Is there an explanation anywhere to add new sounds to the game besides haks? Recently I've been working on creating new content and a lot of it is epic quests/challenges(voices for cutscene "movies" and voiceover sounds describing a countdown of time left/number of survivors are what is intended, such as "5 orcs remaining in the village"). I've already learned how to change area music to an extent my players just need to download a playlist of music from one of my private download locations, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to add new sounds. Mind you I have NOTHING against haks, but I'm trying to get everything out of the default game before I start requiring players to download something for the "upgraded" game(probably around the point I reach the 16,000 resource limit I'll start downloading haks). Adding new sounds is just really useful for a lot of reasons and I'd LOVE to know how to do it. Sounds would allow me to give players an accurate representation of time left for spells/feats as well and it just adds a lot more to the game in general.
I live at a college FULL of students willing to be my free voice actors so I'm sure I can come up with some good sounding voices to do the voicing