Master Jax wrote...
I think... I get what you mean Zwerk, but I still don't know how I could get the window transitions fixed. You did it with the rural tileset, as I mentioned in the opening post. Your tile models are ASCII, and window day/night transitions are working fine. I mean, none of them use flare effects. How did you accomplish that? Also, I don't use Gmax, I use 3DS Max 2010. So, does the same apply to it? 0__0
I only fixed one of the windows which always had a broken animation, for those windows with working animations there was no need to fix anything. I use NWNExplorer to look for a tile, then click on the Ascii Model button and then right click it and select 'export text' and remove the .txt extension.
The ascii files I get that way never have broken animations and the animations gmax breaks on export are the ones
I mentioned before which have no proper key lists. There are a few other things that the export script breaks.
Sometimes it changes nDynamicType 1 for lights to nDynamicType 0 and if you have placeables with two use nodes,
it messes up one of them if there is no walkmesh geometry or if the use nodes are linked to the dummy before the pwk geometry. One of the use nodes is set to 0,0,0 then. Also if the pivot of the pwk geometry is not at 0,0,0 it will be
set to 0,0,0 when the placeable is exported, so make sure it already is at 0,0,0 where it should be anyway.
A lot of placeables however don't follow that guideline and the pwks get buggy when exported.
I have no idea why your night/day animations are bugged. I never saw that happen.