Author Topic: NWNX2 Chat Commands & Color Systems By Genisys/Guile  (Read 296 times)


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NWNX2 Chat Commands & Color Systems By Genisys/Guile
« on: June 07, 2013, 02:34:31 pm »

               I've recently uploaded my nwnx2 chat commands & color system to the vault, it's just got approved, yay, thanks kip!

It includes nwnx_funcs & nwnx_cool as well, so there is a lot of room for customization here, which would also allow the DM to modify their weapons w/ chat commands, e.g. give them 20 attacks/round, change their character stats / add feats, or whatever IN GAME, but its' up to the builder/scripter to edit the system to their taste....

I've also provided my persistent Chest & DM Store, & new dimensionals tent (which includes party loot dividing).

I've only integrated Higher Grounds Emotes & Dice Rolling, it does NOT read / use tells, sorry.
(I cannot support Sim Tools in my Chat Commands, as it would probably cause issues.)

There is also one other system I forgot to talk about, there is a custom conversation system that I setup in this module, which basically has integrated ALL of the conversations into one script routine, so you builders/scripters could learn a lot from this system, as it will permit you to integrate all of your conversations into the same conversation script routine (gen_conv_)  Basically it has allowed me to remove 200+ scripts from the module!

Finally, I may update this later to include my DM Toolz, which is a conversation that gives the DMs a huge amount of control & features w/ nwnx2, bascially they target a PC with the DM Tool, and they will be able to do just about anything to the PC (while playing themselves as a PC as well!)

Anyway, Cheers & Enjoy, if you can.. ':wizard:'

Genisys / Guile

Updated to the final edition, fixed the DM Scry / (DM Toolz) conversation, added some more features (as some features were not working as well), and removed quite a few script. (147 total now)

Still a very impressive system for what all it can do, definitely! (use the same link provided)


                     Modifié par _Guile, 12 juin 2013 - 05:04 .



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NWNX2 Chat Commands & Color Systems By Genisys/Guile
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2013, 01:38:20 pm »

               Great Work!! Guile '<img'>

I look forward seeing you other projects. Including "Underworld II"

Hope to hear from you soon..



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NWNX2 Chat Commands & Color Systems By Genisys/Guile
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2013, 04:03:14 pm »


L0BSTER wrote...

Great Work!! Guile '<img'>

I look forward seeing you other projects. Including "Underworld II"

Hope to hear from you soon..

Thanks. =)

Underworld II is still quite some ways out, I'm still rebuilding my starter modules, and that's taking an extreme amount of work as I haven't integrated my content into a base 1.69 module yet...

Anyway, I'll keep everyone posted.  '<img'>


                     Modifié par _Guile, 08 juin 2013 - 03:09 .



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NWNX2 Chat Commands & Color Systems By Genisys/Guile
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 02:38:57 pm »

               I've also just released the nwnx2 version of my enchanting gem system, for those who are interested...

This version comes with Permanent Feats, if you are using nwnx_funcs & nwnx2 to host the module with this system in it, otherwise you can only use the base property gems that are only applied to items, not directly to the character sheet.


                     Modifié par _Guile, 10 juin 2013 - 01:41 .



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NWNX2 Chat Commands & Color Systems By Genisys/Guile
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2013, 06:03:51 am »

               Updated to the final edition, fixed the DM Scry / (DM Toolz) conversation, added some more features (as some features were not working as well), and removed quite a few script.  (147 total now)

Still a very impressive system for what all it can do, definitely!  (use the same link provided)