Author Topic: Custom weapon on hit  (Read 254 times)


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Custom weapon on hit
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:41:01 am »




I've just started trying to mod NWN, and one of the things I'm trying to do is give a weapon a custom "on hit death" effect with a fortitude based DC. I've been looking through a lot of tutorials, but for someone who isn't terribly familiar with scripting, it seems like there really isn't a way to get this effect to occur. Any help/advice?






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Custom weapon on hit
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 06:25:05 pm »

               You Must Give the Item the Tagname of the item to "tbsi_dev_onhit" (without the "") & change the nDA_DC to the DC you want to give for the item...

///////////////////////////  Copy everything below this line /////////////////////////////


// tbsi_dev_onhit


int nDA_DC = 20; // Enter the DC for the Death Attack Here...



// Created By Genisys / Guile

// Created On 10/08/2014



// Script Originally Designed By: The Krit



// This is intended to be a starting point for writing an item's tag-based script.

// Copy this to a script whose name is the tag of the item in question.

// Edit the event handlers (scroll down to find them) as desired.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//Required Include (DO NOT TOUCH!)

#include "x2_inc_switches"


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Event handlers

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// This second part is where you add your desired functionality. Each event

// has its own function with relavant information passed as parameters.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


// A Custom Prototype To Create (Spawn In) New Object

// NOTE: This is usable with the function  DelayCommand(...):

void CreatObjectVoid(string sResRef, location lLocation);


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// oItem was acquired (by a PC or an NPC).

// Run by the module.

void OnAcquire(object oItem, object oAcquiredBy, object oTakenFrom, int nStackSize)


    // Enter code to execute when this event happens


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// oItem was activated ("activate item" or "unique power").

// Run by the module.

void OnActivate(object oItem, object oActTarget, location lActTarget, object oActivator)


 // Enter code to execute when this event happens


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// oItem was equipped by a PC.

// Run by the module.

void OnEquip(object oItem, object oEquippedBy)


    // Enter code to execute when this event happens


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// oItem is a weapon that just hit a target, or it is the armor of someone who

// was just hit by someone else's weapon.

// Run by the caster.

void OnHit(object oItem, object oHitTarget, object oCaster)


  if(!FortitudeSave(oHitTarget, nDA_DC, SAVING_THROW_TYPE_NONE))


   ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(TRUE), oHitTarget);



// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Someone cast a spell at oItem.

// Run by the caster.

int OnSpellCast(object oItem, int nSpell, object oCaster)


   // Enter code to execute when this event happens

   return FALSE; //Necessary return (Do this !)


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// oItem was unacquired/lost (by a PC or NPC).

// Run by the module.

void OnUnacquire(object oItem, object oLostBy)


    // Enter code to execute when this event happens


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// oItem was unequipped by a PC.

// Run by the module.

void OnUnequip(object oItem, object oUnequippedBy)


    // Enter code to execute when this event happens





// The main function.

void main()


    int nEvent = GetUserDefinedItemEventNumber();

    // Spells might continue to their spell scripts. All other events are

    // completely handled by this script.

    if ( nEvent != X2_ITEM_EVENT_SPELLCAST_AT )


    // Determine which event triggered this script's execution.

    switch ( nEvent )


        // Item was acquired.

        case X2_ITEM_EVENT_ACQUIRE:

                OnAcquire(GetModuleItemAcquired(), GetModuleItemAcquiredBy(),

                          GetModuleItemAcquiredFrom(), GetModuleItemAcquiredStackSize());


        // Item was activated ("activate item" or "unique power").

        case X2_ITEM_EVENT_ACTIVATE:

                OnActivate(GetItemActivated(), GetItemActivatedTarget(),

                           GetItemActivatedTargetLocation(), GetItemActivator());


        // Item was equipped by a PC.

        case X2_ITEM_EVENT_EQUIP:

                OnEquip(GetPCItemLastEquipped(), GetPCItemLastEquippedBy());


        // Item is a weapon that just hit a target, or it is the armor of someone

        // who was just hit.


                OnHit(GetSpellCastItem(), GetSpellTargetObject(), OBJECT_SELF);


        // A PC (or certain NPCs) cast a spell at the item.


                if ( OnSpellCast(GetSpellTargetObject(), GetSpellId(), OBJECT_SELF) )



        // Item was unacquired.


                OnUnacquire(GetModuleItemLost(), GetModuleItemLostBy());


        // Item was unequipped by a PC.

        case X2_ITEM_EVENT_UNEQUIP:

                OnUnequip(GetPCItemLastUnequipped(), GetPCItemLastUnequippedBy());





//Define Custom Prototype

void CreatObjectVoid(string sResRef, location lLocation)


 object oNew = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, sResRef, lLocation, FALSE);
