dead. The tavern music halted and all inside were looking at the man in black standing over the corpse. Lou locked eyes with the Axis Walker.* I'm sorry, Nacuri. She figured out who you were because of me.

*The Axis Walker Nacuri turned to head back out into the blizzard.* I've died so many times it was bound to happen again. Goodbye Lou. *The scarred man in black disappeared into the snow.*

PW Story

Kingdom of James

(All levels, races and styles welcome)



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 03:51:40 pm »



                     Modifié par FelSeero, 01 août 2012 - 02:53 .



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 12:58:36 am »

               To everyone who plays already and new players we recently added the PrC pack to our server for more prestige classes. You may have to download the hak file which is located below. Use the self installer Setup3.5.exe. You may not need the download. We don't know yet lol.
Also, you may notice more lag when signing on and just be patient cause it will load. Please post any connection issues here or on our Facebook.



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2012, 12:59:45 am »


in the case you need it



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2012, 03:42:44 pm »

               Thanks to Vucci and all the new players! We love you!



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2012, 03:52:43 pm »

               Running special events and rp experiences all day today. Sign on. Join in. Have fun!


                     Modifié par FelSeero, 12 août 2012 - 03:38 .



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2012, 09:26:19 pm »



                     Modifié par FelSeero, 17 août 2012 - 08:26 .



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2012, 06:27:42 pm »

               Apologies to anyone playing last night the server crashed and I wasn't home to reset it. I again apologize and if anyone lost anything let me know.



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End of Hibernation: The Return of Kingdom of James
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2012, 06:28:21 pm »

               ok so it wasnt the server...a player was trying to new hak ability and crashed the server