To jump right into it, I've been making an enchanting system for my persistent world, almost done with it, and down to itemproperty data types. They are all things like ItemPropertyAbilityBonus and ItemPropertyACBonusVsDmgType and the like, however, I have an enchantment that uses a custom item property that is defined in itempropdef.2da.
I cannot, for the life of me, find where the item property values such as ItemPropertyAbilityBonus are defined. Are these defined as constants somewhere, like a 'const itemproperty'? Or is it not possible to construct an itemproperty for an item prop that is not a base bioware itempropsdef.2da item property?
If I've presented my question poorly, let me use an example:
itemproperty IPExample = ItemPropertyHaste();
What if I have a custom property called 'Speedy' that I'd like to add to an item:
itemproperty IPExample = ItemPropertySpeedy();
Where on earth do I define ItemPropertySpeedy as a valid itemproperty constructor, or is this impossible?
Thanks for your time!