I have had it happen where an npc who has a normal script that causes them to sit will sometimes end up being dead sitting on a bench. So it is not impossible to do. The only thing I can figure is that somehow their normal script had a hold-over animation which was still in effect before they were killed and continued to play that animation. Mostly for me it was just an annoyance, as they would just set there, or sometimes stand over a bench but be dead. Well this is the script that is the likely culprit, but it is set up to have guys sitdown when it's raining. Of course it not a reliable way to do what you are asking, just pointing out that it can happen.
void main()
object oSpawn = OBJECT_SELF;
object oArea = GetArea(oSpawn);
object oBase = GetNearestObjectByTag ("GuardBench");
effect eRegenerate = EffectRegenerate(2, 6.0);
location lWP = GetLocation(oBase);
if (GetIsNight() || (GetWeather(oArea) == WEATHER_RAIN))
DelayCommand (1.0, ActionForceMoveToLocation(lWP,TRUE));
DelayCommand (10.0, ActionSit(oBase));
DelayCommand (12.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eRegenerate, oSpawn, 30.0));
Modifié par ffbj, 20 novembre 2010 - 05:02 .