Author Topic: Custom class Help - "Demigod"  (Read 268 times)


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Custom class Help - "Demigod"
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:18:27 pm »

               First thing's first - I need to mention I am an complete noob and only begining work in Custom Content. This is probably way beyond my skill level.

Due to having an interest in Ancient Greek mythology, I had an interesting idea. A "Demigod" class - though how effective this would be is hard to say.

The general idea is a Spellcasting class, which has a Cleric-like domain system...

1) Parentage: Each "Demigod" choses a "Godly Parent" (as Ancient Greek Demigods were half-human half-god). This works similarly to a Cleric's Domains... however, it is much more vital, determining almost ALL powers and spells gained by the "Demigod", and certain other bonuses besides.

2) Spells: The "Demigods" use a wisdom-based spellcasting similar to that of the Wizard - new spells can be learnt from Scrolls, but spells must be prepared before hand. ALL of a Demigod's Spells are determined by his/her "Godly Parent".

3) Certain "Godly" skills - for example, the natural ability to use "Bless" at a certain level - these would also flux depending on "Godly Parent".

4) Hit Die, etc, are fairly similar to a Fighter.

I do realise this is not particularly well thought through, I do not even know if it is possible. However, I this is what I am asking - if anyone can do any of the following, I would love the help.

1) Any ways to further specify what would work to prevent this becoming OP.
2) Any advice on which 2das, etc, to edit/use to make a custom class.
3) A link to a custom class tutorial.
4) Any other help.


Legacy_Squatting Monk

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Custom class Help - "Demigod"
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2013, 10:30:30 pm »

               Will this be for a single-player module, or for a multiplayer server? If the latter, will you be using Windows or Linux? These questions are going to determine how close to this ideal you can get, mechanics-wise.


                     Modifié par Squatting Monk, 01 février 2013 - 10:30 .



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Custom class Help - "Demigod"
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2013, 08:48:49 pm »

               It is doable, but requires a bit of work. I've made a few custom classes for the campaign game I run. Without any special mods (NWNX), you could set each "godly parentage" as a prestige class  such as 'son of Zeus class" or "son of Ares class".  Doing it this way means you will have to take a basic character class such as cleric, wizard, etc to begin with and then advance as your  custom class.

You would also have to modify the tlk and have a custom tlk so your classes, new skills, and feats show up in game. This requires you to also have custom icons  to represent your new feats, skills, classes, etc unless you just recycle what the game already has available.

New feats would require you to write custom scripts, again, unless you were cycling current game resources like "bless" for example.

You would have to modify the following 2da or create them in case of a new prestige class:
class, cls_feat_xxxx,  cls_bfeat_xxxx, cls_pres_xxxx, cls_skill_xxxx,  feat, spell, skill

Once all your work is done, then you would have to package it all up in a hak so it will show up in game and distribute it to others if this was to be a MP game.

Hope this helps.


                     Modifié par valasc, 02 février 2013 - 08:49 .