Author Topic: NWN default scripts  (Read 714 times)


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NWN default scripts
« on: July 24, 2013, 05:59:39 pm »

               Is there a way to restore all the default scripts in your module ? (like nw_i0_generic etc.) because I went around and changed a couple of those scripts (That didn't change the actual scripts globally, just to that module, right?) so is there  a way to restore the defaults, as the changes I made were just crap? (I also went and derped and saved them with the same names yes. So in that module, those scripts are now modified and bugged.) 



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2013, 06:25:49 pm »

//:: Generic Scripting Include v1.0
//:: Copyright © 2001 Bioware Corp.
//:: Modified by Pausanias to improve the Battle AI
//:: Searching for "Pausanias" should highlight the most important
//:: changes.
//:: Important Definitions for Pausanias's Monster AI:
//::           Monster = Any creature who considers the first PC an enemy
//::           Enemy   = Any creature who is hostile towards the creature
//::                     running the script. The "enemy" of the PC is
//::                     a monster and the "enemy" of a monster is the PC.
//void main() {}

   This is the master generic script and currently
   handles all combat and some plot behavior
   within NWN. If this script is tampered
   with there is a chance of introducing game
   breaking bugs.  But other than that enjoy.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: Sept 20, 2001
//:: Modified 69MEH69 OCT2002 Removed BattleCry() from script
//::                  NOV2002 Added command relay from radial menu
// Nifty's bardsong fix.
#include "nifty_i0_bard"
#include "69_battlecries"
// Array management routines.
// Generic Array Manipulation Routines

void SetIntArray(object oSource, string sName, int iElem, int iState)
   string sFull = sName+IntToString(iElem);

void SetObjectArray(object oSource, string sName, int iElem, object oElem)
   string sFull = sName+IntToString(iElem);

object GetObjectArray(object oSource, string sName, int iElem)
   string sFull = sName+IntToString(iElem);
   return GetLocalObject(oSource,sFull);

int GetIntArray(object oSource, string sName, int iElem)
   string sFull = sName+IntToString(iElem);
   return GetLocalInt(oSource,sFull);


struct sEnemies
   int FIGHTERS;
   int CLERICS;
   int MAGES;
   int MONSTERS;
   int TOTAL;

struct sSpellSelect
   int RANGED;
   int MELEE;
   object GROUP_TARGET;
   object MOB_TARGET;
   int ENEMY_HD;
   int ALLIED_HD;

// Threshold challange rating for buff spells

//Flee and move constants

//Shout constants
int NW_GENERIC_SHOUT_I_AM_DEAD = 12;        //IN OnDeath Script
int NW_GENERIC_SHOUT_BACK_UP_NEEDED = 13;   //IN TalentMeleeAttacked

//Master Constants
int NW_FLAG_SPECIAL_CONVERSATION        = 0x00000001;
int NW_FLAG_SHOUT_ATTACK_MY_TARGET      = 0x00000002;
int NW_FLAG_STEALTH                     = 0x00000004;
int NW_FLAG_SEARCH                      = 0x00000008;
int NW_FLAG_SET_WARNINGS                = 0x00000010;
int NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_RETURN               = 0x00000020; //Failed
int NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_LEAVE                = 0x00000040;
int NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_RETURN             = 0x00000080; //Failed
int NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_LEAVE              = 0x00000100;
int NW_FLAG_PERCIEVE_EVENT              = 0x00000200;
int NW_FLAG_ATTACK_EVENT                = 0x00000400;
int NW_FLAG_DAMAGED_EVENT               = 0x00000800;
int NW_FLAG_SPELL_CAST_AT_EVENT         = 0x00001000;
int NW_FLAG_DISTURBED_EVENT             = 0x00002000;
int NW_FLAG_END_COMBAT_ROUND_EVENT      = 0x00004000;
int NW_FLAG_ON_DIALOGUE_EVENT           = 0x00008000;
int NW_FLAG_RESTED_EVENT                = 0x00010000;
int NW_FLAG_DEATH_EVENT                 = 0x00020000;
int NW_FLAG_AMBIENT_ANIMATIONS          = 0x00080000;
int NW_FLAG_HEARTBEAT_EVENT             = 0x00100000;
int NW_FLAG_DAY_NIGHT_POSTING           = 0x00400000;
int NW_FLAG_SLEEPING_AT_NIGHT           = 0x02000000;
int NW_FLAG_FAST_BUFF_ENEMY             = 0x04000000;

//Behavior Constants
int NW_FLAG_BEHAVIOR_SPECIAL       = 0x00000001;
int NW_FLAG_BEHAVIOR_CARNIVORE     = 0x00000002; //Will always attack regardless of faction
int NW_FLAG_BEHAVIOR_OMNIVORE      = 0x00000004; //Will only attack if approached
int NW_FLAG_BEHAVIOR_HERBIVORE     = 0x00000008; //Will never attack.  Will alway flee.

