http://a5.sphotos.ak...9_4551730_n.jpg of Rhun is a Persistent World Server hosted within the LINX (London Internet Exchange) building. As such, it has dedicated internet access, and 24/7 internet connectivity, and suffers from practically no Network Lag, mainly because we bypass Internet Service Providers.
Worlds of Rhun is set primarily within the Land of Rhun, which was one of the first PW Modules to be publically released years and years ago. (early 2000's)
The main modding team were called the 'Rhun Modders Team', which included Shayan, the developer of the Shayan's Subrace Engine which set an early benchmark of what Subraces 'should' be like.
Many Subrace Engines have been made since, but Shayan's is one of the first good ones.
Worlds of Rhun was started around 4-5 years ago - by myself.
The idea was to take the Original Lands of Rhun module, host it, fix bugs that were present, and improve it with new systems, code, content etc.
Since its inception, Worlds of Rhun has had the following features added.
Bug Free Installation of CEP2.3
Upgrade of the Subrace Engine
Creation of Dozens of new Subraces
Persistent Housing via Area Instancing Plugin (nwnx_areas)
Stargate System.
Forum Integration. ** - Needs to be fixed for new forums.
Dynamic Loot System.
Bonus XP System, including +75% XP Sundays.
Revamped Artifact System - one that actually works.
Vampire Bloodline Guild/Clan System
Vampire Bloodlines also get access to a Bloodline Castle, complete with Personal Quarters for ALL Bloodline Members.
Rift System - At semi-regular intervals, a Planar Tear can appear within any Outdoor area, which can then develop into a Rift. These rifts cause earthquakes, debris to float into the sky, and spawn hosts of demons and elemental foes. Players can get Massive XP for combating the Planar enemies, or try to close the rift via spell.
Incantation System - A modular System, that allows us to script individual spells, and drop them into the server via ftp, does NOT require a restart. These spells are triggered via certain incantation phrases, that are spoken while incantation mode is enabled. The spell is then cast via a Playertool feat.
Ritual System - Similar to the Incantation system, it is modular in that each ritual can be dropped into the server via ftp, does not require a restart. The differences between Incantations and Rituals, is that Rituals require Multiple lines of text to be spoken correctly, and may have other requirements like reagents etc. Ritual magic is powerful, and some rituals are persistent so long as the player remains within the ritual circle, and maintains their concentration skill checks. Eg - One ritual creates a blue glowing circle around the caster, as long as they stay within this circle, enemies within 25ft must save vs reflex to avoid being struck by lightning. This ritual continues so long as the caster maintains concentration and spellcraft checks. Some Rituals require languages. Eg- Necromantic etc
Spectral Respawn System - Vampires and potentially other subraces have the ability to Respawn to the 'Spectral Realm' a dark spectral copy of the place they just died. Same landscape, just different colors etc. If they manage to defeat 5 Demons in that area, they are able to return to their body, and avoid XP Penalties. If they get killed by the demons, they respawn as normal, like any other player.
SIMTOOL's - Lots of chat commands, and languages to choose from.
Character Deletion - Players can delete their own Characters if they wish to clean out their Server Vault.
Rhun Auto Downloader Application (RAD) - I literally made this public last night.
The RAD is an application that allows the user to automatically download and install the optional content from Worlds of Rhun. This includes BMU Music files, Sound Files, TGA Portraits etc.
These types of content are all Optional, and do not prevent players from entering the server, unless of course you use a hak pack. But if you just make use of this application, which installs the content in the Override directory and Music directory, then the content becomes optional. Players who do not use this app, Wont hear the music in the areas that need the music, players who do use the App, will..... We use no Hak's Beyond CEP2.3. RAD can also be started up via -auto flag in a shortcut, (I suggest puting the shortcut in startup folder), and then the application will silently check for updates to content, and download and install silently (a balloon notification will appear if and when an update was installed). Alot of the code for this app, is based on the NRD (Nosgoth Resource Downloader) app I made for another PW, that I have since merged with Worlds of Rhun.
Modifié par Baaleos, 06 octobre 2011 - 11:07 .