Author Topic: MAGUS REST SYSTEM  (Read 249 times)


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« on: July 14, 2013, 11:07:18 pm »

               I am working on a user configurable rest system which I call the MAGUS' REST SYSTEM.

A beta release is available here.

What is the Beta Version
This is a complete release but lacks external documentation and lacks a lean install. The current ERF includes the rest system and extras. With all of these resources the system behaves almost identically to the rest system I implemented for Arnheim. I cut out and simplified a few things so as to limit the extract. But its still large as it includes the rest system, the camp system and the food system along with zdialog (slightly modified as I fixed a few minor bugs but not all), a number of placeables (campfire, campsite, cookpot), a trigger (restarea), and items (firewood, tree branch, cookpot, bedroll, apple, rations, raw meat).

The scripts are very well commented, and each of the blueprints has a comments section which describes some of the basics for their use.

To install, put "rest_module" in your module event script. To see the campfires make the firewood available in your module. To play with the campfire make additional firewood or tree branches available, along with the cook pot, and raw meat. Players can eat the apple or rations. Firewood can be used to build a campfire.

Why is this system special?

It is built to be customized and I believe it can accommodate any rest system you can imagine. The file structure is also set up so that I can release bug fixes to the core files without impacting the configurable files which users will change to customize their rest systems.

Once I get to documentation I'll release detailed information about this system. This thread however is up here for comments from users of the system. Presently I am going to modify the system to work for a Vives module and see how "unlimited configurability" works when adapting this for another builder's module. Once its been tested a bit I'll release a proper version for public consumption. (I have already anticipated one problem: the rules and placeables and items that I defined for your use in the rest_config script require the use of items that have local variables. This means you'll need a special store script to preserve the local variables such as wyldhunts store variable fix )

In the meantime I would appreciate feedback from others with regards to what they think of this system. Once I have some feedback I'll release the official version to the various vaults.


                     Modifié par henesua, 14 juillet 2013 - 11:22 .


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2013, 12:27:55 am »


I'll be attempting to incorporate this in Foundation Alpha (probably with a lot of help :-P ).
I'll go for the whole shebang for now, but will probably need to divide this into two components later on... the core rest system we incorporate into Foundation and a plug-in expansion for optional features.

Anyway, we'll give it a try and see what happens :-)

<...a breather>



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« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2014, 08:43:57 pm »

               I am working more on this - specifically the campfire portion - and need some info.

When resting if a hostile creature is nearby you are prevented from resting. I need to know how far a hostile has to be so that resting can proceed.



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« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2014, 10:45:56 pm »

               I did testing and found the rough answer. It appears that you need to be 32meters from a hostile in order to rest.