//Talent Type Constants


// Pausanias's Combined Challenge Rating of the encounter.
float GetEnemyChallenge(object oRelativeTo=OBJECT_SELF);
// Pausanias's Talent checking filter
int PausaniasUseTalent(talent tUse, object oTarget, int iDoQueue = FALSE);
// Pausanias's Melle Weapon Equipping routine (includes shields & dual-wield)
void PausaniasEquipMelee(object oTarget = OBJECT_INVALID);
// Pausanias: Is Object in the line of sight of the seer
int GetIsInLineOfSight(object oTarget,object oSeer=OBJECT_SELF);
// Pausanias: Is there a door in the line of sight of seer
int GetIsDoorInLineOfSight(object oTarget);
//Checks the target for a specific EFFECT_TYPE constant value
int GetHasEffect(int nEffectType, object oTarget = OBJECT_SELF);
//Adds all three of the class levels together.  Used before GetHitDice became available
int GetCharacterLevel(object oTarget);
//Returns the number of persons who are considered friendly to the the target.
int CheckFriendlyFireOnTarget(object oTarget, float fDistance = 5.0);
//Returns the number of enemies on a target.
int CheckEnemyGroupingOnTarget(object oTarget, float fDistance = 5.0);
//Find a single target who is an enemy with 30m of self
object FindSingleRangedTarget();
//Calculate the number of people currently attacking self.
int GetNumberOfMeleeAttackers();
//Calculate the number of people attacking self from beyond 5m
int GetNumberOfRangedAttackers();
//Determine the percentage of HP object-self has left
int GetPercentageHPLoss(object oWounded);
//Determine the number of targets within 20m that are of the specified racial-type
int GetRacialTypeCount(int nRacial_Type);
//Returns the nearest object that can be seen, then checks for the nearest heard target.
object GetNearestSeenOrHeardEnemy();
//Sets a local variable for the last spell used
void SetLastGenericSpellCast(int nSpell);
//Returns a SPELL_ constant for the last spell used
int GetLastGenericSpellCast();
//Compares the current spell with the last one cast
int CompareLastSpellCast(int nSpell);
//If using ambient sleep this will remove the effect
void RemoveAmbientSleep();
//Does a check to determine if the NPC has an attempted spell or attack target
int GetIsFighting(object oFighting);
//Searches for the nearest locked object to the master
object GetLockedObject(object oMaster);
//Equip the weapon appropriate to enemy and position
void EquipAppropriateWeapons(object oTarget);
//Returns the henchmen to a commandable state of grace
void ResetHenchmenState();
//Returns true if self is a henchmen
int AssociateCheck(object oCheck);
//Returns true if the object has any posts or waypoints to walk
int GetIsPostOrWalking(object oWalker = OBJECT_SELF);
//Prints a log string with the ID of the passed in talent.
void DubugPrintTalentID(talent tTalent);
//Inserts a debug print string into the log.
void MyPrintString(string sString);
//MR: <new code>
object GetRealMaster(object henchman = OBJECT_SELF);
//MR: </new code>


int BashDoorCheck(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int DetermineClassToUse();
struct sEnemies DetermineEnemies();
string GetMostDangerousClass(struct sEnemies sCount);
int GetMatchCompatibility(talent tUse, string sClass, int nType);
int MatchCombatProtections(talent tUse);
int MatchSpellProtections(talent tUse);
int MatchElementalProtections(talent tUse);
talent StartProtectionLoop();
int GetAttackCompatibility(talent tUse, int nClass);
int MatchReflexAttacks(talent tUse);
int MatchFortAttacks(talent tUse);
object GetRangedAttackGroup(int bAllowFriendlyFire = FALSE);
object GetToughestMeleeAttacker();
object GetToughestAttacker();
struct sSpellSelect AnalyzeCombatSituation();
int GetAlliedHD();
int GetEnemyHD();
talent StartAttackLoop();
int VerifyDisarm(talent tUse, object oTarget);
int VerifyCombatMeleeTalent(talent tUse, object oTarget);
int UniversalSpellMatch(talent tUse);

int TalentUseProtectionOnSelf();
int TalentUseProtectionOthers(object oTarget = OBJECT_INVALID,int iClearActions = TRUE);
int TalentEnhanceOthers(object oTarget = OBJECT_INVALID,
                       int iAvoidInvisibility = FALSE, int iClearActions = TRUE);
int TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf();
int TalentMeleeAttacked(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int TalentRangedAttackers(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int TalentRangedEnemies(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int TalentSummonAllies();
int TalentHealingSelf(); //Use spells and potions
int TalentHeal(int nForce = FALSE); //User spells only on others and self
int TalentMeleeAttack(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int TalentSneakAttack();
int TalentFlee(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int TalentUseTurning();
int TalentPersistentAbilities();
int TalentAdvancedBuff(float fDistance);
int TalentBuffSelf();  //Used for Potions of Enhancement and Protection
int TalentSeeInvisible();
int TalentCureCondition();
int TalentDragonCombat(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
int TalentBardSong();
int TalentAdvancedProtectSelf();
int TalentSpellAttack(object oIntruder);

void DetermineCombatRound(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID, int nAI_Difficulty = 10);
void SetListeningPatterns();
void RespondToShout(object oShouter, int nShoutIndex, object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);
void RunCircuit(int nTens, int nNum, int nRun = FALSE, float fPause = 1.0);
void WalkWayPoints(int nRun = FALSE, float fPause = 1.0);
void RunNextCircuit(int nRun = FALSE, float fPause = 1.0);
int CheckWayPoints(object oWalker = OBJECT_SELF);

