Completeness was only one of the issues. I basically didn't like where the project was going, sadly even though others did. I thought I wanted to run an open world PW, but I realized that I would rather run a different type of action server, on a 1-20 scale.
Changing Evernight from 1-40 to 1-20 would have been too much of a pain with all the implementations, forge, etc, and since I wanted to run a different concept, felt "why continue?"
I am working on a new project. I am not deterred from building or NWN, just Evernight. I'm sorry for those that enjoyed it and spent a lot of time on the sever, especially you Dean. Whether or not you want to check out my new project when its ready, is up to you. I'll let you guys know regardless. This won't be a project I'll be straying from.