Author Topic: DM not crossing seamless area transitions  (Read 417 times)


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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:55:44 pm »

               Hi folks,

Spent 3 months rebuilding an abandonned PW, and am almost at the part where I only have the fun bits left to do. However for the life of me I cannot work out this problem.

DM will not cross seamless area transitions (DM possessed creature does no problem). I'm not a scripter, though I've improved a little from zero knowledge over the last three months.

Here is the script, I'm sure I am only missing a line in the right place, any ideas?

Any advice gratefully received...

//////                  ALL-IN-ONE SEAMLESS AREA TRANSITIONER  (for Neverwinter Nights)                 //////
//////  Date:  July 19, 2002  -  Version 1.1                                                            //////
//////  Created by:  Jaga Te'lesin      (                                        //////
//////                                        Copyright Notice                                          //////
//////  You may use this script for personal use however you like.  But if you redistribute you *must*  //////
//////  leave all code untouched and with all comments intact.                                          //////
//////                                   For detailed instructions:                                     //////
//////  Please see the readme file that comes with the standard .zip distribution of this script.       //////
//////  It contains detailed installation and configuration instructions. A current version of this     //////
//////  script and the accompanying demo module can be found at:                                        //////
//////                      http://home.earthlin...テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ  //////

#include "op_dynamicareas"
#include "op_inc_navmsgs"

const int nKS_WBORDER = 47;
const int nKS_NBORDER = 51;
const int nGS_EBORDER = 57;
const int nGS_SBORDER = 47;
const int nTW_NBORDERX = 38;
const int nTW_WLIMIT = 20;
const int nTW_SBORDER = 57;
const int nHP_NBORDER = 40;
const int nHP_SBORDERX = 61;
const int nHP_ELIMIT = 80;
const int nHP_NLIMIT = 20;
const int nTW_SLIMIT = 80;

const string sNWMESSAGE = "The wide river and the tall mountains loom before you; you cannot go further north.";
const string sWKSMESSAGE = "The tall peaks of the Kora Shan loom before you; you cannot go further east.";
const string sTWWMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further west.";
const string sHPEMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further east.";
const string sEKSMESSAGE = "The sodden bog and the tall mountains loom before you; you may not go further south.";
const string sEGSMESSAGE = "The towering peaks of the Glittering Spires loom before you; you cannot go further west.";
const string sHPNMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further north.";
const string sTWSMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further south.";

void   TransportEffect     ( object oTarget , float fDuration );
string GetNumberPadding    ( int nNumber );
int    GetIsValidTransArea ( string sAreaTag );
int    NLimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
int    SLimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
int    ELimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
int    WLimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
object oPC = GetEnteringObject(); //added this line to no effect
int GetIsDM(object oPC); //added this line to no effect
int GetIsDMPossessed(object oPC); //added this line to no effect

void main()
{ /// Begin User-Defined Variables ///
    float fMaxAreaDim = 160.0f;      // 10.0 per tile in one dimension.  (Areas under 3x3 not recommended)
                                    // Example: 16x16 areas would use 160.0f, 8x8 areas would use 80.0f, etc.
                                    //      *** NOTE:  Linked areas *should* be square only! ***
    float fLandingOffset = 8.0f;    // Distance out from edge in destination Area that PC will land (8 to 10 recommended)
    float fDiagTransSize = 10.0f;    // Distance out from any corner to sense diagonal movement (8 to 15 recommended)
    float fTransitionDelay = 2.5f;  // Delay before zoning, used to prevent cheating by PC's (2.0 to 4.0 recommended)
    int nDEBUG = TRUE;             // Turns on feedback while zoning.  Use for problem solving only, normal state is FALSE.
/// End User-Defined Variables   ///

    object oPC = GetEnteringObject();