void SetNPCWarningStatus(int nStatus = TRUE);
int GetNPCWarningStatus();
void SetSummonHelpIfAttacked();
void CreateSignPostNPC(string sTag, location lLocal);
void ActivateFleeToExit();
int GetFleeToExit();

void SetSpawnInCondition(int nCondition, int bValid = TRUE);
int GetSpawnInCondition(int nCondition);
void SetSpawnInLocals(int nCondition);

void SetAssociateState(int nCondition, int bValid = TRUE);
int GetAssociateState(int nCondition);

int GetAssociateCRMax();
int GetAssociateHealMaster();
float GetFollowDistance();
void CheckIsUnlocked(object oLastObject);
void SetAssociateStartLocation();
location GetAssociateStartLocation();

void PlayMobileAmbientAnimations();
void PlayImmobileAmbientAnimations();

void SetBehaviorState(int nCondition, int bValid = TRUE);
int GetBehaviorState(int nCondition);
void DetermineSpecialBehavior(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID);

//:: Master Local Get and Set
//:: FileName
//:: Copyright © 2001 Bioware Corp.
   All On Spawn in conditions in the game are now
   being stored within one local.  The get and set
   changed or checks the condition of this one
   Hex local.  The NW_FLAG_XXX variables above
   allow for the user of these functions throughout
   the generic scripts.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: Nov 14, 2001

void SetSpawnInCondition(int nCondition, int bValid = TRUE)
   int nPlot = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_MASTER");
   if(bValid == TRUE)
       nPlot = nPlot | nCondition;
       SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_MASTER", nPlot);
   else if (bValid == FALSE)
       nPlot = nPlot & ~nCondition;
       SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_MASTER", nPlot);

int GetSpawnInCondition(int nCondition)
   int nPlot = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_MASTER");
   if(nPlot & nCondition)
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

void SetSpawnInLocals(int nCondition)
       SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_ATTACK_MY_TARGET", 5);
   else if(nCondition == NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_RETURN)
       SetLocalLocation(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_START_POINT", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));
   else if(nCondition == NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_LEAVE)
       SetLocalLocation(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_GENERIC_START_POINT", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));

//:: DetermineCombatRound
//:: Copyright © 2001 Bioware Corp.
   This function is the master function for the
   generic include and is called from the main
   script.  This function is used in lieu of
   any actual scripting.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: Oct 16, 2001

void DetermineCombatRound(object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID, int nAI_Difficulty = 10)

   int iAmHenchman,iAmFamiliar,iAmCompanion;
   float fChallenge;

   MyPrintString("********************** DETERMINE COMBAT ROUND START ****************************************");
   MyPrintString("**********************  " + GetTag(OBJECT_SELF) + "  ****************************************");

   if(BashDoorCheck(oIntruder)) {return;}
   int nClass = DetermineClassToUse();

   // Herbivores should escape
       if (TalentFlee(oIntruder)) return;

   object oMaster = GetRealMaster();

   int iHP = GetPercentageHPLoss(OBJECT_SELF);

   int iHaveMaster = GetIsObjectValid(oMaster);
   int iAmMonster = GetIsEnemy(GetFirstPC());


                       OBJECT_SELF, 1);

   // Pausanias sanity check: do not attack target if you share the same master.

   if (iHaveMaster) {
     if (GetMaster(oIntruder) == oMaster) {
         if (GetMaster(oClosest) == oMaster)
             oIntruder = oClosest;
     } else if (GetMaster(oClosest) == GetRealMaster())
             oClosest = oIntruder;
   // Pausanias: sanity check for various effects

   if (GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_PARALYZE) ||
       GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_STUNNED) ||
       GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_FRIGHTENED) ||
       GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_SLEEP) ||

   if ((GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_CONFUSED) && d2() == 1) ||
       oClosest = oFriend;
       oIntruder = oFriend;

   float fDistance = GetDistanceToObject(oClosest);
   int iDifficulty = GetGameDifficulty();

   // The following tweaks are implemented via Pausanias's dialogue mods.

   // Get challenge below which no defensive spells are cast
   float fThresholdChallenge = GetLocalFloat(OBJECT_SELF,"NewHenchChallenge");
   if (fThresholdChallenge == 0.0) {
       if (nClass == CLASS_TYPE_WIZARD || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_SORCERER)
           fThresholdChallenge = -3.;
           fThresholdChallenge = PAUSANIAS_CHALLENGE_THRESHOLD;

   // Get challenge above which familiar will run away
   float fFamiliarChallenge = GetLocalFloat(OBJECT_SELF,"NewFamiliarChallenge");
   if (fFamiliarChallenge == 0.0)
       fFamiliarChallenge = PAUSANIAS_FAMILIAR_THRESHOLD;

   // Get distance closer than which henchman will swap to melee.
   float fThresholdDistance = GetLocalFloat(OBJECT_SELF,"HenchRange");
   if (fThresholdDistance == 0.0)
       fThresholdDistance = PAUSANIAS_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;

   // Signal to try to get some distance between self and the enemy.
   int iBackAway = FALSE;
   int nBackAway = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"BackAway");
   if (fThresholdDistance > 50.0) {
       iBackAway = TRUE;
       fThresholdDistance = PAUSANIAS_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;

