Silvercloudjes wrote...
I consistently get this error in nwnx.log after my server has been on for about 2mins and then the server crashes:
* Function not specified.* Library FUNCS!GETHASLOCALVARIABLE does not exist.* Library FUNCS!GETLOCALVARIABLECOUNT does not exist.* NWNX2 shutting down...
I'm using:0.3.4 of nwnx_chat
and version 2.7b-4 of nwnx2
My OS:
Clean Windows 7 Professional Install
Any ideas what is going on?
Those routines looks to be in nwnx_funcs, so I'd say you need to have that installed as well for nwnx_chat to work properly.
These are likely the missing routines, both in the version of nwnx_funcs I have:
// Checks if oObject has a local variable with the name sVarName
// iVarType specifies the type of local variable to look for (LV_TYPE_*)
// The default (iVarType = 0) disregards type and find the first local variable with the specified name
// The return value is the type of variable (LV_TYPE_*) or zero if no local variable was found
int NWNXFuncs_GetHasLocalVariable(object oObject, string sVarName, int iVarType = 0);
// Returns the total number of Local Variables set on oObject
int NWNXFuncs_GetLocalVariableCount(object oObject);
Try installing that as well if you aren't running it yet. If you are already, then I have no idea what's causing the crash.