// added for custom Outpost content
    string sOldArea = GetTag(GetArea(oPC));
    if ((oPC != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetLocalInt(oPC,"m_nZoning") != TRUE))
        if (GetLocalInt(GetLocalObject(oPC, "SpawnedBy"),"DontZone") == 1)  return;
        vector vPCVector = GetPosition(oPC);                        // PC's current Vector
        float fPCFacing = GetFacingFromLocation(GetLocation(oPC));  // Direction PC is facing
        float fNorthDist = fMaxAreaDim - vPCVector.y;               // Distance from North edge
        float fSouthDist = vPCVector.y;                             // Distance from South edge
        float fEastDist = fMaxAreaDim - vPCVector.x;                // Distance from East edge
        float fWestDist = vPCVector.x;                              // Distance from West edge
        float fLeast = fMaxAreaDim;                                 // Initialize smallest found dist from any edge
        object oArea;                                               // Destination area
        location lLoc;                                              // Placeholder location for general use
        int nNumber;                                                // Placeholder number for general use
        int nSuccess = FALSE;                                       // Good zone located flag
        int nDir2;                                                  // Fallback direction for diagonal movement
        effect eZoneEffect3 = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_ACID_L);   // ZoneIn effect for end-of-transition
        int nDir;                                                   // Direction: N=1,S=2,E=3,W=4,NW=5,NE=6,SW=7,SE=8

        // Loop through distances to find direction PC is moving, and set nDir to that direction
        nDir = 1;      // PC at NORTH edge
        fLeast = fNorthDist;
        if (fSouthDist <= fLeast)
            nDir = 2;  // PC at SOUTH edge
            fLeast = fSouthDist;
        if (fEastDist <= fLeast)
            nDir = 3;  // PC at EAST edge
            fLeast = fEastDist;
        if (fWestDist <= fLeast)
            nDir = 4;  // PC at WEST edge
            fLeast = fWestDist;
        if ((fSouthDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)) && (fWestDist < fDiagTransSize))
            nDir = 5;  // PC in NORTHWEST trigger area
         else if ((fSouthDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)) && (fWestDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)))
                  nDir = 6;  // PC in NORTHEAST trigger area
              else if ((fSouthDist < fDiagTransSize) && (fWestDist < fDiagTransSize))
                       nDir = 7;  // PC in SOUTHWEST trigger area
                   else if ((fSouthDist < fDiagTransSize) && (fWestDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)))
                            nDir = 8;  // PC in SOUTHEAST trigger area

        string sDestAreaX, sDestAreaY;
        int nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY;
// start outpost custom content
        object oOldArea = GetArea(oPC);
        if (nDEBUG) PrintString(GetTag(oOldArea));
        string sCurAreaTag  = GetStringLowerCase(GetTag(oOldArea));         // X,Y,Z Tag of Current Area
        int bDynamicArea = (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaTag, 4) == "dyna");
        if (nDEBUG && bDynamicArea) PrintString("Entering dynamic area");
        string sCurAreaX;
        string sCurAreaY;
        string sCurAreaZ;

        if (bDynamicArea)
            if (nDEBUG) PrintString("Leaving dynamic area");
            nCurAreaX = GetLocalInt(oOldArea, "iX");
            nCurAreaY = GetLocalInt(oOldArea, "iY");
            if (nDEBUG) PrintString("area trans: " + IntToString(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(nCurAreaY));

            sCurAreaX = "p" + IntToString(nCurAreaX);
            sCurAreaY = "p" + IntToString(nCurAreaY);
            sCurAreaZ = "p00";
// end outpost custom content (except for the brackets)
            string sXYTag       = GetStringLeft(sCurAreaTag,6);                     // Separate out X/Y from Z coordinate
            sCurAreaX    = GetStringLeft(sXYTag,3);                          // X-coordinate of current area (from Tag)
            sCurAreaY    = GetStringRight(sXYTag,3);                         // Y-coordinate of current area (from Tag)
            sCurAreaZ    = GetStringRight(sCurAreaTag,3);                    // Z-coordinate of current area (from Tag)

            if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaX,1) == "p")
                nCurAreaX = StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaX,2));
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area X coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX)) + ".");
                if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaX,1) == "n")
                    nCurAreaX = (StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaX,2)) * (-1));
                    if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area X coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX)) + ".");

            if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaY,1) == "p")
                nCurAreaY = StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaY,2));
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area Y coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY)) + ".");
                if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaY,1) == "n")
                    nCurAreaY = (StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaY,2)) * (-1));
                    if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area Y coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY)) + ".");

