Started working on a custom tile slicer and optimizer today. It has a few bugs, but it's finishing all the walkmeshes for me. A few more steps and it should all be automated for future tiles I build with this system. Right now, I'm running into the problem of sliced tiles having rotated face edges.So instead of cutting one direction across a poly, it cuts across the other. My material correction algorithm then swaps the material ID the wrong direction. Oh well. I guess some things have to be done by hand.
With this part complete, I can work on finishing touches to the actual tile groups, as well as making alt tiles for some of the larger groups. Just the groups alone, so far, is 760 some tiles. That's not even including alts at this time. If I were to duplicate everything SCL has in just one tileset, I'd be at about 3x that value already. Multiply for Drow Caves, Lava Caves, Crystal Mines, Mushroom Middledark, and Normal Caves and we'd be at 10000 tiles in this kit. Not likely to happen.