   // Monsters and non-associates do not care about the challenge rating for now.
   if (iAmMonster || !iHaveMaster)
       fThresholdChallenge = -100.;

   // Should I try to cast spells if monsters are nearby? Yes by default

   int iCastMelee = TRUE;
   if (GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"DoNotCastMelee"))
       iCastMelee = FALSE;

   int iHealMelee = TRUE;
   if (GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"DoNotHealMelee"))
       iHealMelee = FALSE;

   //SpeakString(FloatToString(fThresholdChallenge)+" "+
   //            FloatToString(fFamiliarChallenge)+" "+
   //            FloatToString(fThresholdDistance)+" "+FloatToString(fChallenge)+
   //            IntToString(GetHitDice(oMaster)));

   // Finish casting your spells if you've started.
   if (GetCurrentAction() == ACTION_CASTSPELL) {

        int nSkipped = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"nRoundsSkipped");

        if (nSkipped < 3)
   } else

   // The FIRST PRIORITY: self-preservation

   if (iHaveMaster) {
       iAmHenchman = (GetHenchman(oMaster) == OBJECT_SELF);
       iAmFamiliar = (GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_FAMILIAR,oMaster) == OBJECT_SELF);
       iAmCompanion = (GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_ANIMALCOMPANION,oMaster) == OBJECT_SELF);

       // Condition for immediate self-healing
       if (iHP < 50) {
            if (iAmHenchman || iAmFamiliar)
                if (iHP < 25)
            if (d100() > iHP-20) {
                if (TalentHealingSelf()) return;
                if (iAmHenchman || iAmFamiliar)
                   SpeakString("Help! I can't heal myself!");
    } else if (iHP < 50 && iAmMonster) {

           // Pausanias: Monsters get tougher for the harder game settings.

           if (iDifficulty == GAME_DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT &&
               !GetHasEffect(EFFECT_TYPE_HASTE)) {



           int iChance = d10();

           // Self healing below 50% if enemy is far, otherwise between 20% and 50% only

           if (iHP < 20 &&
               GetDistanceToObject(oClosest) < 4.0) iChance = 0;

           if ((iDifficulty == GAME_DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT && iChance > 2)  ||
                (iDifficulty == GAME_DIFFICULTY_CORE_RULES && iChance > 8)) {

                switch (GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF)) {
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCT:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_BEAST:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_ANIMAL:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_DRAGON:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_MAGICAL_BEAST:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_SHAPECHANGER:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_VERMIN:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_INVALID:
                   case RACIAL_TYPE_ABERRATION: break;

                   default: {
                       int nHeal = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"GaveHealing");
                       if (nHeal < FloatToInt(IntToFloat(GetHitDice(OBJECT_SELF))/2.)) {
                   } break;
           if (TalentHealingSelf()) {
   // NEXT priority: Heal master if needed.

   if (GetAssociateHealMaster()) {
       if (fDistance > fThresholdDistance || iHealMelee) {
          if (TalentHeal()) return;
          if (d10() > 6 &&
             (nClass == CLASS_TYPE_BARD || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_CLERIC ||
              nClass == CLASS_TYPE_DRUID || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_PALADIN))
                 SpeakString("Sorry, I can't heal you!");
       } else
          if (d10() > 6)
              SpeakString("Should I heal you?");

   // NEXT priority: follow or return to master for up to three rounds.

   int nFollow = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"FollowCount");
   if(iHaveMaster && !GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"RunningAway") &&
       (!iBackAway || GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"Scouting")))

       if(GetDistanceToObject(GetRealMaster()) > 15.0)
           if(GetCurrentAction(GetRealMaster()) != ACTION_FOLLOW)
               MyPrintString("*****EXIT on follow master.*******");
               ActionForceFollowObject(GetRealMaster(), GetFollowDistance());
               //ActionForceMoveToObject(GetRealMaster(), TRUE, GetFollowDistance(), 5.0);
           } else if (nFollow < 4) return;

   // Pausanias: Combat has finally begun, so we are no longer scouting

   // NEXT: Do not attack if the master told you not to

   if (GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"DoNotAttack")) {
       if (d10() > 7) {
           if (iAmHenchman)
               SpeakString("Should I attack?");
           else if (iAmFamiliar)
               SpeakString("Be careful! Let me know if I should attack!");
           else if (iAmCompanion)
               SpeakString("<"+GetName(OBJECT_SELF)+" is waiting for you to give the command to attack.>");
               SpeakString("<The "+GetName(OBJECT_SELF)+" patiently awaits your command to attack.>");

   //This check is to see if the master is being attacked and in need of help
           oIntruder = GetLastHostileActor(GetRealMaster());
               oIntruder = GetGoingToBeAttackedBy(GetRealMaster());
                   oIntruder = GetLastHostileActor();
                       if (GetAssociateState(NW_ASC_USE_RANGED_WEAPON)) {
                           if (fDistance > 20.)
                       } else
                           if (fDistance > 7.0)
                       oIntruder = oClosest;
                   else if(!GetIsEnemy(oIntruder))
                       oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID;


   int nOffense = d100();
   MyPrintString("GENERIC SCRIPT DEBUG STRING ********** " + "Offense Roll " + IntToString(nOffense));