        switch (nDir)           // Calculate new Area Tag based on the direction they are moving, and move them
            case 1:             // Moving NORTH
                if (NLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sCurAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
                    if (GetIsObjectValid(oArea))
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(vPCVector.x,fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving North:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sCurAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving North...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 2:  // Moving SOUTH
                if (SLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sCurAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(vPCVector.x,fMaxAreaDim - fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving South:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sCurAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving South...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 3:  // Moving EAST
                if (ELimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sCurAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(fLandingOffset,vPCVector.y),fPCFacing);
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving East:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sCurAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving East...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 4:  // Moving WEST
                if (WLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sCurAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(fMaxAreaDim - fLandingOffset,vPCVector.y),fPCFacing);
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving West:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sCurAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving West...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 5:  // Moving NORTHWEST
// check for limits of the map
                if (NLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                if (WLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
// end limits
                sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
                sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY));
//                if (GetIsValidTransArea(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ))  // If target Area is validated..
//                {
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(fMaxAreaDim - fLandingOffset,fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
                if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Destination Area validated, moving NorthWest:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
                if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving NorthWest...",oPC);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
//                if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
//                }
//                else
//                {
//                    if (fNorthDist <= fWestDist)
//                        nDir2 = 1;      // Set fallback direction indicator to North
//                    else nDir2 = 4;     // Set fallback direction indicator to West
//                    if (nDir2 == 1)  // Try to move them North since it was closer edge..
//                    {
//                        if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Destination Area NOT validated, trying North..");
//                        ++nCurAreaX;
//                        sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
//                        if (GetIsValidTransArea(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ))
//                        {
//                            oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
//                            lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(vPCVector.x,fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
//                            nSuccess = TRUE;
//                            if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"North is valid and will be used:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
//                            if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving North...",oPC);
//                        }
//                        if (nSuccess == FALSE)   // Try to move them West since North Failed..
//                        {
//                            if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"North Area NOT validated, trying West...");
//                            --nCurAreaX;
//                            ++nCurAreaY;
//                            sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
//                            sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCu



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 10:22:41 pm »

               We use something similar for our overland travel system. Unfortunately, DMs do not fire generic triggers when they enter them unlike area transition triggers. The only workaround I have found is to possess a creature and test them that way.



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 10:34:50 pm »

               I concur with Thayan as I had the same problem.

I unfortunately can not remember if this solved the problem... but one thing that will be helpful to do is to change the trigger type to Transition or the like. Another useful thing to do is to have the transition trigger target a waypoint.

Both of those changes enabled me to solve the problem of creatures not following PCs across transitions.

I have forgotten what this did for DMs as I haven't run any events in that module since August.



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 10:40:40 pm »

               The dm outside clicks on the trigger and choose fire enter event.



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 10:48:03 pm »

               Hmm. The script is a bit hard to read in it's current format and it also just kinda gets cut off at the end there. But from what I can see so far is that most of your debugging code is checking GetIsPC(oPC) so DMs won't see any of the debug code. Not that that would prevent a DM for transitioning but it might help see whats going on. There is a variable that is being checked right off the bat. It is set in some other script, on a LocalObject called "SpawnedBy", so  perhaps it's being set for DMs? Lastly we also can't see the DetachArea function which is also checking GetIsPC(oPC). Could be one/some of these things. Could be something completely different. Hopefully it can help point you in the right direction.

//////                  ALL-IN-ONE SEAMLESS AREA TRANSITIONER  (for Neverwinter Nights)                 //////
//////  Date:  July 19, 2002  -  Version 1.1                                                            //////
//////  Created by:  Jaga Te'lesin      (                                        //////
//////                                        Copyright Notice                                          //////
//////  You may use this script for personal use however you like.  But if you redistribute you *must*  //////
//////  leave all code untouched and with all comments intact.                                          //////
//////                                   For detailed instructions:                                     //////
//////  Please see the readme file that comes with the standard .zip distribution of this script.       //////
//////  It contains detailed installation and configuration instructions. A current version of this     //////
//////  script and the accompanying demo module can be found at:                                        //////
//////                      http://home.earthlin...テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ テつ  //////

