If you have my patch, then you should have in your NWN directory folder "1.71 builder resources\\1.71 full 2dasource" (OR 1.70 which is latest "stable" version) go there and pick up classes.2da
(if you dont have this folder in your NWN folder, then you can get the 2da from various sources - using nwnexplorer, downloading from vault (1.69 full 2da source or buiders resources at Community Patch project, or download latest 1.71 beta which has it in archive))
then you have to put this file into your override, open it in notepad and edit:
line 30, collumn AlignRestrict = 0x00, collumn AlignRstrctType = 0x0
this is the same regardless which nwn version you have
another option is to use console commands to temporary change alignment to the evil and then revert back when you level up
NOTE: if you play a module which has classes.2da in its hak the first way wont work - in that case lmk, I tell you how to do it in this case