   /// Pausanias's Combined Challenge Rating (CCR)
   fChallenge = GetEnemyChallenge();

   MyPrintString("-----------------------------Enemy challenge: "+FloatToString(fChallenge));

   if(GetIsObjectValid(oIntruder) ||
      GetIsObjectValid(oClosest) ||
      (GetIsObjectValid(oIntruder) && GetIsObjectValid(GetRealMaster())))

       // Idle monsters should try to distribute themselves amongst targets
       if (iAmMonster && !GetIsObjectValid(oIntruder) && GetIsObjectValid(oClosest) &&
           iDifficulty >= GAME_DIFFICULTY_CORE_RULES) {

         object oFirstTarget = GetLocalObject(OBJECT_SELF,"FirstTarget");
         if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetLastHostileActor()) &&
            !GetIsObjectValid(oFirstTarget) &&
             GetDistanceToObject(oClosest) > 3.0){

               object oNextTarget = oClosest;
               int iNth = 0;
               int iLoop = 1;

               // Get all enemies within 40 meters and store them in an array.
               while (GetIsObjectValid(oNextTarget)) {
                   if (!GetLocalInt(oNextTarget,"RunningAway") &&
                       GetDistanceToObject(oNextTarget) < 40.) {
                   oNextTarget =  GetNearestCreature(CREATURE_TYPE_REPUTATION,
                                   REPUTATION_TYPE_ENEMY, OBJECT_SELF, iLoop);

               // Pick a random one to attack.
               if (iNth > 1) {
                   int iWhichAttack = Random(iNth)+1;
                   oNextTarget = GetObjectArray(OBJECT_SELF,"TargetList",iWhichAttack);

                   //SpeakString("Switched Targets To "+GetName(oNextTarget));
                   oIntruder = oNextTarget;
               } else
                   oIntruder = oClosest;

         } else
                // Keep on attacking the selected target unless you are
                // being attacked by something else.
                if (GetIsObjectValid(oFirstTarget) &&
                    !GetLocalInt(oFirstTarget,"RunningAway") &&
                      (GetLastHostileActor() == OBJECT_INVALID ||
                       GetLastHostileActor() == oFirstTarget))
                    oIntruder = oFirstTarget;

       if (iHaveMaster &&
            oClosest != OBJECT_INVALID) {

          // I am a henchman
          if (iAmHenchman) {

            // 5% chance per round of speaking the relative challenge of the encounter.
            if (d100() > 95) {
               if (fChallenge < -3.) HenchmanTalk(1);
               else if (fChallenge < -1.) HenchmanTalk(2);
               else if (fChallenge < 2.) HenchmanTalk(3);
               else HenchmanTalk(4);

            if (fDistance < 8.0 && fDistance > 3.0)
                   // Try to get some distance for up to 3 rounds if told to do so.
                   if (iBackAway && nBackAway < 4) {

            // Equip the appropriate weapon for the distance of the enemy.
            if (fDistance < fThresholdDistance) {

                   // If I'm told to use a ranged weapon, and I'm in close range,
                   // AND I haven't already switched to melee, do so now.
                   if (GetAssociateState(NW_ASC_USE_RANGED_WEAPON) &&
                       !GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"SwitchedToMelee")) {
                      // ClearAllActions();
                      SpeakString("I'm switching to my melee weapon for now!");

            } else
                   // If I'm not at close range, AND I was told to use a ranged
                   // weapon, BUT I switched to melee, switch back to missile.
                   if (GetAssociateState(NW_ASC_USE_RANGED_WEAPON))
                       // ClearAllActions();
                       if (GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"SwitchedToMelee")) {
                           SpeakString("I'm switching back to my missile weapon!");


            // Logic: if we are at close range, and the encounter is tough
            // Then Buff the PC up once, and then fight. Otherwise, if
            // we are at close range, fight; else 20% chance of using
            // the missile weapon. Sorcerors or wizards try to cast spells
            // rather than fight.

            if ((nClass != CLASS_TYPE_WIZARD && nClass != CLASS_TYPE_SORCERER) ||
                 !iCastMelee) {

                if (fDistance < fThresholdDistance && iCastMelee) {
                   int iCloseBuff = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"CloseRangeEnhanced");

                   if (fChallenge >= 0.0 && iCloseBuff == FALSE) {
                      if (TalentEnhanceOthers()) return;
                      if (TalentUseProtectionOthers()) return;
                } else

                // 30% chance of attacking weak opponents outright even if
                // they are not at close range.
                if (fDistance < fThresholdDistance ||
                    (fChallenge < -3. && d100() < 30))
                          if (TalentMeleeAttack(oClosest)) return;

                // There's a 20% chance of attacking anyway if the missile weapon is equipped.
                if (GetAssociateState(NW_ASC_USE_RANGED_WEAPON))
                     if (d100() < 20)
                         if (TalentMeleeAttack(oClosest)) return;