#include "op_dynamicareas"
#include "op_inc_navmsgs"

const int nKS_WBORDER = 47;
const int nKS_NBORDER = 51;
const int nGS_EBORDER = 57;
const int nGS_SBORDER = 47;
const int nTW_NBORDERX = 38;
const int nTW_WLIMIT = 20;
const int nTW_SBORDER = 57;
const int nHP_NBORDER = 40;
const int nHP_SBORDERX = 61;
const int nHP_ELIMIT = 80;
const int nHP_NLIMIT = 20;
const int nTW_SLIMIT = 80;

const string sNWMESSAGE = "The wide river and the tall mountains loom before you; you cannot go further north.";
const string sWKSMESSAGE = "The tall peaks of the Kora Shan loom before you; you cannot go further east.";
const string sTWWMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further west.";
const string sHPEMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further east.";
const string sEKSMESSAGE = "The sodden bog and the tall mountains loom before you; you may not go further south.";
const string sEGSMESSAGE = "The towering peaks of the Glittering Spires loom before you; you cannot go further west.";
const string sHPNMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further north.";
const string sTWSMESSAGE = "Due to module limitations, you may not go further south.";

void   TransportEffect     ( object oTarget , float fDuration );
string GetNumberPadding    ( int nNumber );
int    GetIsValidTransArea ( string sAreaTag );
int    NLimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
int    SLimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
int    ELimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
int    WLimitCheck         ( int nCurAreaX, int nCurAreaY, object oPC );
object oPC = GetEnteringObject(); //added this line to no effect
int GetIsDM(object oPC); //added this line to no effect
int GetIsDMPossessed(object oPC); //added this line to no effect

void main()
{ /// Begin User-Defined Variables ///
    float fMaxAreaDim = 160.0f;      // 10.0 per tile in one dimension.  (Areas under 3x3 not recommended)
                                    // Example: 16x16 areas would use 160.0f, 8x8 areas would use 80.0f, etc.
                                    //      *** NOTE:  Linked areas *should* be square only! ***
    float fLandingOffset = 8.0f;    // Distance out from edge in destination Area that PC will land (8 to 10 recommended)
    float fDiagTransSize = 10.0f;    // Distance out from any corner to sense diagonal movement (8 to 15 recommended)
    float fTransitionDelay = 2.5f;  // Delay before zoning, used to prevent cheating by PC's (2.0 to 4.0 recommended)
    int nDEBUG = TRUE;             // Turns on feedback while zoning.  Use for problem solving only, normal state is FALSE.
/// End User-Defined Variables   ///

    object oPC = GetEnteringObject();

// added for custom Outpost content
    string sOldArea = GetTag(GetArea(oPC));
    if ((oPC != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetLocalInt(oPC,"m_nZoning") != TRUE))
        if (GetLocalInt(GetLocalObject(oPC, "SpawnedBy"),"DontZone") == 1)  return;
        vector vPCVector = GetPosition(oPC);                        // PC's current Vector
        float fPCFacing = GetFacingFromLocation(GetLocation(oPC));  // Direction PC is facing
        float fNorthDist = fMaxAreaDim - vPCVector.y;               // Distance from North edge
        float fSouthDist = vPCVector.y;                             // Distance from South edge
        float fEastDist = fMaxAreaDim - vPCVector.x;                // Distance from East edge
        float fWestDist = vPCVector.x;                              // Distance from West edge
        float fLeast = fMaxAreaDim;                                 // Initialize smallest found dist from any edge
        object oArea;                                               // Destination area
        location lLoc;                                              // Placeholder location for general use
        int nNumber;                                                // Placeholder number for general use
        int nSuccess = FALSE;                                       // Good zone located flag
        int nDir2;                                                  // Fallback direction for diagonal movement
        effect eZoneEffect3 = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_ACID_L);   // ZoneIn effect for end-of-transition
        int nDir;                                                   // Direction: N=1,S=2,E=3,W=4,NW=5,NE=6,SW=7,SE=8

        // Loop through distances to find direction PC is moving, and set nDir to that direction
        nDir = 1;      // PC at NORTH edge
        fLeast = fNorthDist;
        if (fSouthDist <= fLeast)
            nDir = 2;  // PC at SOUTH edge
            fLeast = fSouthDist;
        if (fEastDist <= fLeast)
            nDir = 3;  // PC at EAST edge
            fLeast = fEastDist;
        if (fWestDist <= fLeast)
            nDir = 4;  // PC at WEST edge
            fLeast = fWestDist;
        if ((fSouthDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)) && (fWestDist < fDiagTransSize))
            nDir = 5;  // PC in NORTHWEST trigger area
         else if ((fSouthDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)) && (fWestDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)))
                  nDir = 6;  // PC in NORTHEAST trigger area
              else if ((fSouthDist < fDiagTransSize) && (fWestDist < fDiagTransSize))
                       nDir = 7;  // PC in SOUTHWEST trigger area
                   else if ((fSouthDist < fDiagTransSize) && (fWestDist > (fMaxAreaDim-fDiagTransSize)))
                            nDir = 8;  // PC in SOUTHEAST trigger area

