I'm working on a tailor conversation that allows the PC to change body parts (like Bioware's XP2 crafting) but I can't get the conditional parameters to work no matter what I do.
Here's what I need to do:
For male heads I need to skip the following number ranges: 35-37, 40-111, 145-155, 158-159, 165-176, 181, 186-197. The maximum value of the range is 199. The minimum value is 1.
For female heads I need to skip: 32-139, 153-154, 156, 158-159, 165, 169-174, 176, 178-179. The maximum value for the range 181. The minimum value is 1.
For torso parts (both sexes) I need to skip: 1-19, 24, 26, 29-35. The maximum value for the range is 36. The minimum value is 0.
I need to do these checks for a "Get Next Part" conversation parameter (which indexes the values +1) and a "Get Previous Part" parameter which indexes the value -1). For "Get Next Part", if the last part was the maximum value then it needs to index to the beginning of the series (which would be minimum value). For "Get Previous Part", if the last value was the minimum value then it needs to index to the end of the series (which would be the maximum value).
I know this is pretty simple stuff, but I just can't get it to work