         // I am a familiar
         if (iAmFamiliar)
           // Run away from tough enemies
               if (fChallenge >= fFamiliarChallenge ||
                   iHP < 40) {
                   switch (d10()) {
                      case 1: SpeakString("Time for me to get out of here!"); return;
                      case 2: SpeakString("Eeeeek!"); break;
                      case 3: SpeakString("Make way, make way!"); break;
                      case 4: SpeakString("I'll be back!"); break;



       int nAlignment = GetAlignmentGoodEvil(OBJECT_SELF);
       if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_WIZARD || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_SORCERER)
           if(GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ABERRATION ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_BEAST ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ELEMENTAL ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_VERMIN ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_MAGICAL_BEAST ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_DRAGON ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ANIMAL)
               //Use healing potions to not die
               if(TalentHealingSelf()) {return;}
           //Use a defensive talent fire then offensive if that fails
           if(nOffense > 75)
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                 if(TalentAdvancedProtectSelf()){return;} //******************************************//
                 //Use protections on Self
                 if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
                 //Use protection on allies
                 if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
                 //Check if the character can enhance themselves
                 if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
                 //Use Enhancements on the part
                 if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge) {
                 //Check for Personal Attackers
                 if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Check for Ranged Attackers
                 if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Check for Ranged Enemies
                 if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Check for Allies
                 if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                 //Spell Attack
                 /*if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {
                    //Attack if out of spells
                 if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
                 if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           else //Use a offensive talent only
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                     if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
                     if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge) {
                 //Check for Personal Attackers
                 if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Check for Ranged Attackers
                 if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Check for Ranged Enemies
                 if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Summon Allies
                 if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                 //Spell Attack
                 /*if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {
                 //Attack if out of spells
                 if(TalentBuffSelf()) {
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}

      // Separate bard scripts by Pausanias.
      if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_BARD)

           if(TalentHeal()) {return;}

           if(GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ABERRATION ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_BEAST ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ELEMENTAL ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_VERMIN ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_MAGICAL_BEAST ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_DRAGON ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ANIMAL)
               //Use healing potions to not die
               if(TalentHealingSelf()) {return;}
           //Use a defensive talent fire then offensive if that fails
           if(nOffense > 75)
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                 if(TalentBardSongFixed()) {return;}
                 if(TalentAdvancedProtectSelf()){return;} //******************************************//
                 //Use protections on Self
                 if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
                 //Use protection on allies
                 if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
                 //Check if the character can enhance themselves
                 if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
                 //Use Enhancements on the part
                 if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
                 //Check for Personal Attackers
                 if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Attackers
                 if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Enemies
                 if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Check for Allies
                 if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                 //Spell Attack
                 if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                    //Attack if out of spells
                 if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           else //Use a offensive talent only
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                 if(TalentBardSongFixed()) {return;}
                     if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
                     if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
                 //Check for Personal Attackers
                 if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Attackers
                 if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Enemies
                 if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Summon Allies
                 if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                 //Spell Attack
                 if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Attack if out of spells
                 if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}


       else if((nClass == CLASS_TYPE_CLERIC || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_DRUID) && GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD)
           //Cast spells specific to the main enemy I am facing.
           if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2)
              if(TalentAdvancedProtectSelf()) {return;} //******************************************//
           //Remove negative effects from allies
           if(TalentCureCondition()) {return;}
           //Turning check. Pausanias: Do not turn easy undead
           if (fChallenge > -3.0 || iAmMonster || !iHaveMaster)
               if(TalentUseTurning()) {return;}
           //Check if allies or self are injured
           if(TalentHeal()) {return;}
           //Use healing potions to not die
           if(TalentHealingSelf()) {return;}

           if(nOffense > 75)
               if(GetNumberOfMeleeAttackers() > 1)
                     if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                     if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
               else if(GetNumberOfMeleeAttackers() == 1)