        string sDestAreaX, sDestAreaY;
        int nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY;
// start outpost custom content
        object oOldArea = GetArea(oPC);
        if (nDEBUG) PrintString(GetTag(oOldArea));
        string sCurAreaTag  = GetStringLowerCase(GetTag(oOldArea));         // X,Y,Z Tag of Current Area
        int bDynamicArea = (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaTag, 4) == "dyna");
        if (nDEBUG && bDynamicArea) PrintString("Entering dynamic area");
        string sCurAreaX;
        string sCurAreaY;
        string sCurAreaZ;

        if (bDynamicArea)
            if (nDEBUG) PrintString("Leaving dynamic area");
            nCurAreaX = GetLocalInt(oOldArea, "iX");
            nCurAreaY = GetLocalInt(oOldArea, "iY");
            if (nDEBUG) PrintString("area trans: " + IntToString(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(nCurAreaY));

            sCurAreaX = "p" + IntToString(nCurAreaX);
            sCurAreaY = "p" + IntToString(nCurAreaY);
            sCurAreaZ = "p00";
// end outpost custom content (except for the brackets)
            string sXYTag       = GetStringLeft(sCurAreaTag,6);                     // Separate out X/Y from Z coordinate
            sCurAreaX    = GetStringLeft(sXYTag,3);                          // X-coordinate of current area (from Tag)
            sCurAreaY    = GetStringRight(sXYTag,3);                         // Y-coordinate of current area (from Tag)
            sCurAreaZ    = GetStringRight(sCurAreaTag,3);                    // Z-coordinate of current area (from Tag)

            if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaX,1) == "p")
                nCurAreaX = StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaX,2));
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area X
coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) +
IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX)) + ".");
                if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaX,1) == "n")
                    nCurAreaX = (StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaX,2)) * (-1));
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area X
coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) +
IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX)) + ".");

            if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaY,1) == "p")
                nCurAreaY = StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaY,2));
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area Y
coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) +
IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY)) + ".");
                if (GetStringLeft(sCurAreaY,1) == "n")
                    nCurAreaY = (StringToInt(GetStringRight(sCurAreaY,2)) * (-1));
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Current Area Y
coordinate is " + GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) +
IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY)) + ".");

        switch (nDir)           // Calculate new Area Tag based on the direction they are moving, and move them
            case 1:             // Moving NORTH
                if (NLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sCurAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
                    if (GetIsObjectValid(oArea))
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(vPCVector.x,fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving North:" +
"\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sCurAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y
TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving North...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 2:  // Moving SOUTH
                if (SLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sCurAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(vPCVector.x,fMaxAreaDim - fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving South:" +
"\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sCurAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y
TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving South...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 3:  // Moving EAST
                if (ELimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sCurAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(fLandingOffset,vPCVector.y),fPCFacing);
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving East:" +
"\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y
TAG is " + sCurAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving East...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 4:  // Moving WEST
                if (WLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sCurAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(fMaxAreaDim - fLandingOffset,vPCVector.y),fPCFacing);
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Moving West:" +
"\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y
TAG is " + sCurAreaY + ".");
                if ((oArea != OBJECT_INVALID) && (GetAreaFromLocation(lLoc) == oArea))
                    if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving West...",oPC);
//outpost stuff
//                    if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                    //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
            case 5:  // Moving NORTHWEST
// check for limits of the map
                if (NLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
                if (WLimitCheck(nCurAreaX,nCurAreaY,oPC)==TRUE) return;
// end limits
                sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
                sDestAreaY = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaY) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaY));
//                if (GetIsValidTransArea(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ))  // If target Area is validated..
//                {
                oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
                if (oArea == OBJECT_INVALID)
                    oArea = GetObjectByTag(PickDynamicArea(nCurAreaX, nCurAreaY,oPC,oOldArea,bDynamicArea));
// end Outpost custom stuff
                lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(fMaxAreaDim - fLandingOffset,fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Destination Area
validated, moving NorthWest:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " +
sDestAreaX + "." + "\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
                if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving NorthWest...",oPC);
// Outpost custom stuff for dynamic areas
//                if (GetIsPC(oPC)) DetachArea(sOldArea);
                //MRC_TransitionMerchant(oPC, lLoc, fTransitionDelay);
//                }
//                else
//                {
//                    if (fNorthDist <= fWestDist)
//                        nDir2 = 1;      // Set fallback direction indicator to North
//                    else nDir2 = 4;     // Set fallback direction indicator to West
//                    if (nDir2 == 1)  // Try to move them North since it was closer edge..
//                    {
//                        if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"Destination Area NOT validated, trying North..");
//                        ++nCurAreaX;
//                        sDestAreaX = GetNumberPadding(nCurAreaX) + IntToString(abs(nCurAreaX));
//                        if (GetIsValidTransArea(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ))
//                        {
//                            oArea = GetObjectByTag(sDestAreaX + sDestAreaY + sCurAreaZ);
//                            lLoc = Location(oArea,Vector(vPCVector.x,fLandingOffset),fPCFacing);
//                            nSuccess = TRUE;
if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"North is valid and
will be used:" + "\\nDestination Area X TAG is " + sDestAreaX + "." +
"\\nDestination Area Y TAG is " + sDestAreaY + ".");
//                            if (GetIsPC(oPC))  FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Moving North...",oPC);
//                        }
//                        if (nSuccess == FALSE)   // Try to move them West since North Failed..
//                        {
//                            if (nDEBUG) if (GetIsPC(oPC))  SendMessageToPC(oPC,"North Area NOT validated, trying West...");
//                            --nCurAreaX;
//     &



