Terrorble wrote...
Okay, so make the trap infinite, then you are saying in its impact script, have it compare the entering NPC's faction to say TRAP_SAFE_FACTION|string|... that I set on the area to see whether it activates or not? Or by "custom script" did you mean something else?
To do this, I could add a check to the 50ish nw_t1_ or x2_t1_ scripts to see if they should activate, right? (Sir Elric's system doesn't specify a custom impact script, so it uses the defaults)
Here is an impact script that directly looks up the script for you.
void main()
object oEnter = GetEnteringObject();
object oFaction = GetLocalObject(GetArea(oEnter), "TrapFaction");
if(GetFirstFactionMember(oFaction) == GetFirstFactionMember(oEnter)) return;
ExecuteScript(Get2DAString("traps", "TrapScript", GetTrapBaseType(OBJECT_SELF)), OBJECT_SELF);
DestroyObject(OBJECT_SELF, 0.1);