                     if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                   if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                     //Check if the character can enhance themselves
                     if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
                     // Check for enhancements on party
                     if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
                     //Cast general protection on self
                     if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
                     //Check for Allies
                     if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
                     //Check for Allies
                     if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                     //Check for Personal Attackers
                     if(Random(101) > 75)
                         if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                      //Check for Ranged Attackers
                     if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                      //Check for Ranged Enemies
                     if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                      //Attack if out of spells
                     if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
                   if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
               //Cast Summon Spells
               if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                //Check for Personal Attackers
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                 if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Attackers
                 if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Enemies
                 if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Spell Attack
                 if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Attack if out of spells
                 if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if((nClass == CLASS_TYPE_CLERIC || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_DRUID) && GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) == RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD)
           //Turning check
           if(TalentUseTurning()) {return;}
           if(nOffense > 75)
               if(GetNumberOfMeleeAttackers() > 1)
                   if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                   if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
               else if(GetNumberOfMeleeAttackers() == 1)
                   if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                   if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                     //Check if the character can enhance themselves
                     if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
                     // Check for enhancements on party
                     if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
                     //Cast general protection on self
                     if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
                     //Check for Allies
                     if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
                     //Check for Allies
                     if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                     //Check for Personal Attackers
                     if(Random(101) > 75)
                         if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                      //Check for Ranged Attackers
                     if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                      //Check for Ranged Enemies
                     if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                      //Attack if out of spells
                     if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
                   if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
               //Cast Summon Spells
               if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                //Check for Personal Attackers
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
                 if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Attackers
                 if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Spell Attack
                 if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Check for Ranged Enemies
                 if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                  //Attack if out of spells
                 if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_FIGHTER ||
           nClass == CLASS_TYPE_ROGUE ||
           nClass == CLASS_TYPE_PALADIN ||
           nClass == CLASS_TYPE_RANGER ||
           nClass == CLASS_TYPE_MONK ||
           nClass == CLASS_TYPE_BARBARIAN)
           if(GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ABERRATION ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_BEAST ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ELEMENTAL ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_VERMIN ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_MAGICAL_BEAST ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_UNDEAD ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_DRAGON ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_ANIMAL ||
              GetRacialType(OBJECT_SELF) != RACIAL_TYPE_CONSTRUCT)
               //Use healing potions to not die
               if(TalentHealingSelf()) {return;}
               //Use potions of enhancement and protection
               if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2)
                   if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
           //Check if the character can enhance themselves
           if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
           //Check for Paladins who can turn undead
           if(TalentUseTurning()) {return;}
           //Sneak Attack Flanking attack
           if(TalentSneakAttack()) {return;}
           //Use melee skills and feats
           if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_COMMONER)
           if(TalentFlee(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_UNDEAD)
           //SpeakString("Determining Combat Round Undead");
           if(TalentPersistentAbilities()) {return;}
           if(nOffense > 75)
               //Check if the character can enhance themselves
               if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
               // Check for enhancements on party
               if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
               //Use protections on Self
               if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {;return;};
               //Check for Allies
               if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
               //Check for Allies
               if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                //Check for Personal Attackers
               if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Attackers
               if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Enemies
               if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Attack if out of spells
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
               if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                //Check for Personal Attackers
               if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Attackers
               if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Enemies
               if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
               //Spell Attack
               if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Attack if out of spells
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if(nClass == CLASS_TYPE_DRAGON)
           //Use healing
           if(TalentHeal()) {return;}
           if(TalentCureCondition()) {return;}
           if(d100() < 15)
               if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
               if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentPersistentAbilities()) {return;}
           if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
           if(TalentDragonCombat(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if (nClass == CLASS_TYPE_OUTSIDER)
           if(TalentPersistentAbilities()) {return;}
           if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
           if(d100() > 50)
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(GetAlignmentGoodEvil(OBJECT_SELF) == ALIGNMENT_GOOD)
               if(TalentHeal()) {return;}
           if(TalentHealingSelf()) {return;}
           if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
           if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
           if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
       else if (nClass == CLASS_TYPE_CONSTRUCT || nClass == CLASS_TYPE_ELEMENTAL)
           if(TalentPersistentAbilities()) {return;}
           if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
           if(d100() > 50)
               if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
           if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
           if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
           if(TalentPersistentAbilities()) {return;}
           //Check if I am injured
           if(TalentHeal()) {return;}
           if(nOffense > 75)

             if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
               //Check if the character can enhance themselves
               if(TalentUseEnhancementOnSelf()) {return;}
               // Check for enhancements on party
               if(TalentEnhanceOthers()) {return;}
               //Use protections on Self
               if(TalentUseProtectionOnSelf()) {return;}
               //Check for Allies
               if(TalentUseProtectionOthers()) {return;}
               //Check for Allies
               if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Attackers
               if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Enemies
               if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Attack if out of spells
               if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
             if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
             //Check for Personal Attackers
             if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
             if (fChallenge > fThresholdChallenge || d100() < 2) {
               if(TalentSummonAllies()) {return;}
                //Check for Personal Attackers
               if(TalentMeleeAttacked(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Attackers
               if(TalentRangedAttackers(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Check for Ranged Enemies
               if(TalentRangedEnemies(oIntruder)) {return;}
                //Spell Attack
               if(TalentSpellAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
                 //Attack if out of spells
               if(TalentBuffSelf()) {return;}
             if(TalentMeleeAttack(oIntruder)) {return;}
   //This check is to make sure that people do not drop out of combat before they are supposed to.
       SpeakString("Danger Will Robinson Danger");
   //This is a call to the function which determines which way point to go back to.

//:: SetListeningPatterns
//:: Copyright © 2001 Bioware Corp.
   Sets the correct listen checks on the NPC by
   determining what talents they possess or what
   class they use.

   This is also a good place to set up all of
   the sleep and appear disappear animations for
   various models.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: Oct 24, 2001

void SetListeningPatterns()
   //There is a 70% chance to make someone sleep if it is night.
   //If they have no way points to walk.
   if(GetIsNight() && !CheckWayPoints())
           if(d10() <= 7)
               int nRand = Random(361);
               //effect eSleep = EffectSleep();
               //ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eSleep, OBJECT_SELF);

       effect eAppear = EffectAppear();
       ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eAppear, OBJECT_SELF);

   SetListening(OBJECT_SELF, TRUE);

   SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_I_WAS_ATTACKED", 1);

   //This sets the commoners listen pattern to mob under
   //certain conditions
   if(GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_COMMONER) > 0)
       SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_MOB_ATTACK", 2);
   SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_I_AM_DEAD", 3);