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 10:53:41 pm »


//////                                        Copyright Notice                                          //////
//////  You may use this script for personal use however you like.  But if you redistribute you *must*  //////
//////  leave all code untouched and with all comments intact.                                          //////

That is why I haven't distributed my changes to this script. Eventually I'll rewrite it and post my improved version.

But more importantly I'd be careful about reposting it. Its not that big of a deal, as that is not a real copyright. BUT it does indicate the author's wishes that we not repost altered forms of their script.


                     Modifiテδゥ par henesua, 13 fテδゥvrier 2013 - 10:54 .



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2013, 09:07:50 am »

               Thanks all, lots of helpful responses!

It is basically the genetic trigger problem Thayan mentions. Since it would take days to change all the triggers, I'm just going to have to stick with as is.

ShadowM, thanks, that works, although all triggers do not always appear. However since the DM possessed can get through, it is no big deal to create a bird or something and cross. Will put this in the DM guide I am making for the module.

Cheers again for your help folks '<img'>



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2013, 10:00:34 am »

               if you are using the same blueprint for all the triggers, you could update it, and then use the automated update all instances option. This does lock up your computer for awhile while it goes about updating, but that is what I did when I needed to make this change.



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 10:04:58 am »

               Thanks, will look into that now '<img'>



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 10:32:00 am »

               Grrr, they used the standard resources new generic trigger, can't edit, and seamless area transtion custom trigger you can't edit the trigger type. Back to the fudge fix...



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2013, 04:32:54 pm »

               If there is a custom blueprint for your seamless area transition:

edit one of the area transition triggers in an area
after editing right click on it and update its blueprint
then right click the blueprint and update instances



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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2013, 01:58:45 am »


GhostOfGod wrote...

Hmm. The script is a bit hard to read in it's current format and it also just kinda gets cut off at the end there. But from what I can see so far is that most of your debugging code is checking GetIsPC(oPC) so DMs won't see any of the debug code.

This is wrong. DM avatars return TRUE for GetIsPC.




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DM not crossing seamless area transitions
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2013, 10:39:47 am »


FunkySwerve wrote...

GhostOfGod wrote...

Hmm. The script is a bit hard to read in it's current format and it also just kinda gets cut off at the end there. But from what I can see so far is that most of your debugging code is checking GetIsPC(oPC) so DMs won't see any of the debug code.

This is wrong. DM avatars return TRUE for GetIsPC.


Oh boy. See what happens when you get away from NWN for too long, forget everything, and then you come back and think you know what your talking about. '<img'>


                     Modifiテδゥ par GhostOfGod, 15 fテδゥvrier 2013 - 10:40 .