Just a final thought (I think) on the question from my part. It's true that I have also been enjoying nwnCQ thanks to peachykeen's shader.
While I am not big fan of the bloom (I significantly toned it down in the shader shipped with nwnCQ), I really really like the DoF effect it provides. Bioware's textures are NOT bad in themselves, they're even pretty good. With the DoF, they mechanically appear as less crisp and sharp (at some distance) however, and the overall effect is very pleasant to me.
I can't speak for Chico, but maybe his intent was to create "blurry" textures in the perspective of people using his creation with peachykeen's Shader all along. This is only theory on my side, and I of course respect anyone else's opinion on the question. If they don't like, they don't like, I can understand that.
About the geometry "swallowing" items on the ground, I checked yesterday evening, and I found a "light" override version of nwnCQ on my hard drive that doesn't add as much geometry as the other ("complete" ?) version I usually use. The trade-off using the "light" version is that the ground geometry is pretty much back to the usual and boring Biowarian "flatness", somewhat altered but not by that much. I don't know if it still can be found on the Vault, but maybe would it better suit some players.
Modifié par Nissa_Red, 01 mars 2013 - 02:48 .