   //Set a custom listening pattern for the creature so that placables with
   //"NW_BLOCKER" + Blocker NPC Tag will correctly call to their blockers.
   string sBlocker = "NW_BLOCKER_BLK_" + GetTag(OBJECT_SELF);
   SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, sBlocker, 4);
   SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "NW_CALL_TO_ARMS", 6);

//:: Respond To Shouts
//:: Copyright © 2001 Bioware Corp.
   Allows the listener to react in a manner
   consistant with the given shout but only to one
   combat shout per round
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: Oct 25, 2001

   Commoners are universal cowards.  If you attack anyone they will flee for 4 seconds away from the attacker.
   However to make the commoners into a mob, make a single commoner at least 10th level of the same faction.
   If that higher level commoner is attacked or killed then the commoners will attack the attacker.  They will disperse again
   after some of them are killed.  Should NOT make multi-class creatures using commoners.
   It should be noted that the Generic Script for On Dialogue attempts to get a local set on the shouter by itself.
   This object represents the LastOpenedBy object.  It is this object that becomes the oIntruder within this function.

   The intruder object is for cases where a placable needs to pass a LastOpenedBy Object or a AttackMyAttacker
   needs to make his attacker the enemy of everyone.

void RespondToShout(object oShouter, int nShoutIndex, object oIntruder = OBJECT_INVALID)
   // Pausanias: Do not respond to shouts if you've surrendered.
   int iSurrendered = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"Generic_Surrender");
   object oHench;
   object oFamiliar;
   object oAnimal;
   object oSummoned;
   object oDominated;
   int nHench;
   if (iSurrendered) return;

   switch (nShoutIndex)
               object oTarget = oIntruder;
                   oTarget = GetLastHostileActor(oShouter);
                       if(!GetIsObjectValid(GetAttemptedAttackTarget()) && !GetIsObjectValid(GetAttemptedSpellTarget()))
                               if(!GetIsFriend(oTarget) && GetIsFriend(oShouter))
                   else if (GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_COMMONER, oShouter) >= 10)
               if(GetIsObjectValid(GetHenchman(OBJECT_SELF)) == TRUE)
                oHench = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_HENCHMAN, OBJECT_SELF);
                AssignCommand(oHench, RespondToShout(OBJECT_SELF, 1));
                oFamiliar = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_FAMILIAR, OBJECT_SELF);
                AssignCommand(oFamiliar, RespondToShout(OBJECT_SELF, 1));
                oAnimal = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_ANIMALCOMPANION, OBJECT_SELF);
                AssignCommand(oAnimal, RespondToShout(OBJECT_SELF, 1));
                oSummoned = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_SUMMONED, OBJECT_SELF);
                AssignCommand(oSummoned, RespondToShout(OBJECT_SELF, 1));
                oDominated = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_DOMINATED, OBJECT_SELF);
                AssignCommand(oDominated, RespondToShout(OBJECT_SELF, 1));


                   //Is friendly check to make sure that only like minded commoners attack.



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2013, 06:27:32 pm »

               And that in particular is the culprit in this case... It's part of the henchman script set, I thought I'd implement that all... I regret it most severely. Because now I get this:

24.7.2013 20:22:50: Error. 'jer_mod_def_equ' did not compile.

And everything is broken pretty pissed off at myself for trying something without first saving a backup...



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« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2013, 06:28:47 pm »

               And the missing name implies the int NW_TALENT_PROTECT and int NW_TALENT_ENHANCE.

I have no clue what this means and I have no clue what I should do.



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2013, 06:33:15 pm »

               you have a backup. The original bioware script. Just delete the include. and recompile your scripts.

EDIT:  you did not overwrite the original bioware script.  When you made an edited copy of it the original was overriden.   So you just need to delete your version of it.


                     Modifié par Lightfoot8, 24 juillet 2013 - 05:35 .



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2013, 06:37:47 pm »

               Ah, great. Thanks, though I'd rather work this over. Deleting these scripts takes forever from my module (there's more than 20, and deleting each takes forever.) So is there a way to repair this one ?



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2013, 06:45:25 pm »

               we  are talking about just deleting the script.   Not removing referance of it from anything.

Go to the right side of the toolset where the scripts are listed.  Right click on it and delete it.   It should take no time at all.  

The problem however may not be in  nw_i0_generic.   It may be in the script that is using it.



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« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2013, 06:57:54 pm »

               Hrm... ah well, I ditched it all by just going to the Temp0 folder and deleting everything and refreshing my script palette... So everything should return to normal now. Thanks for the help though. '<img'>
Note to self: Never try out anything without saving a module backup.



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« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2013, 06:58:26 pm »

               And by everything I meant only the stuff I did not recognize as my own making. '<img'>



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2013, 12:19:02 am »

               I advise never deleting lines from script just for this reason.

Instead of deleting, just use /* and */.

For adding in, put something like:
//////my changes here, for xxx reason
your script
///// end of my changes.

That way if something doesn't work, you know what changes you made as soon as you open the script in the toolkit.  Same for if at some later point you decide you don't like your changes.

Also good for testing purposes.



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NWN default scripts
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2013, 12:21:23 am »

               Until you know your way around all the bioware scripts, and I don't, you may want to add in notes too, like:
////this does this
random bioware script


#include pingping
///pingping is the generic heartbeat function for mobs