TheSpiritedLass wrote...
Ahhh the dreaded "h" word. Oddly enough, you might be able to do this for monsters but not players. Since wounding is a form of damage you could hook into the OnPhysicalAttacked event? Alas, there is no such thing for players. The other dreaded "h" word, heartbeat, is a nasty route to go.
This is a very neat idea, I’ll stick it in the back of my mind and see what comes up in the way of solutions. =)
You can make pseudo OnDamaged event for players
check this thread for hint how to do that. OnPhysicalAttacked is bad place to do it anyway, you just need OnDamaged and then make pseudo-heartbeat with wounding effect, default wounding is 1magical damage per 6second IIRC. Now, you could not make the healing removal properly cos healer kits are hardcoded (again!), but otherwise it would be possible + you can make wounding +2-X... etc.