Have a merchant that has certain items in it called questmerchant (or whatever) (not npc, just the merchant) and a quest giver. The quest giver will look at the items in this merchant for 5 different items, then offer 5 quests (take one only at a time) asking for a random number of item 1, item 2, item 3, and so on.
the merchant holds the items you want the quest giver to ask for, say you have acorn, apple, iron ore, blank scroll, rogue tunic, short sword, dagger. (ok 7 items there) The quest giver will pick out 5 items (maybe more, but 5 should be good enough) offers 5 quests, each asking for 1 of the items it picked out, and a random number of each item, like 10 apples, or 15 daggers, 20 iron ore, and so on.( I guess it might be easier to give the player a token to store what the npc wants to hold the data on). then when the player returns the npc will take what the player has, not exceeding the number needed
And reward the player with xp and gold, maybe based on the sell price of the items or something.
So far this sounds alot like the RQCS, except that it call for the requested item not from a script or variable, but from items in a merchant. Should allow for alot of possible quests from 1 npc. each time the player talks to the quest giver he will offer different quests if the player isn't already doing one.
does that make sense?
the NESS loot merchant and how the system finds the loot for monsters is where I started thinking about this, but mixed with how forsetti handles the quests. Both are great systems BTW.
The RQCS is made by Forsetti and Yosemiti sam (repeatable quest contract system)
The NESS (please don't make me spell his name
'> Encounter spawn system)