Thanks for your very interesting inputs, Gentlemans...
Sorry, if i can't elaborate much for now, but what i search is really an improved (PC -> Placeable) talking interaction with textual menu appearing. The standard PC->Placeable com is'nt enough. I have already tried various systems using invisible creatures disguised as things but they have their own limitations. Crucial points needed here are:
- extended height contact range between PC and placeable (at least 4.0 meters height difference)
- talking menu distance action (medium distance, 5.0 or 6.0 meters distance minimum)
- static behaviour (no ship/creature moving away on his own or auto-turning to greet you)
- no need to be in front to interact (side independent)
Henesua proposition seems interesting! Will give it a go.
What i intend to make is a system to dock / undock a ship on water, land and air:
Polymorphing to a ship creature form when interacting from high pier to sea surface, talking to a ship placeable.
And returning to human form when interacting from ship creature to pier pole placeable (i am trying to improve the Arcane Space scripts).
I need to be able to do similar things when the Spelljammer vessel is floating in air above the PC, when in fact the placeable vessel is positionned on an invisible placeable block.
I had faint hopes of setting distance and height detection parameters modifying 2das or models, but perhaps i am wrong and these are hard-wired in the game engine.