Lightfoot8 wrote...
We still do not have enough information to solve you problem. To help us find an answer for you, We need more information:
When did it start hapening?
What AoE spells where the PC spamming?
Does it only happen when the PC was Spaming the AoE spell?
If It only Happens when the AoE spells are used. Do you have a spell Hook in place?
Have any of the Default NPC scripts been modified?
AreYou useing any Haks.
Did it start happening after installing any Haks or ERF's
Without answers to at least some of the questions. The places to look for the solution to your problem are just way to many.
- Only noticed it recently ( a week perhaps )
- Grease & Cloud of Bewildermint
- yes only when AoE's are around and player dies.
- not sure what a spell hook is
- yes "x2_def_spawn"
- no no Haks
- no, at least I didnt notice it or it didnt happen until recently.
Here is my alterd OnSpawn script
//:://///////////////////////////////////////////////:: Name x2_def_spawn//:: Copyright © 2001 Bioware Corp.//::///////////////////////////////////////////////* Default On Spawn script
2003-07-28: Georg Zoeller:
If you set a ninteger on the creature named "X2_USERDEFINED_ONSPAWN_EVENTS" The creature will fire a pre and a post-spawn event on itself, depending on the value of that variable 1 - Fire Userdefined Event 1510 (pre spawn) 2 - Fire Userdefined Event 1511 (post spawn) 3 - Fire both events
2007-12-31: Deva Winblood Modified to look for X3_HORSE_OWNER_TAG and if it is defined look for an NPC with that tag nearby or in the module (checks near first). It will make that NPC this horse's master.
*///::////////////////////////////////////////////////:: Created By: Keith Warner, Georg Zoeller//:: Created On: June 11/03//:://////////////////////////////////////////////
#include "x2_inc_switches"void main(){ string sTag; object oNPC; // User defined OnSpawn event requested? int nSpecEvent = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,"X2_USERDEFINED_ONSPAWN_EVENTS");
// Pre Spawn Event requested if (nSpecEvent == 1 || nSpecEvent == 3 ) { SignalEvent(OBJECT_SELF,EventUserDefined(EVENT_USER_DEFINED_PRESPAWN )); }
sTag=GetLocalString(OBJECT_SELF,"X3_HORSE_OWNER_TAG"); if (GetStringLength(sTag)>0) { // look for master oNPC=GetNearestObjectByTag(sTag); if (GetIsObjectValid(oNPC)&&GetObjectType(oNPC)==OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE) { // master found AddHenchman(oNPC); } // master found else { // look in module oNPC=GetObjectByTag(sTag); if (GetIsObjectValid(oNPC)&&GetObjectType(oNPC)==OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE) { // master found AddHenchman(oNPC); } // master found else { // master does not exist - remove X3_HORSE_OWNER_TAG DeleteLocalString(OBJECT_SELF,"X3_HORSE_OWNER_TAG"); } // master does not exist - remove X3_HORSE_OWNER_TAG } // look in module } // look for master
/* Fix for the new golems to reduce their number of attacks */
int nNumber = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF,CREATURE_VAR_NUMBER_OF_ATTACKS); if (nNumber >0 ) { SetBaseAttackBonus(nNumber); }
// Execute default OnSpawn script. ExecuteScript("nw_c2_default9", OBJECT_SELF);
//Post Spawn event requeste if (nSpecEvent == 2 || nSpecEvent == 3) { SignalEvent(OBJECT_SELF,EventUserDefined(EVENT_USER_DEFINED_POSTSPAWN)); } // Set Locals to support Wolfie's Return Home Scriptlet in HeartbeatSetLocalLocation(OBJECT_SELF, "WHERE_I_SPAWNED", GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "NPC_FUNCTIONSTATE",0);}
Thanks for all the help guys