The following information is 100% accurate. *
Inventory icon image sizes must be a square, 1x2 rectangle, 2x1 rectangle, 1x4 rectangle, or 4x1 rectangle, based on powers of 2 and 32x32 pixel squares.
The size in the inventory window is determined by baseitems.2da, under columns InvSlotWidth and InvSlotHeight. The numbers given are the number of 32x32 columns (width) and rows (height). So, 1 and 1 for a scroll, 1 and 4 for a longsword, 2 and 4 for armor, and so on.
Icons that aren't power of 2 rectangles, such as a 1 square x 3 square icon (say, light flail) still require an image be a power of this case 32 pixels wide by 128 pixels high (1x4). The 32 pixels at the bottom of the icon are not used by the game, since baseitems.2da tells the game engine it should only use the top 96 pixels.
The largest inventory icon dimensions are width 10 and height 6...the size of a PC's inventory window. There's one item that size in the game...
Here's a helpful image I made, based on the very odd sized encampment item:
* 100% accuracy not guaranteed
Modifié par The Amethyst Dragon, 03 septembre 2013 - 03:42 .