If you are talking about adding a new "APPEARANCE_TYPE_..." to the regular list, I dont think its possible. You can create an include script where you define them as constant ints, but you'll need to find the appearance's line number in the 2da.
Find the cep's version of "appearance.2da", found in the cep 'top' haks. You can use NWN Explorer to browse the .hak and extract the .2da. (you can find it at nwvault) (Can't search text files with nwnexplorer, thats why you need to extract it and open it with nopepad/whatever)
Search for your appearance type. The line you find it in has a number before it. You can use the line number with the SetAppearance function or create constant ints like APPEARANCE_TYPE_TREANT = #;
It might sound difficult but once you get the tools and figure out how to use them, which isnt hard, it takes about 30 seconds to find that number.
Modifié par Xardex, 07 octobre 2011 - 05:07 .