Author Topic: Ripples on water from footsteps  (Read 500 times)

Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Ripples on water from footsteps
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2013, 10:50:18 pm »

               <thinking he gets it...>

Ok, I know the bridges you're talking about now, and I get that the material is referred to by index, in this case 22.

Now that index is applied per face, correct? So it is listed here?

Again, I am not seeing index 22 on any face, nor am I seeing the stone bridge fx in game when I walk on it. Am I *still* looking in the wrong place for the material index?

<...but still not getting it>


Legacy_s e n

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Ripples on water from footsteps
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2013, 01:12:39 am »

               from what i understand the water plane needs to be under the a dummy, and the point where the water ripple appears has something to do with camera angle too. so if the wok is at ground level and the water is at 2 m, if you have camera up and see water, the ripple renders on the water plane, but if you zoom in under the water level, the ripple appears in the wok


Legacy_Michael DarkAngel

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Ripples on water from footsteps
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2013, 03:01:24 am »

               Could not see any discernible difference in regards to angle, however, I was also testing with the vanilla rural stream and am unable to get the camera below the water plane.  So Sen's theory needs further testing.

What tile did you notice the ripple effect appear on the ground mesh?  I would like to take a look at that and see if I can find anything out that way.

I can verify that the StoneBridge walk material does in fact work.  I changed one of the tiles in my City Bridge hak as a test, and it does produce small stones that fall from the underside of the bridge as you walk across it.  You really need to pay attention though as there is a slight delay.  Not to mention the camera needs to be at the proper angle in order to view it happening.



Legacy_Michael DarkAngel

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Ripples on water from footsteps
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2013, 03:55:47 am »

               I think I found the issue.

Tile: twl01_g02_02
Click for larger image

That is the water plane intersecting the walkmesh.  Notice the blue sections (water #6) above the water plane.  I believe that is what could be causing the ripples to appear to expand onto the ground.

And if the ripples expanding from the water onto the ground isn't what you are talking about, then you'll have to point me to the specific tile that you are seeing the issue.

I have only looked at this one tile, but I'm sure the others will be like this as well.

[EDIT]Re-reading the posts here, I noticed Zwerkules has already solved the mystery.  I'm basically just providing a visual.  I'll also add, hopefully for clarification, if you were to raise the water plane so that all the blue faces were below the water plane you would no longer see the ripples on the ground.

That would be a quick and dirty fix, in that it may cause more "puddles" of water to become visible.

The proper fix would be to split the walkmesh at the level of the water plane, anything above the split would be dirt #1 and below would remain water #6.

Or just live with the beautifulness of the tileset and don't worry about it's eccentricities. ':whistle:'



                     Modifié par Michael DarkAngel, 01 août 2013 - 05:15 .



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Ripples on water from footsteps
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2013, 03:58:55 pm »


Rolo Kipp wrote...

<thinking he gets it...>

Ok, I know the bridges you're talking about now, and I get that the material is referred to by index, in this case 22.

Now that index is applied per face, correct? So it is listed here?

Again, I am not seeing index 22 on any face, nor am I seeing the stone bridge fx in game when I walk on it. Am I *still* looking in the wrong place for the material index?

<...but still not getting it>

That's very interesting, Rolo. The wok in the model itself which gets used in single player games has the material set to 22 while the material is set to 4 (rock) in the .wok file.
Usually the .wok is a copy of the aabb mesh in the model. I have no idea why there are wok files in the TNO tileset that don't match the walkmesh in the model file.


Legacy_Rolo Kipp

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Ripples on water from footsteps
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2013, 05:13:38 pm »

               <pouring some brandy...>

Then I'm not going blind? Phew! Feel much better now :-)

Ok, so I have learned that there are more than the standard 20 materials available, that the list can be extended, that the step fx is defined in surfacemat.2da and that the affect (for water) is raised above the wok to the water plane (if it exists above the wok), else it is placed at the model base *on* the wok, and is always placed on the wok for fx_step_dust and fx_step_stbrdg.

Now to make a fx_step_footprint effect for walking on snow (tangential to OP) and leaving footprints... Do *all* creatures trigger the step fx, or only those with feet? Ethereal? Can it be disabled?

If the PC is using the swim pheno, and is under the water plane, are ripples triggered on the water plane above if the water plane is part of the tile? What if the water plane is tilemagic?

<...for medicinal purposes>