You can initiate a conversation with yourself but personally, that's messy - you hear your own voiceset greet you and you see your own portrait as well - so this is how you can avoid that.
void main()
object oPC = GetEnteringObject();
if( GetIsPC( oPC ) )
AssignCommand (oPC, ClearAllActions());
DelayCommand(0.5, AssignCommand( oPC, ActionStartConversation( oPC, "_at_convo1" ) ) );
Draw a regular trigger at your desired exit point - players
will not see the BLUE AT ICON appear.
Draw a regular area transition at your desired exit point - players
will see the BLUE AT ICON appear.
Your conversation is called
_at_convo1 - you can call it what you like, just remember to modify the name in the script.
Save the script in the OnEnter of the trigger.
Create your conversation with all your destinations, text and choices for the player. Done.
If you don't care about hearing your character greet you when the conversation fires, simply use the above script and don't make a placeable or modify the conversation in any way or form.
If you'd like to know how to avoid having your character greet you and remove your own portrait in the conversation, read the instructions below.
Drop an invisible object in the middle of the trigger and edit it. Make it PLOT and remove the STATIC check. Edit the NAME and put a SPACE - this names the NAME nothing. Edit the TAG and give it a unique TAG - such as _at_convo1 - easy naming convention to match the name of the conversation it fires.
Create your conversation with all your destinations, text and choices for the player.
Now on each line of the conversation you see [OWNER] followed by the text you added. By clicking each line of the conversation, you'll see a little box in the bottom left corner with Speaker Tag and a dropdown box. Use the dropdown box to find the TAG of the placeable item - _at_convo1 - if you used the example from above. Repeat this for every [OWNER] line. This makes sure you're using the placeable item to speak with during the conversation rather than yourself.
WARNING: A note regarding this method, conversations will not fire if the player is in combat, so keep this in mind when using this for players who will may wish to flee the scene.
Modifié par Fester Pot, 02 novembre 2011 - 01:30 .